The Let's Play Archive


by Wiz

Part 139: History of the Reichstag, Part Two

History of the Reichstag by Servant

History of the Reichstag, Part 2: The Century of Collaspe

Before I begin, I feel obligiated to summarize one of Charilaos Trikoupis' most famous books, "The Fall of Imperialism". In this tract, Charilaos claimed that all imperialistic empires have a "unifying spirit" that was responsible for its formation. The three "unifying spirits" are Nationalism, Religion, and Ideology (for example, the ideologies of Democracy and Monarchy). When an empire is stripped of its "unifying spirit" (as it is eventually the case in countries suffering under imperialism), it will attempt to survive by resorting to a "destructive spirit", pure greed. But greed merely divides people against each other, and the empire would eventually be destroyed utterly. For an empire to truly survive, it must be founded not on "unifying spirits", but rather on the "true spirit", which combines all three of the "unifying spirits" and avoids the trap of the "destructive spirit". That "true spirit" is, of course, Socialism.

The Holy Roman Empire was an invention by the Papacy, formed as a gift to Charlemagne. But in 1599, the Holy Roman Empire drifts aimlessly without a cause. The Holy Roman Empire was formed for Catholics, yet its rulers frequently fought against the Church and now houses a sizable minority are Protestants and Cathars. The threat of France and other external foes binded together the Germans unwillingly, but by this time, the German princes saw Swabia as a threat who is only interested in annexing fellow memberstates. These German princes would never surrender power to some greater "nation". And ideology itself is still suffering its birth pangs, and can barely sustain itself, much less an empire.

The Holy Roman Empire was itself collasping from within, devoid of any "unifying spirit" it once had, and forced to resort to the "destructive spirit". The years from 1599 to 1699 are commonly known as the "Century of Collaspe", describing the national turmoil in this period. And during this century, it was the Reichstag that played a major role in saving the Empire from itself.

1599 Reichstag:
This Reichstag, occuring 200 years after the Golden Bull, was supposed to solidify the unity of Germany. In some cases, it succeded, but most scholars date the begining of the Century of Collaspe to the 1599 Reichstag because of one symbolic event.

As usual, the Reichstag votes for an Imperial Proposal to forward to the Holy Roman Emperor. The Imperial Navy Expansion Proposal was introduced for the third time in the Reichstag, and was overtly supported by the Holy Roman Emperor, Friedrich II. Friedrich II was seduced by the siren calls of a colonial army, but knew that the Imperial Navy proposal was rejected two times previously. If it fails a third time, then the Holy Roman Empire will likely be stuck without a navy permenantly.

Luckily for Friedrich II, the Imperial Navy proposal was passed by the Reichstag, with 23 supporters. Seven supporters of previous Imperial Navy proposals voted in favor of the proposal. They were also backed by four supporters of the Imperial Administration Reform Act (since their pet project of reform was passed, they would be more willing to consider the Imperial Navy). 11 Luysschen also declared their support, altough one of those Luysschen previously supported the first Imperial Navy proposal.

The Imperial Navy proposal was supported by this "destructive spirit" I mentioned earlier. Rebel Blob stated, "It is time that Swabia take to the seas with the vigor our glorious nation has applied to all our other victories. The Iberian conquests across the sea prove that there are vast new lands for proud Swabia to rule, and our navy can expand from its now limited role." However, it wasn't the only reason. Dr. Video Games 0031, who switched his vote to Imperial Navy in the middle of the Reichstag debate, tried to use religion: "You must liberate the natives from the heathen scum and preach to them the word of god." seal it with a kiss was worried about a reactionary movement within the Reichstag to divorce the HRE from England, and saw the navy as a way to ensure Germany's ability to fight a war without England: "The Imperial Navy Expansion Act must be passed! If some reactionary members of our assembly want to sever our Empire from Great Britain, we will need to have the power to take out our seafaring enemies on our own."

(The main irony is that even when the Imperial Navy was built later than most of the other colonial powers, it was still able to secure a huge enough colonial empire, causing some people to be rather upset that the need for a Navy was hyped up far more than necessary. skipThings was reported to have told a Swabian noble who was a strong proponent of the Imperial Navy, "You shouldn't blame us for not having a fleet early enough, it seems that you still got enough West Coast of Africa from the colonial pie." The noble merely said, "I'm not really, there's still plenty to colonize, I just like big fleets ok. ")

The closest competitior to the Imperial Navy proposal was the The Imperial Army Recruitment Act. It received 11 votes, not even close enough to defeat the Imperial Navy. The bulk of its support came from the Luysschen...8 Luysschen supported the Imperial Army. One supporter of the Imperial Mint and the Imperial Administration Reform Act (Geshtal) supported the bill. Three supporters (one of them Luysschen) previously voted for pro-military bills (Defense, Battlefield Commissions). MasturbatoryMeme, a previous supporter of the Imperial Navy proposal, nevertheless saw the Imperial Army as the most important thing to adopt at the moment, but stated that he still hoped that the Empire would colonize eventually. The Saurus argued against MasturbatoryMeme's vote "this is the last chance buddy there's going to be no colonization if we don't get a navy soon".

