Part 148: Chronicles of the Bhutanese Empire, Chapter Two
Meanwhile, in an alternate timeline...
Chronicles of the Bhutanese Empire, Chapter Two: Bhutan Rule the Waves
A great tragedy has occured in the world, dwarfing the outbreak of wars - the fall of the glorious Empire of Bhutan to Yuan China, and then to Japan's puppet Imperial China.

All is not lost however, as the Bhutan (dragon) Jaime Wangchuk made a tactical retreat through Imperial India, carrying with him the safeguarded state treasury of golden teapots, as well as the bhutanese transport fleet.

After many adventures in the Indian Ocean, the Bhutan has raised a new army and embarked on a quest to reclaim the Pacific Islands, stolen from Bhutan by Germany. War was declared and the vital province of Guam was seized to become the heartland of the New Bhutanese Empire.

Despite repeated demands, Imperial China has foolishly ignored the Dragon's warnings and seem determined to meet their end in war.

The New Bhutanese Empire needs a fleet, and since Bhutanese naval knowledge is unparallelled, the Dragon presents the design for the Eternal Dragon of Bhutan-class super heavy battleship. Six of these titans of the sea are entered into the production lines.

Meanwhile, the Serene Elite Guard begin military operations against vital nearby targets, seizing the islands of Saipan, Tinian and Rota after overcoming a ferocious defense by highly-trained German commando monkeys.

The new fleet soon stands ready and a new offensive is planned.

An attempt by a mighty Ostasien fleet to save their vital territories is thwarted by the Bhutanese navy.

The offensive is a success and more territory, richer in coconuts than any other islands in the region, is now in Bhutan's grasp.

With this, the Dragon feels that the industrial and economic base of Bhutan is well enough to begin re-conquest of our ancient homelands.

The Japanese fleet is attacked and an important moral victory is won at the cost of only three ships.

More moral victories follow, and though it has cost the entire Bhutanese navy, it is clear that Bhutan is winning this war.

Suddenly, the winds of war turn unexpectedly and deviously as the treacherous Chinese attack Guam. Though a clear moral victory is won, the Chinese refuse to acknowledge their defeat and take control of the island.

In light of the Chinese treachery, it is clear that the Bhutan cannot be expected to do war against such heathens - it would sully his name. He decides to execute a tactical withdrawal (hastily in a speedboat at night) from the Pacific.
There will be other battles...

(Real update coming this weekend sometime, just wanted a break!)