Part 104: Hearts of Iron II - Interlude: Strike!
Interlude: Strike!
In response to the General Strike, word is sent to the strike leaders that the government is willing to negotiate.

A week later, the strike leaders arrive in Frankfurt. After a few days of talks, they have backed down from a couple of minor points, but their overall demands remain resolute: Costly democratic and social reforms that will slash the power of the Monarch and the Reichstag in favor of an elected assembly as a check to the King. Instituting these reforms would end the strike, but asides from loss of power, there is naturally the possibility of a major backlash from the reactionary faction. Waldemar's negotiators ask for more time, in the hopes of gaining more concessions, while his Cabinet advises him to end the negotiations and send in the army.

Yep, it's voting again! Only gonna let this one run until tomorrow evening.
Option A: Agree to the demands

Option B: Stall for better conditions

Option C: Send in the army