Part 111: Hearts of Iron II: Chapter 9 - On the Brink
Interlude: On the Brink
As 1939 starts, Germany is at the brink of war. Most of its army is still deployed along the French border, ready to settle the score with the ancestral enemy once and for all.

Troops are also deployed against the Russians in the East and the Union in the south.

The fleet is spread over the world, with the Baltic Fleet protecting the homeland, the Atlantic Fleet based in the mediterreanean and the Far East and Indian Ocean fleets stationed to defend Ostasie'n.

The airforce consists of three flotillas, all based at home and awaiting orders.

Research is still focusing on catching up in air and naval doctrines, as well as continuing development into industrial mass production techniques.

The last of the new infantry divisions are being readied, and a fleet expansion is planned, though some time will have to be spent to upgrade the obsolete elements of the army first.

Germany's economy is now fully state controlled and its authoritarian regime allows no dissent.

The latest intelligence on our enemies. We are quite certain that France has more than 17 divisions available, though they are still spread thin between their two borders. Their navy is of no substantial threat to ours.

The Union continues to field a formidable armored force, with a large infantry army to support it, and a massive surface navy.

Iberia's army is relatively small but well trained and well supplied with artillery and armor. Their fleet is par with ours.

Russia's army is large but consists almost entirely of infantry. Their fleet is also large but obsolete.

The United Kingdom is not much of a threat in themselves, but their large marine corps could be a threat to undefended shores unless their navy can be dealt with.

The major alliance blocks of the world, 1939.