Part 130: Hearts of Iron II: Chapter 27 - Taste of Victory
Interlude: Taste of Victory
The Comintern has fallen. Communism is defeated. With the taste of victory in its mouth, Germany now turns the attention of its tired but mighty war machine on the remnants of the League. A total of some 130 divisions are being deployed to the Pyrenees for the final push into Iberia and then - Mazula.

In Africa, mopping up against Ljansitar will take some time, but victory there seems inevitable - Ljanistar can muster only ten divisions against three or four times that number in German, Lithuanian, Austrian and Egyptian troops.

The Byzantines are pushing up into Mongolia, and it seems highly unlikely that Russia, already hard pressed by Japan, can maintain their lines much longer.

The German cabinet has been swapped out recently in preparation for the greater campaign against Mazula, with a focus on naval war and strategic bombing.

Research is also focused on these areas, with Heisbenberg making steady but slow progress towards the goal of atomic bombs.

Most of the industry is being spent on nuclear reaction expansions at this time, though the navy and airforce will need some more attention soon.

Germany's army remains comparatively small, though this is made up for by the numbers of its allies, especially that of the Lithuanian infantry.

Fleet-wise, Germany is more than ready to deploy troops across the Atlantic, with a huge number of surface ships at its disposal.

Germany's airforce is in a sad state, its short-range bombers utterly wiped out, but naval and strat bombers stand ready to assist any attack on Mazula.

Iberia has some 60 of its own divisions and another 20 foreign divisions with which to defend their country. Judging from the fighting in Barcelona, it will be a bitter contest for every inch of ground.

Mazula has a huge army, and invasion of this massive and well-armed country will be difficult, particularily with their forces well-deployed along their entire coastline.

The World of 1944