Part 112: Hearts of Iron II: Chapter 10 - All Hell Breaks Loose: Jan - Jun 1939
January 1939 - June 1939: All Hell Breaks Loose
The troubles in Jadakal continue, 1938 being another bad year for the agriculture that the country's economy depends on, driving its citizens further into povery and desperation.

Tarrbitz seizes control of the Faburi capital in late January, and the Faburi Confederation gives up the fight. Only Mansur continues to resist Tarrbitz' efforts to conquer the Caribbean.

In february, the Occitain Liberation Front orchestrates a takeover of the Occitain government. Large elements of the militia, discontent with Iberian rule and bought off with French money, side with the rebels and the pro-Iberian government is arrested. Occitania leaves the League and joins the Comintern, placing a large and hostile army at Iberia's doorstep.

Iberia quickly begins to ready its forces for an armed intervention, not content to idly watch its puppet defect. The Iberian war machine is fully mobilized and readied.

In return, Waldemar orders a full mobilization of Germany's armies and places all major industries under the control of the military. The Union and the rest of the countries in Europe are quick to follow suit, and everywhere troops are being raised and arms and ammunition produced in great quantities.

A breakthrough in aviation technology occurs as a German scientist named Wernher von Braun invents a prototype for a turbojet engine meant to replace the propeller engine. Unfortunately, the technology is still several years from practical use.

Jadakal begins a crackdown on the growing nationalistic movements in its conquered provinces. Reports reach Germany of police and military clashing with angry mobs in Tarwajal and Jidligrib.

Several brigades of new anti-tank guns are finished, and the first are given to the divisions being raised to bolster the Austrian front.

At the same time, brand new self-propelled artillery is assigned to the French front.

The new divisions for the Austrian front, twelve all in all, stand ready in May.

Shortly thereafter, Iberian troops cross the border into Occitania, bringing the League and Comintern at war.

Guiseppe III Tittoni of Lombardy, eager to seize the moment, declares war on the Union, dragging the entire of the HRE with him and bringing Germany into war with the Comintern.

Fighting immediately breaks out the Balkans, as Union troops attack Bjelovar and a German counter-attack is launched against the Union flanks.

German and Lombard troops push into Venice, routing the small Union force defending the city.

The French launch a massive attack against Cologne, routing its defenders before reinforcements can be rushed in.

With the League at war, Japan sees its chance and declares war on Korea.

The Union declares war on Georgia after the latter refuses to give the Comintern free passage of troops, and Russia quickly moves to defend its small neighbor.

The flurry of declarations continues, and on May 29th Hoover declares war on Mazula, bringing Germany at war with the League.

In just a few days, the world has exploded into a whirlwind of war, the three major alliance blocks at war with each other and the Oriental block at war with the League. Dozens of minor powers have been drawn into the conflict and new fronts continue to open up as the skies above Europe's cities blacken with aircraft and young soldiers kill and die for nation and belief.

Truly, all hell has broken loose.