The Imperial Army Recruitment Act was assisted by "endorsers". An Endorser is somebody who endorses the vote of some other politican (the Endorsee), using it as a reason for them to vote the same as the Endorsee, while boosting his ego in the process. uinfuriudo endorsed BklynBruzer's vote, and OfChristandMen endorsed Video Games 0031's vote. At the time, both BklynBruzer and Video Games 0031 voted for the Imperial Army Recruitment Act, so uinfuriudo and OfChristandMen also voted for the same act. However, both BklynBruzer and Video Games 0031 eventually defected to the Imperial Navy. When that happened though, uinfuriudo and OfChristandMen did not seek to change their vote, even when the Endorsees are no longer endorsing the same position that they previously! The end result is that uinfuriudo and OfChristandMen still voted for the Imperial Army Recruitment Act. Luckily, this is a rare event in the history of the Reichstag, and it did not cause much effect overall. There would be more Endorsers and Endorsees in the future of the Reichstag, but the Endorsees would be unlikely to change their vote as both BklynBruzer and Video Games 0031 did.

RabidWeasel led a passionate (but futile) argument for the Imperial Army Recruitment Act: "Our mighty Emperor has been the bulwark of the Empire against the hated French for hundreds of years, and there's no reason to think that their designs on the rich lands of the rhine have been set aside; Swabia must be ready for war at any time! Let's also not forget the Byzantines and Lithuania, two great land powers bordering the empire who might be tempted westwards by Germany's great riches. Thus I support the Imperial Army Recruitment Act, and leave the seafaring and strange new worlds to the Arabs in their deserts and the northerners whose lands aren't worth fighting over anyway." Peel backed this reasoning, stating, "The Empire's destiny lies in Europe."

Dr. Video Games 0031 initially endorsed the Imperial Navy: "We will never become a naval power, even with the naval idea. We can become at best second rate, while simultaneously leaving our land troops worse for wear. Thus I'll support the Army Recruitment Act. Our enemies approach us from the ground, not the sea, and this is where we have to divert our attention. With this new act, never again will our supply of men fit to fight dwindle so low as the last war with France." Yessod backed this line of argument: "A navy cannot defend the Rhineland, my Kaiser. We must expand the army if we wish the Empire to remain strong." However, Dr. Video Games 0031 switched his vote over to the Imperial Navy stating: "Ok I'm getting sick of reading about France so I'm changing my army vote to the naval one."

The Imperial Bill of Rights never stood a chance of success. It only received two votes, one of them a Luysschen. skipThings, a supporter of the Imperial Mint and the Imperial Administration Reform Act made a speech defending the proposal: "We are so close to unite Germany, we have to focus on this matter and bring all the Germans together, everyone who votes for the navy act is a greedy little man with no love for the people of our empire!" Zaltys, the Luysschen, simply stated "I've seen too many nations torn apart by the rebels." The Imperial Bill of Rights, if it was passed, would have likely not prevent the Century of Collaspe, but it could have created a sense of Nationalism that would stave off the "destructive spirit". In any event, many important people within the Holy Roman Empire, including Friedrich II, wanted a big navy and desired the wealth of the New World, and so, in the rush to approve the Imperial Navy, the Imperial Bill of Rights was forgotten.

The Reichstag of 1599, during this time, also had an "informal consulation" where it had to approve or decline three important proposals. Each proposal would be explained in detail:

Proposal #1--"The Declaration of Indulgence Act is a separate petition, backed by the Cathari and Protestant member states, who wish to establish certain rights for all religious minorities across the Empire. Allowing this to pass would do much to improve relations between the Catholic and Reformed camps of the Empire."

After the Reichstag stepped back from the brink of a religious war in 1480, it was rather likely that the Cathars and Protestants would seek to formalize this tolerance and pluarlity. 27 people voted for the proposal, while 3 people voted against. Reasons for voting the proposal was varied, Dr. Video Games 0031 said, "Placating the heretics will make conversion easier." while Yessod said, "though many of our German brothers are heretics, they are still our brothers." Even one person, Rebel Blob, said, "I'll not be the one to break a unanimous vote in the Reichstag."

