Part 110: Hearts of Iron II: Chapter 8 - Rise of the Orient: Jul 1938 - Jan 1939
July 1938 - January 1939: Rise of the Orient
Guderian pushes forward, taking the Somali port of Djibouti and repelling a Somali counter-attack meant to retake it.

The Somali have concentrated their forces around the northern capital of Harar and dive bombers are sent in to soften them up as the German cavalry moves into a flanking position.

In China, the Yuan lines have collapsed completely in the last few months, and the entire eastern half of the country is under Japanese control. With the Japanese advancing on the few remaining armies in the west, the Yuan Emperor chooses to flee into exile in Russia. The disheartened Yuan government offers their surrender to the Japanese.

The first action of the Japanese government is to create a puppet Mongolian state, separating the Mongol lands of Yuan from the Chinese.

The nationalists are still resisting in the south, but with the entire Japanese army now bearing down on them, it's only a question of how long they can hold out before being overrun.

In Somalia, the Somali army launches a counterattack against the flanking cavalry, driving them back before Guderian can respond. An attack against Harar is attempted, but the Somalias are still too well dug-in, and the German panzers are forced to retreat.

Back home, research continues into a wide variety of topics aimed at strengthening the army, navy and industry.

A special project of the Emperor's, the Waldemar-class Super Heavy Battleship, stands completed in August. Waldemar gives orders to begin the production of the first of these behemoths, to be named the Waldemar VII after himself.

The Somali foolishly abandon their fortified positions in Harar and advance into Dire Dawa, where the quickly surrounded and overrun by combined Egyptian and German forces.

Harar is left undefended, and Guderian quickly advances into the capital, occupying it.

In the south, the troops of Kongo have yet to move from their spots, and Waldemar makes a furious phone call to Cabina demanding that the colonial government advance on the industrial center of Dar es Salaam and claim it for German Kongo.

The Somalians are on their last legs, outnumbered and under constant air attack. Dive bombers from the American Federation have joined the fight and fight alongside the German Stukas. German pilots note that the American planes have sirens fitted to them, blaring loud noises as the planes dive towards their targets, making the airstrikes all the more intimidating to their foes.

The southern capital of Mogadishu falls in October, ending the war as Somalia surrenders.

The Egyptians decide not to make a fuss over the territories grabbed by Kongo, and German Kongo now stretches from coast to coast.

German spies report that the Government of France is meeting with Occitain Liberation Front leaders that have fled across the border after the crackdowns, and agreed to provide them material support to step up their guerilla war against the Iberian government.

Upon queries from the German general staff about American air tactics such as the sirens on the dive bombers, the Americans agree to share their latest knowledge on airforce tactics.

Research is switched to naval and air doctrines, the one area were Germany is currently lagging.

In October, both Mazula and the American Federation have their attentions focused on each other, and neither is paying much heed to the Caribbean. Sensing the moment is right, the government of Tarrbitz declares war on the Faburi-Mansur alliance with the aim to unify the Caribbean under one banner.

A full half of the new divisions stand ready in the same month and are sent east to bolster the Lithuanian front against Russia.

More reports from Occitania come in, stating that the Occitain government have failed to contain OLF at the border and well-armed guerillas have sprung up in the forests around Bordeaux, attacking Occitain army camps and disrupting the government through bombings and sabotage.

Imperial India has complete a massive program aimed at modernizing its army, and is now looking around for allies to support its claims on the Union. Their eyes settle on the victorious Japanese, proposing the creation of a new oriental power block, independent of the current alliances. Japan agrees to support India with ships and soldiers for the future offensive against Constantinople, in exchange for India's assistance to establish Japanese dominance in the East Indies.

Back in China, the last pockets of Nationalist resistance are quelled in December.

Now in complete control of China, the Japanese set up a puppet government.

The empty Yuan throne is given to Pu Yi, the great-grandson of the last King of Manchuria, founding a new Manchurian dynasty. Japan keeps the industrial centers in the north and south and all of China's major ports under their direct administration.

With China subjugated, the new oriental axis now control all the important regions of the Far East, an alliance stretching from Japan to the Persian Gulf.
A fourth power block has been born.
We've reached 1939 and that means the different flashpoint events for the great war will now be able to start firing. Most likely, we will be at war before the year is over.
World map with alliance blocks coming in a bit.