Part 124: Hearts of Iron II: Chapter 22 - City of the World's Desire: Sep 1941 - Jan 1942
September 1941 - January 1942: City of the World's Desire
After their victory over America, Mazula now controls in entirety what was once Moroccan America. Despite a request for autonomy, they choose to incorporate it fully into the Republic, making Barasya a state of Mazula.

The push towards Constantinople continues, with German troops advancing into Plovdiv to outflank its defenders.

The old Romanian Fleet, which had been sitting in mothball in Sevastopol since the fall of Romania, is disbanded to free up manpower.

The American and Vinlander navies are reorganized into the new Mediterranean fleet, which is sent to Egypt and the American fleet which remains in Occitania. Seventeen ships are also sent to join the new North Sea Fleet in Kiel.

Iberian troops land on undefended Ibiza in mid-September, quickly bringing the whole of the Baleares under Iberian control.

On August 18th, the attack on Constantinople begins. Its dug-in but understrength defenders fight bravely to defend their capital but are routed, and on August 25th, German troops are in control of the Queen of Cities, Second Rome.

With the Bosporus Strait now under HRE control, Lithuanian ships previously trapped in the Black Sea sail out into the Dardanelles, but are intercepted by a Union fleet and forced to scamper back to their bases.

Noting the lack of manpower in the American Fleet, and the lack of a fleet to defend the British coastline, the whole American Fleet is transfered into British control, allowing it to be reinforced with British seamen.

Heavy fighting continues in Greece and Bulgaria, as attacks from both sides are repulsed.

In Africa, the North Africans have broken through Egyptian lines and almost reached Alexandria. A lombard division is sent from Suez to link up with a newly arrived Austrian division and drive them back.

Heisenberg takes us yet another step closer to the secrets of nuclear power with the development of nuclear fuel analysis.

Another attempt to take Gorna Dzhumaya and encircle the defenders of Sofia fails, and a direct assault on Sofia by 40 divisions is ordered instead. After a week of fighting, the Bulgarian capital falls.

The Mediterranean fleet successfully sneaks past the Union ships in Greece and arrives in the Sea of Marmara, setting up a naval blockade of the Bosporus.

Back in France, a revolt in Burgundy is quickly suppressed by the Dutch.

Sneaking past our naval patrols, the Mazulans land a division in Sheffield in a curious parallell to Operation Sea Lion, taking Birmingham and London before the British can react.

The line is closing against the Union, and German troops are almost in South Greece.

Another theoretical breakthrough by German scientists results in a new project to make electoric computers becoming available.

After a month of maneuvering and fighting, the British divisions encircle the Mazulan invaders, and an attempt by the Mazulans to reinforce their expedition is stopped by the new British navy.

In mid-November, the Mazulan expedition is finally run to ground in Norwich.

A breakthrough into Ioannina in December creates a pocket in Albania, trapping a large number of Union divisions. German divisions quickly move in to close the pocket, and on December 25th, 25 Union divisions surrender. On hearing the news, Waldemar comments that the communists have given him the best christmas present he could hope for.

The next day, a bomb goes off in the Rostock shipyards, destroying the Heavy Cruiser Seydlitz which was under production there. Blame for the deed falls on the Russians.

As 1941 turns to 1942, the Iberian front remains largely unchanged, though forward scouting reveals the appearance of new troops under Mazulan flag. The Mazulans are bravely running our naval blockades and so far have succeeded in sneaking through at least a half-dozen divisions.

The Union is in full retreat in Greece, and only their fleet keeps the remaining divisions there from being cut off and trapped. Once Athens is in German hands, it will be time to halt the offensive and dig in in wait for reinforcements.

The Caucasus is calm, neither side enthusiastic for costly offensives across rivers and mountains.

More Austrian divisions have been sent to Egypt and have managed to retake Alexandria and Al Alamein, but its clear that Egypt is in trouble, with North Africa pushing from the west and Ljanistar from the south.

The Indians are holding out against all odds, but it's only a matter of time before they surrender. Nonetheless, their bravery has won us precious time.

The ever-shifting Japanese-Russian war has swinged in favor of the Japanese again, who are now in full advance into Manchuria.

World map and country status coming up next.