The only argument against the proposal was by Geshtal, "If the Cathari wish to avoid persecution they can do so very easily by converting to Catholicism."

Proposal #2--Severing of the British Alliance "A strong anti-british sentiment has appeared in the Reichstag as an effect of their general disinterest in helping Swabia against French aggression. With every war, Great Britain has proven a less and less useful ally, whose attention is largely devoted towards its colonies. Many in the Reichstag feels it would be in the best interest of the Empire to ask Friedrich to sever his alliance with King Henry and find allies elsewhere."

This was a close vote, with Geshtal being the tiebreaker rejecting this proposal. Arguments for dissolving the Alliance was based on anger over the uselessness of the British alliance. Nick Buntline said "Britain's proving to be useless. Drop the alliance and get our own fleet." Rebel Blob also said, "With the British failing to live up to the spirit of the alliance, surely there is a more willing ally to be found to replace them. A weaker ally that simply actively supports Swabia in war would serve better."

BklynBruzer tried to defend the alliance, "I don't understand why everyone is voting to ditch the UK. They may not be the strongest allies, but they're good to have relations with, 'cause we need all the friends we can get." Dr. Video Games 0031 said in response, "Yeah, we need friends, but GB really is completely useless right now. They'll never land a single man in france proper, and they don't even spare their navy anymore. Meanwhile, a solid land-based ally, even a distant one such as poland or lithuania, will actually march troops across europe to help us, and they can aid if it comes to blows between swabia and austria again." Peel, meanwhile, endorsed Muslims as a possible ally against France.

Defenders for the Alliance tried to argue that the alliance still has some use. RabidWeasel said: "No; though they may have been unhelpful of late, our alliance with Britain prevents the French from taking any meaninful naval action or colonial expansion, which is a blessing in itself." Gul Banana also said, "If you're going to sea, the British are good allies to have." And Geshtal, the tiebreaker, sided with keeping the Alliance: "Great Britian has too much potential to toss awway just because of one tepid monarch."

Proposal #3--The German Mutual Support Pact "Finally, the last proposal is held in a separate council chamber, where only Reichstag delegates from the German states - minus Austria - are in attendance. The various lords of North Germany have come together to offer Friedrich and the Reichstag a secret agreement.

In exchange for a guarantee that Swabia will not expand any further north into the free German member states, the Reichstag will give Friedrich free hands in central Italy, even providing covert backing for taking Ancona from Austria. This is not a proposal to enter lightly into - if Friedrich were to agree to this covert alliance and later violate it, the repercussions would be severe - not to mention that it grants Germans a favored status in the Empire, something that may have consequenses down the line."

The northern German princes sought to deal with Swabia, selling out Italy in return for an agreement not to expand any further into the German states. This agreement had very real support within the Reichstag. Yessod made a compelling case for the agreement, casting the Pact as an agreement to defend Italy from outside threats: "After much consideration, Italy is simply too rich a land to remain divided and squabbling. We must centralize the Empire and bring all of its resources to bear so we can continue to defend it against external threats. As we have seen along the Rhine and the Pyrenees, independant city states simply cannot survive in the modern world of nation-states." Geshtal also supported the proposal for a more greedier reason: "Improved relations with North Germany and a free hand in the south. And if the situation should ever change, the smaller states may find an enlarged Swabia a bit more than they could handle."

Other Reichstag members were more interested in accepting more Italian influence into the Holy Roman Empire and diluting the influence of the Germans. Gul Banana said, "Swabia is already half-Lombard, more Italian influence can't hurt." Peel was reported to have written on this issue, "Let's put some Rome back in the Holy Roman Empire."

Yet, despite 12 people voting for the proposal, 17 people voted against it. Nick Buntline was worried about the deal backfiring: "As for the secret agreement, the elector states are barely on our side as is. Tying ourselves into an agreement that'll give them causus belli to turn against us just seems like a bad idea." Many people were worried that the deal would constrain the Emperor's future plans. Rebel Blob was reported to have said to a servant of his: "The proposal ultimately shuts more doors than it opens." while, Dr. Video Games 0031, in a speech to rally his supporters, mentioned "As important as it is to keep Austria's power limited, we should not hamstring our own development as a result."

One Reichstag member (RabidWeasel) was upset that the Pact was even being considered at all: "although Italy is quite a prize, it is not worth the cost! Such backhanded deals are unbecoming of the seat of Emperor."

The failure of the German Mutal Support Pact forced the German princes' hands. Realizing that they cannot talk to Swabia or contain its impulses by offering up Italy, the princes had no choice but to seek out a different path to secure its autonomy. That path involved dealing with Austria.

