Part 147: Chronicles of the Bhutanese Empire, Chapter One
OK guys welcome back to this Bhutan LP.
Chronicles of the Bhutanese Empire, Chapter One: The Glorious Conquest of China
This is our empire, stretching from the rocky crags of Kagar to the rocky crags of Lhasa, rich in tea, sheep and valorous Bhutanese.

Our wise government, ruled by Jigme Wanchuk, the incarnation of the Bhutan (dragon).

These are our neighbors. Our mortal foes of Yuan China has laid claim to our rightful lands for too long.

Meanwhile our good friends in Imperial India rely on us for protection and guidance. The responsibility of the dragon goes far.

In technological innovation Bhutan is unmatched and the famous Bhutanese War College is developing an entirely new form of warfare they call 'armored spearheads', based around the charge of the yak-mounted knight.

We increase intelligence funding to better know what our foes in china are doing.

Our army is the envy of the world and is led by the brilliant General Padukha.

The dragon believes that we are more than ready for war and as such war is declared on Yuan China, finally we shall reclaim what is ours.

Orders are given to begin production of the first ships in the Bhutanese navy, which will be useful once we reach the Sea of China in a few months or so.

This is the plan - a midnight attack on Qamdo will break the Yuan lines and allow us to quickly take a large swathe of territory.

General Padkuha dies in the first hours of the fight, having fallen off his yak.

After two days of bitter fighting, the Bhutanese forces win an astounding moral victory over the Yuan heathens.

We do not pause to celebrate, but instead split our forces, sending half of our army under the command of General Rgyalpo to conquer the vital industrial province of Nagqu.

Something is going on in Ireland but we don't know what because our yak-mounted messengers take a while to get to Lhasa.

We extend a generous invite to Imperial India to join in our conquests, but they foolishly refuse - more territory to us then.

Several more moral victories in Qamdo serve to spread the news of Bhutanese might and ready us for the actual, physical victory.

Nagqu falls, doubling the territory of the Empire in one fell swoop.

A new plan for an offensive is drawn up.

The treacherous Yuan launch their counterattack, and after valiant fighting General Rgyalpo makes an orderly retreat to protect Kaqar, our third most important province.

Victory in Qamdo is drawing closer day by day.

We receive news that a 'coup' has happened in Germany but the internal matters of such an insignificant country are irrelevant to the dragon.

Nagqu falls and we achieve a moral victory while attempting to retake it.

However, despite our moral victories, the Yuan have encircled us in Lhasa and a bold new plan is needed to take the initiative back.

Unfortunately the plan meets with a few setbacks.

Our new ships are ready and we look forward to having a coast to deploy them on soon!

Another minor setback occurs as our army is completely wiped out by a Yuan offensive, but we are certain that the people of Lhasa will rise and throw back the Yuan, as the dragon has decreed.

Any day now...