Part 37
Alright, this is going to be a pitiful update because dammit, Antalia gets to be really annoying really fast. Especially since there's nothing else to do after getting Yushis, and I'm trying to keep all your guys from getting ultra-overleveled, which is hard enough since I have to use all you healers and princesses to kill all the undead, and graaaaaaaaaah. It's like an even shittier version of the Pogrom Forest!Let's get this over with.
Oh no! It's Omicron! And he's mad! Does he have any special dialogue with major characters? I don't know! AND I DON'T FUCKING CARE I WILL SPAM TAROTS JUST TO GET RID OF YOU.

And then we went back and got OUR THIRD MOTHERFUCKIN' LICH! God damn I have never played a game where I got so overpowered.


We've got a few more upgrades: Prosbyna became a Gold Dragon, Bikke became a Samurai Master, Madel became a Muse, and Lenox, the crossdressing medicine man, became our very first Monk! And of course, we have our 3rd Lich, Saradin!
I also got rid of some excess baggage.
And we went on a puppy adoption spree.
1. Laharl, lvl 17 -- Lord
Repree, lvl 16 -- Shaman -> Monk
Grynpus, lvl 16 -- Gryphon
Ramda, lvl 15 -- Cherubim -> Seraphim
2. Lans, lvl 16 (octobernight) -- Paladin
Parker, lvl 16 (Centurion) -- Paladin
Swadda, lvl 16 (TheFonz) -- Gryphon
Rauny, lvl 17 -- Muse
3. Milky, lvl 17 (Gorbash9k) -- Cherubim -> Seraphim
Prosbyna, lvl 17 (Pamplmoose) -- Gold Dragon -> Plat
Rush, lvl 17 (Rixen) -- Paladin
Kingston, lvl 16 -- Paladin
4. Warren, lvl 17 (Javelin)-- Lich
Moira, lvl 15 (Vorxnyx) -- Cockatrice
Whitman, lvl 16 -- Ravenman
Sauzant, lvl 16 -- Ravenman
5. Victor, lvl 17 (TheUnforgiven) -- Paladin
Canopus, lvl 17 (Stop) -- Eagleman
Sara, lvl 17 (murklins)-- Shaman -> Monk
Telpassa, lvl 16 -- Titan
6. Needham, lvl 16 (Majik Ninja) -- Lich
Ohsa, lvl 16 (GetWellGamers) -- Phantom
Zett, lvl 16 -- Phantom
Mazelon, lvl 16 -- Wraith
Gerald, lvl 16 -- Wraith
7. Ashe, lvl 16 (Mathmaven) -- Paladin
Minas, lvl 16 (Stevus) -- Silver Dragon -> Gold -> Plat
Ayla, lvl 16 (mythadile) -- Muse
Merry, lvl 15 -- Muse
8. Margo, lvl 16 (bahamut) -- Cherubim -> Seraphim
Aisha, lvl 16 (Riidi WW) -- Princess
Mulkibel, lvl 15 -- (MartianAgitator) Titan
Camilla, lvl 15 -- Cherubim -> Seraphim
9. Jenny, lvl 16 (T-C47) -- Princess
Sophia, lvl 15 (Tortolia) -- Muse
Norn, lvl 16 -- Shaman -> Monk
Brigitte, lvl 15 -- Cherubim -> Seraphim
Silvia, lvl 15 -- Cherubim -> Seraphim
10. Antonio, lvl 16 (Spikey) -- Ninja Master
Straw, lvl 16 (ClothHat) -- Ninja Master
Yuenta, lvl 15 (Xae) -- Black Dragon -> Tiamat
Folk, lvl 15 (Dr. Junga) -- Werewolf
11. Leopold, lvl 16 (PopeCrunch)-- Doll Master
Gilbert, lvl 16 (Cruel World) -- Dragoner -> Master
Sting, lvl 16 (Mordecai) -- Dragoner -> Master
Ryukaon, lvl 16 (Cyberventurer) -- Red Dragon II -> Salamand
12. Mort, lvl 16 (PokerJack) -- Doll Mage
Violette, lvl 17 (Turpitude) -- Princess
Bikke, lvl 16 (moobear) -- Samurai Master
Melanbus, lvl 16 -- Gryphon
13. Geist, lvl 16 (WildMango) -- Mage
Saradin, lvl 15 (Echophonic) -- Lich
Rivera, lvl 16 (Tite-Dent) -- Demon -> Devil
Brute, lvl 16 (Zen Guerilla) -- Werewolf
Kazan, lvl 16 (kento-bento)-- Werewolf
14. Bogy, lvl 18 (Cowcaster) -- Samurai Master
Lenox, lvl 18 (E. Revenant) -- Monk
Madel, lvl 18 -- Muse
Brandell, lvl 18 -- Eagleman
Zappa, lvl 18 -- Eagleman
15. Zelig, lvl 16 (Lunarian) -- Vampyre
Salamys, lvl 15 -- Cerberus
Cook, lvl 16 -- Demon -> Devil
Notom, lvl 16 -- Demon
16. Lemon, lvl 15 (Tithin Melias) -- Shaman -> Monk
Niove, lvl 15 (Mr. Goodbar) -- Kraken
Kastali, lvl 15 (enigma74) -- Kraken
17. Fenril, lvl 17 (Cactrot) -- Dragoon
Melopus, lvl 16 (Fuzzy Mammal) -- Gold Dragon -> Plat
18. Slust, lvl 17 (kiljo) -- Dragoon
Epellio, lvl 16 -- Red Dragon II
19. Tristan, lvl 16 -- General
Claudia, lvl 14 -- Pixie
Eliza, lvl 14 -- Pixie
Omega, lvl 14 -- Rockgolem
20. Yushis, lvl 18 -- Cheribum -> Seraphim
Maleena, lvl 17 -- Angel
Tinker, lvl 17 -- Angel
Phobos, lvl 16 -- Irongolem
Shume, lvl 16 -- Cerberus
Bacchus, lvl 16 -- Cerberus
Yustitia, lvl 16 -- Cerberus
Nessos, lvl 16 -- Cerberus
Reeves, lvl 15 -- Ravenman
Buzz, lvl 16 -- Demon
Now how about some New Equipment?
Black Katana -- Str +3, Phys attack
Relic Sword -- Str +24, Int -16
Snow Orb -- Int +11, Fire -8, Ice +14
Demon Ring -- Str +21, Black +17, White -15