The 1640 Reichstag: After the passage of the Imperial Navy, the next Holy Roman Emperor, Waldemar VI, used the Imperial Navy to establish colonies in Gabes, Tripolitania, and Kongo. Waldemar VI also continued expanding its European holdings by annexing Tuscany. Waledmar VI also fought a successful war against Hesse (who left the Holy Roman Empire) and was able to annex Nassau, and vassalize both Thuringia and Hesse. Waldemar VI may have continued to run the Empire effectively (or abuse the position of Emperor to aid Swabia, according to his detractors), but his sudden death in August 1632 was responsible for unleashing the events that would lead to the Seventh War of Austrian Aggression.

The heir is Werner III, but he is one year old, not even able to rule in name. Swabia explored the concept of a regency council, but the Swabian nobility is too divided to agree on naming rulers. While Chancellor Kurt Weistrand went to Saxony to stake out terms of a Personal Union with Clemens Wenzel I, the Northern German Princes arrivede at Austria to meet up with Ludwig I. It was in Vienna that the Second German Mutual Support Pact was created and signed, without the knowledge of the Reichstag or Swabia. In return for Austria promising not to annex or vassalize any Northern German princes, the princes will ensure that Ludwig I would become the next Holy Roman Emperor, and would covertly back Austria's expansion into Italy. Ludwig I agreed to the Pact, and had dreams of the Ortenburg dynasty controlling the Holy Roman Empire. Ludwig I would become the next Holy Roman Emperor.

The Catholic nation of Swabia was nominally under the control of Saxony until Charles Wenzel I's death (as part of the Personal Union deal made by Kurt Weistrand), but in reality, it was governed by the Chancellor Ernst Koff. Ernst Koff was horrified of the growing power of Austria and planned on containing it in the near future.

Meanwhile, Austria began violating the Second German Mutual Support Pact, by bullying Lienz and Sopron. While the Northern German nobles protested, Ludwig I used various loopholes and forged claims to lessen opposition. The Northern Germans grumbled, but decided to fufil its end of the baragin, by asssiting Austria in its successful war against the Byzantine Empire and its allies, granting Austria control over Italy. However, once that happened, Austria felt no need to be bound by the Pact, and annexed its own vassal of Bohemia, thereby turning the Northern German nobility against Austria entirely.

Austria was mandated by the Golden Bull to call the Reichstag into session every ten years, and the Northern German princes saw its chance. In 1640, the Northern German princes, led by the Bishorpic of Sopron, revealed the existence of the Second German Mutual Support Pact, and called upon the Reichstag to remove Ludwig I from his throne, in favor of a third independent party (the Northern German princes was not willing to give the title of Emperor back to Swabia). Ludwig I, and his descendents, to this very day, deny the existence of the Second German Mutual Support Pact, even with massive historical evidence to the contrary. Instead, in a famous Reichstag speech, Ludwig I called the Northern German princes liars and puppets working for "the Swabian Menance". "We have fought long and hard to expand the Empire, as equals, while Swabia sought to leeech off your peace and prosperity!" screamed an angry Ludwig I. "I have brought victory in against the Othrodoxs, yet you think to critique my just rule? Let the facts, not lies, speak for themselves."

Ludwig I threatened the Reichstag, "If you endorse these German princes' lies against your duly elected monarch, then I will have no need for your 'advice', for you would show yourself to be naive fools who should not be listened." Instead, Ludwig I proposed condemning the Northern German Princes for their "foolish libel".

The Reichstag, at this point, was torn. Several nobles disliked Ludwig I and would want him out of office. A few nobles even expressed hope that Swabia would regain the throne. But all knew that what the Northern German princes wanted would basically be overturning the system of Electors, which would be very unopular. The Reichstag also was worried that if Ludwig I dismissed the Reichstag, the Reichstag would lose what's left of its influence. The 1640 Reichstag therefore voted against the Northern German Princes, and formally endorsed Ludwig I's statements.

In 1641, Ludwig I used this formal endorsement by the Reichstag in order to justify an invasion and annexation of Sopron. Swabia, under Chancellor Ernst Koff used his alliance with Sopron as an excuse to attack Austria, and the Seventh War of Austrian Aggression began. Very quickly, the Swabians marched into Mainz and seized the Imperial capital from Austrian forces.

Chancellor Ernst Koff played with the idea of calling the Reichstag into session to rehear the pleas of the Northern German princes, and thereby gain support for his war against the Holy Roman Emperor, but decided against the plan, for fear of undermining the title of the Holy Roman Emperor in the future. Instead, Ernst Koff merely claimed to have limited aims by stopping the unjust expansion of Austria and freeing both Sopron and Italy, but did not call for Ludwig I's overthrow.

