Part 121: Hearts of Iron II: Chapter 19 - Height of War
Interlude: Height of War
The world is at the height of war. Conflict rages on every continent, and only a few countries are not involved with one alliance or another. Germany at the height of war is strong, but spread thin, its troops divided across multiple fronts, its navy weakened by the defeats in the Mediterranean. At the turn of the year, Waldemar has summoned the Advisory Council to review the latest briefings and assess the situation.
Intelligence on Iberia

Intelligence on Rome

HRE - Army Statistics

HRE - Navy Statistics

HRE - Air Force Statistics

150 union divisions? That certainly explains why they're winning against India, though if I were them I'd put a few more of those divisions against me. Still, scary.
Political Information



Tech Overview

Infantry Tech

Armor Tech

Navy Tech

Air Force Tech

Industrial Tech

Secret Projects

Land Doctrines

Naval Doctrines

Air Force Doctrines

I'm devoting just about all resources to the navy, in the hopes of having enough ships to prevent alternate timeline D-day. By mid 1942 the German navy should be pretty impressive. Manpower is becoming a problem, so I don't want to raise more infantry at the moment anyway - I need what's left for reinforcements.
Iberian Front

Balkan Front

Romanian Front

Caucasian Front

American Front

As you can see, there's been a minor reversal in America, but it's a hollow victory - just a couple of light armor divisions under Patton running around taking unguarded territory. It'll postpone Mazulan victory while they chase Patton down, but after that I doubt America will hold long.
There's a major build of troops in the Caucasus, so I expect an attack there soon and am shifting troops to hold it. I'm rushing the armor back to Occitania, the strength of the Iberian attack kind of took me off guard and I'm actually outnumbered on that front now (about half those 33 divisions you see in Toulouse are retreating League troops)
Once weather clears up I'll be pushing on into the Union center, with the general goal of retaking Romania.
Map of the World

The Union is almost at Bombay! If they take India, that'll more than make up for the IC/manpower they've lost from me.
Also, note the completely disintegrated Jadakal Empire. It seems it was not meant to be.
Finally, there is an issue up for vote. With Occitania safely under our control, it's time to consider the fate of France. Certainly we cannot allow them to retain Occitania, and the Netherlands are free, but perhaps the French core territories could be made into a client monarchy? It would be no difficult task to dredge up some distant relative of the previous dynasty with claims on the throne. It would make France easier to control, though as always we risk our puppet turning against us.

Option A: Create a client state

Option B: Rule them directly

No bitching about voting, if you don't like it, don't do it.