In October 1642, Poland declared war on Austria. In order to prevent a two-front war, Austria finally sued for peace. Swabia managed to extract harsh terms from Austria. In Janurary 1643, Swabia broke out of its Personal Union with Saxony, and the 11-year-old Werner II I was allowed to rule in name (altough Ernst Koff still pulled the strings). A few months later though, Ludwig I died due to a mysterious illness, thereby allowing for a new election to be held.

The memberstates of the Holy Roman Empire was shocked at Austrian excesses and firmly sympathized with the Northern Germans. Proposals were made for electing a weak, or even foriegn, monarch, so as to prevent the resurgance of another Austria or Swabia. Swabia, for its part, worried about Austria winning the title of Emperor again, voted with Venice to appoint Pietro IV, King of Silicy, as the Holy Roman Emperor.

The 1645 Reichstag: After the long war against Austria, Swabia was eager to return to colonizing. However, its plans for colonizing was originally based on using the Imperial Navy. It assumed that, since the Holy Roman Emperor would always be inherited by a Swabian, the Swabians would be able to use the fleet for its own purpose. Yet, now the fleet was offically under the control of Pietro IV, due to the sudden death of Waldemar VI and the reign of Ludwig I. If Swabia is to continue on its quest for colonial dominance, it needs to regain control over the Imperial Fleet.

In 1645, Ernst Koff convinced Pietro IV to call an emergency Reichstag session. Ernst Koff recited a list of forged documents claiming that France was planning to invade and annex the Kingdom of Majapahit. If the Holy Roman Empire does not intervene, said Koff, then France would gain a terrible advantage in resources, which would allow France to invade German territories. In order to contain France, and ensure that the Holy Roman Empire is not threatened by any future colonizing by European powers, the Reichstag must grant total and permenant control over the Imperial Navy over to Swabia. Ernst Koff noted Swabia's considerable colonial holdings and naval experience in order to justify the unprecedented desicion.

Several Reichstag members were not convinced by this proposal. Some argued that the whole proposal seemed like an overreaction, while others were worried that Swabia could use the fleet to regain control over the Holy Roman Empire. A few moderates proposed letting Pietro IV "liberate" the Kingdom of Majapahit instead. Yet, there were also several supporters of Swabia in the Reichstag. Swabia earned a reputation for competence in running colonies. The Seventh War of Austrian Aggression also did much to grant Swabia popularity within the Empire. And lastly, nobody really wanted to vote against a proposal claiming to fight against France, eternal enemy of the Germans.

In a close vote, the Reichstag agreed to the proposal. Pietro IV gladly handed the Imperial Navy over to Swabia. Swabia used the Imperial fleet to invade and annex the Kingdom of Majapahit, and later, the Kingdom of Makassar. The brutal colonial policies led to a condemnation by the Papacy, and the removal of a colonial governor, but by then, Swabia's control over the Imperial Navy was secure. In 1655, Pidero IV died, and King Werner III of Swabia was elected the next Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, making the desicion of the 1645 Reichstag relatively moot.

The 1674 Reichstag: In 1674, the long peace between France and Swabia ended. France invaded Saxony, and Swabia was an ally of Saxony. However, France is an ally of Lithuania, and the Lithuanian army would serve as useful reinforcements for the French army. Swabia also has an alliance with the Byzantine Empire (who recently had a falling-out with Lithuania), but the Byzantines would not be able to intervene in the war against France. An emergency session was called.

The Imperial Army Recruitment Act was back, and due to the massive war with France and Lithuania, was approved by 17 people. 4 of those people previously supported the Imperial Army Recruitment Act. 7 previous supporters of the Imperial Navy ended up supporting the Imperial Army Recruitment Act (since the Imperial Navy was adopted, the Recruitment Act could easily be considered.) 5 Luysschen voted in favor of the Imperial Army Recruitment Act.

skipThings (supporter of the Imperial Bill of Rights) represented the views of most supporters by stating, "Sadly there is no other option today, while France on it's own with his vassals wasn't such a huge threat anymore, Lithuania surely is. Every man who can defend his homeland and family has to today." This provoked a strong reaction however from Rebel Blob: "Which only proves that our Emperor knows how to play our noble Reichstag like a puppet-master. With underhanded timing in delivering his proposals, he has left one clear answer most members will immediately jump for, no doubt the one closest to his own heart. Break free of your strings brothers, let him make do!" skipThings confirmed Rebel Blob's suspicions: "You're probably right, but I really don't want to be smashed by crazy Slavs and Frenchies. I just want my bureaucratic reforms."

RabidWeasel also argued in favor of the Imperial Army Recruitment Act: "As nations grow larger and stronger the benefits of being emperor become steadily less significant and the French alone have a serious manpower advantage over us; with the Lithuanians as well it could be a difficult war to fight our way out of, provided they don't abandon their new ally early on. Thankfully the Lithuanians have an army well below what their massive manpower could supply, most likely due to their (relatively) weak financial situation. It would be prudent for us to nip this problem in the bud, and expand Swabia's baltic holdings in the process (or alternatively restore them to their rightful soverignty under the Empire). "

Most support for the proposal was couched in wartime propaganda, made to rally support for the people to support Swabia in its war against France. Zeal led this charge by chanting in the Reichstag "It's time these uppity Gauls learned, once and for all, who the real Emperor is." BklynBruzer said, "Stomp the frogs!" and Atrayonis shouted, "It's about time to restore our lawful western frontier!"

Two other proposals were introduced in this session, and would later be reintroduced in the 1700 Reichstag Session. "The Establishment of the Imperial Colonial Company" Act would allow Swabia to gain more colonists and allow for the creation of Imperial Colonies that would benieft the entire empire, not just Swabia. It received 6 votes, 2 of them Luysschen, and 4 of them Imperial Navy supporters. KnoxZone stated, "I am going to vote the minority and recommend the The Establishment of the Imperial Colonial Company solely for the fact that it is nearly impossible to make headway into tropical Indies and hostile Africa without it. Manpower is no issue for you, and I seriously doubt badboy is at a dangerous level."

Peel himself claimed, "Swabia can do well enough with Byzantine support." This provoked a response from Cyari, "Yes, but Byzantine isn't getting involved in this war, because they're not allied with Saxony. We're only involved because Saxony is in the Empire and we're the Emperor. Constantinople isn't going to lift a finger to help us."

raptus said simply, "colonists, spread the glory of the empire across the whole world!"

The third proposal, "The Proposal for the Creation of a Dignified Imperial Cabinet" also received 6 votes, 3 of them Luysschen, as well as 2 Imperial Navy supporters. These people appear to have idealistic desires for the adoption of this proposal. Rebel Blog stated, "Swabia is constantly dragged into one petty war with France after another, its time to look beyond the simplistic military answers." Whitecloak said, "A proper cabinet would provide advice and solutions that might otherwise be hard to come by. I fear no Lithuanian."

Golden_Zucchini made an eloquent speech in favor of the proposal as well: "I vote for Creation of a Dignified Imperial Cabinet. Why waste hundreds of thousands of young lives, the best of Swabia's - no, of all Europe's - youth in a never-ending series of pointless wars when we can settle things diplomatically and set a proper example of what it means to be a civilized and modern 17th-century nation?

Alas, the Imperial Army Recruitment Act was passed, and another pointless war with France began yet again. However, the war with France did much to rehabilite Swabia in the eyes of the Northern German nobles, and the scars caused by the Seventh War of Austrian Aggression began to heal. Swabia also managed a diplomatic coup by forcing France to surrender the last of its German territories. This cheer meant that the empire may have found a new "unifying spirit", the "unifying spirit" of Nationalism.

1700 Reichstag: Victory parades celebrating Swabia's victory in France soon gave way to fears once more. Austria vassalized and annexed Meissen while Swabia annexed Pisa and Mecklenburg. The Northern German princes, and indeed most independent German princes, worried about both Swabia and Austria plans to take them over.

To make matters worse for Swabia, in 1679, the Holy Roman Emperor dismayed the Catholic population of Swabia by supporting the Byzantine Empire in its war against the Gaza Knights. Now, here, I must pause to explain something to my audience. I understand how many people here loved the war against the Gaza Knights. These people glorified the exploits of the mighty Byzantine Alliance, as they fought against the barbaric and oppressive Gaza Knights, who seeks to oppress innocent peasents with their reliance on outdated fedualisitc traditions of knighthood. All of us heared great stories of how 358,000 military troops and 200 ships barely managed to defeat and destroy the terrible horde of 1,000 men and 1 tribune. We all knew of how the Byzantines luckily managed to occupy Gaza and force the Gaza Knights to surrender. The Consul Giorgios Siantos called the war against the Gaza Knights "the finest hour of the Byzantine Empire, a war where heroes were immortalized and poets earned their pay". And it was.

To the Swabian Catholics however, it was a betrayal to Schimismatics. The Byzantines also previously annexed the Kingdom of Jerusalem, and while we felt that it was a great and mighty war against imperialistic forces, the Swabian Catholics would beg to disagree. The end result was that the Holy Roman Emperor lost popularity within his own nation, which further added to his woes in trying to secure the stability of his empire. He managed to distract himself by expanding its own colonial empire, but it still had to live with a population that loathed the war against the Gaza Knights.

In 1700, the Reichstag was called into session by the new Holy Roman Emperor, Augustin II. The two previous proposals (Imperial Cabinet, and Imperial Colony Company) was reintroduced, along with a third proposal, the Writ of Trade and Prosperity, which would help Swabia receive money by providing a unified trade policy and freedom from tolls. The problem with the third proposal is that Swabia was already rich, and thus did not need more money. It only received two Luysschen votes.

Augustin II was dismayed at the result: "I think I'm gonna stop bringing up trade proposals, noone here seems to be a fan." Many people offered reasons as to why the Writ did not receive as many votes as Augustin II thought. Peel explained why he didn't endorse such a Writ: "I would have voted for the trade proposal if it had turned up in place of one of the other money proposals when cash flow was a problem. Since Swabia is the richest country in the world right now making more money seems a bit pointless compared to gobbling up what native lands are left or strengthening her political position in Europe." Clayren said, "When the choice is between soldiers, kicking native rear end and double checking the tax revenues, I usually choose one of the former." Serisothikos made the claim that trade is not really as effective as Augustin II thought: "I've mostly found that production is more reliable than trade, though it does have a less gaudy return."

The Proposal for the Imperial Cabinet quickly sailed through the Reichstag, receiving 24 votes (and 9 Luysschen). Serisothikos led the charge for defending the bill: "I put forth my vote for the Proposal for the Creation of a Dignified Imperial Cabinet. We must put forth our best face to the world, to shine as a beacon of good and enlightened government as we constantly seek to outmaneuver our enemies.

Colonial ventures seem like a good choice, but recall that there are few lands left of which we know that are as yet unclaimed. Our colonial pioneers will be many, but they will have no place to go!"

Meanwhile, the Imperial Colony Company received 11 votes (and 5 Luysschen). Dr. Video Games 0031 said in defense of the proposal, "There isn't much left to do ... other than grabbing what good pieces of land are left." However, this proposal did eventually failed, and the Cabinet was adopted.

The 1700 Reichstag however also is well known for considering a seperate proposal to amend the Golden Bull.

"Under the terms of the Revised Golden Bull, all of the remaining member states will agree to increase their contribution of manpower and diplomats to the Empire, and renounce their right to secede, in exchange for the guarantee that neither Austria nor Swabia will make any further gains at the expense of smaller member states. Additionally, they demand that the Emperor retake Lüneburg, which is in the hands of the Scandinavians.

To accept would mean that complete unification of Germany will have to wait, perhaps a century, perhaps more. To decline, on the other hand, will mean the end of the Holy Roman Empire - the member states have made clear that a no on this proposition will result in collective secession. The question is - do we wish to unify Germany through diplomacy, or through conquest?"

The Revised Golden Bull was proposed by Saxony as a way to stop both Swabia and Austria from expanding and conquering more memberstate within the Holy Roman Empire. While the memberstates promised to increase its contribution, the Golden Bull, at its heart, was a threat. If Swabia does not agree to the Revised Golden Bull, then the Holy Roman Empire collaspes, and with that, Swabia's power base.

22 Reichstag members approved the Golden Bull, as opposed to 13 Reichstag members voting against it. It is interesting that the 7 Reichstag members who voted No in the 1599 Reichstag to the German Mutual Support Pact ended up voting for the Golden Bull (only 2 No voters rejected the German Mutual Support Pact). 4 Reichstag members who voted Yes for the German Mutual Support Pact ended up rejecting the Golden Bull, but 3 Reichstag members who voted Yes also supported the German Mutual Support Pact. These 7 Reichstag members who was for the German Mutual Support Pact but against the Golden Bull suggest that many people who supported the German Mutual Support Pact only did so because of ulterior motives in expanding the territories of Swabia, and not to please the Northern German nobility. This is yet another example of the "destructive spirit" that could have ruined the Holy Roman Empire.

McFetusBurger made a speech in favor of the Revised Golden Bull: "I support the revised golden bull. Swabia may seem to be strong now, but any internal strife within the empire will see France and Austria invading on 2 fronts, on top of the need to pacify the various member states. There is no guarantee that Byzantium, with its eye towards the middle east, will come to our aid and Britain's navy can only do so much.

There's also the moral issue: The golden bull was originally devised as a confederacy of sorts, for the mutual protection of the Holy Roman Empire from outside aggression. This guarantee should extend to even its smallest states, as we all carry still the enlightenment of ancient Rome. Now is the time to renew that promise and all it stands for.

In other words, no unified Germany until there's an enemy that can stand up to it."

RabidWeasel also made an excellent speech backing up McFetusBurger: "Diplomacy has served Swabia well thus far in European affairs, and I see no pressing need to sacrifice our commanding position as Holy Roman Emperor, and without our protection the minor states of north Germany are open to Austrian and French aggression. Unilaterally bringing all those states under Swabian domain would certainly cause an outcry across all of Europe, and isn't really an option." RabidWeasel also pointed out the existence of a loophole within the Revised Golden Bull that allowed Swabia to take territory from Austria and vice versa, which would allow for the Golden Bull to be enforceable.

Finally, Crazy Joe Wilson argued in favor of the Revised Golden Bull: "Nationalism is starting to seep into Germany along with the rest of Europe, but it is still a bit far off before it truly becomes a force to command. A Revised Golden Bull wouldn't certainly delay a German State Unification when that fervor reaches peak, but on the other hand a Swabia trying to early unify Germany would certainly cause all the other major powers nearby to come down on Her and ruin the nation. For Continued Prosperity, Yes on the Revised Golden Bull."

Iamyourking supported the Revised Golden Bull, and saw the Imperial Cabinet as the way to unify Germany and gain control of Luneberg without causing a war with Scandinavians: " For Swabia to attack the other German states en masse will sink their reputation and leave them open to French attack. The Cabinet act will make it easier to unify the states diplomatically and possibly get Luneberg back from the Scandinavians without undue bloodshed."

Opposition to the Revised Golden Bull was heated. skipThings attempted to argue against the Revised Golden Bull by appealing to German nationalism: "the times of the holy Roman empire are over and even if it wanted to, it can't guarantee the security of the German people anymore. Swabia has to defend his brothers and sisters from the occupation of Austria, who won't stop to exploit problems within the old empire.We can create a new, better empire, with the help of the other Germans as equals, not as a Swabian occupying force." Mirello supported skipThings' argument: "Come on guys, we've been part of the HRE for the last 700 years, why don't we try something different?" ManifunkDestiny also backed skipThings' argument: "what better time to unite germany than at the apex of Swabian might?"

Some people were upset at the Revised Golden Bull's emphasis on retaking Lüneburg. Serisothikos said, "As for this new Golden Bull, the Scandinavians have been fast friends for many years. I would vote No, as I see no reason to squabble over the well-governed lands of Luneburg."

Finally, there were many people who loathed the Northern German princes. The Saurus rejected the Revised Golden Bull by stating "Think of all the swabian lives wasted on the north german spongers", while Coolsaw said, "No on the Golden Bull, the petty countries have been a pain in the rear end for far too long and should recognize Swabia as the one true Emperor."


The acceptance of the Revised Golden Bull marked the traditional end to the Century of Collaspe. The Holy Roman Empire suffered internal tension, but managed to survive due to a final compromise between the Northern German princes and Swabia, approved by the Reichstag. With the Germans reassured that Swabia would not seek to conquer the memberstates of the Holy Roman Empire, the memberstates increased its loyalty to the Empire in general, and the "unifying spirit" of Nationalism was adopted.

This is a rather unique development. It is rare that a country, once it abanonded a "unifying spirit", ends up finding a new "unifying spirit". The Holy Roman Empire was at a terrible cross-roads indeed, and it was the Reichstag, the parliament that united all the German states together, that tried to save the Empire. By rebounding from its near death, the Holy Roman Empire still exist, to this very day.

I know some of my fellow scholars argued that the Reichstag could have agreed with the The German Mutual Support Pact, and thus secured the loyalty of the German princes. The problem is that it would have further prevented the Holy Roman Empire from actually having a "unifying spirit". The Empire would be divided between Germans and Italians, and the Empire would have likely ended in a civil war as both cultures fought against each other. The Reichstag should have done more to stop Swabia's aggression though, and the German Mutual Support Pact should at least be considered more thoroughly.

I do agree that the Reichstag should have thrown Ludwig I out of office. This would have set a precedent, allowing for the Holy Roman Emperor to be accountable to the Reichstag itself. But the Reichstag knew that trying to gain such a power would have lead to a reaction by the Electors, especially Swabia. The Reichstag should have adopted such a policy...but they couldn't.

Otherwise, the Reichstag's performance during the Century of Collaspe proved to be excellent. Many reactionaries within Germany claimed that the Reichstag was the cause of crisies. In reality, the Reichstag ended a crisis that would have destroyed the very Empire that the reactionaries themselves depend on.