The Let's Play Archive


by Wiz

Part 142: History of the Reichstag, Part Five

History of the Reichstag by Servant

History of the Reichstag, Part 5: Rise, Fall, and Return of the Superman Reichstags

1820 Session:

In October 1817, construction of the new Frankfurt Reichstag was finally finished. Standing as a symbol of Catholic-Protestant unity, it also stood for the semi-represenative system that led the Holy Roman Empire since the Golden Bull of 1399. The construction of a building was actually inspiried by the Unifiers, but even the Modernizers saw a new Reichstag as beniefting the local economy and bringing the Empire to the modern era. Construction was delayed due to the Zuhrimani Wars though, which upset the Unifiers to no end. The end of the wars though allowed for the Modernizers to quickly finish the Reichstag, and thereby gain some prestige.

In much the same way, the growth of the Holy Roman Empire was halted by the Zuhrimani Wars. The Zuhrimani Wars tarred the progressive policies of the Superman Reichstag, and thus prevented any future reforms from occuring. But once Zuhriman was captured, the progressive policies can begin once more, starting in the 1820 Reichstag session. Yet, the Congress casted a pale shadow over the 1820 proceedings, as the threat of renewed war emerged.

During the 1800 election, three political parties were formed: The Modernizers, the Unifiers, and the Militarists. All three of these parties though were very Conservative in nature. A new party was created during the 1820 election: the Liberals (composed of splinters from the Modernizers and Unifiers). This played some role in the 1820 session, but what may have had more effect was the Luysschen that became active in the Reichstag between the 1800 session and the 1820 session.

Support for the Modernizers collasped quickly within the Reichstag. Many members were shocked at the Modernizers' anti-military policies and the disasterous Congress that led to the Byzantine Empire refusing to ally with Swabia any more. There were still a few supporters.

*Carbolic: "Swabia needs to get its economy moving."
*Duckbag: "As the weathiest cement baron in Swabia, I must throw my vote in for the modernizers. A vote for industry is a vote for Swabia."
*skipThings: "No way around modernization."

The Modernizers received 7 votes (of 6 Luysschen, and 1 former supporter of the Unifiers during 1800). Interestingly, no Modernizer from 1800 supported the Modernizers in 1820.

The Unifiers received lots more support this time around.
*Rebel Blob: Friends and fellow members of the Reichstag, Swabia now faces threats from countries that lack our soundness of mind, and have the gall to resent the enlightened policies we imposed on them. There is only one way to prepare ourselves what is to come, and that is forging a national unity that no aggressor will be able to break! I call for the Einheitspartei to lead us forward into our glorious future.
*TorpedoBeetle: If the rest of the world despises us so, then we must also make them fear us. A unified Empire would surely be able to stand up against foreign alliance set on destroying Swabia. Clearly the only real option is B, the Unifiers!
*Whitecloak: The modernizers have had a fair share of time in the sun, now it is time for a more pro-military government working toward the unity of the Germanic peoples under the empire's banner. The disastrous Congress shows us what modernist foreign policy brings. If we are to live in this post-Zuhrimani world we must be afforded the ability to strengthen our nation internally.

The Unifiers were also boosted by Nakar's excellent summary of the political parties in the Reichstag. I cannot reprint it in full, but I will only quote his support for the Unfieirs: "Given the circumstances, I would probably cast in with the Unifiers. The minor German states are perhaps the only nations not grossly offended by our actions at Stuttgart, and as the world turns increasingly against Germanic international direction, there is a definite need to unify... or die."

The Unifiers had the support of 5 previous Unifier supporters, 7 previous Modernizer supporters, and 21 Luysschen. It received a total of 40 votes.

The Militarists, the last of the original factions, fared better than its previous performance, but was still fairly minor.
*Lackloss: We need to destroy these liberal-revolutionaries. The only way to do this is to build up a large army to destroy them with. With the Iron Hand, who needs allies. Swabia Uber Allis.
*Crazy Joe Wilson: The need for a strong military will also help the economy as our factories will expand to support the army.

The Militarists receive 6 votes (3 Luysschen, 1 Unifier, 2 Modernizers). The leader of the Militarsts, Crazy Joe Wilson, however, expressed support for the Unifiers: "The Militarists consider the Unifiers just a tad softer than them, so we're not too unhappy with the results (looking at it in any other light means there are more liberals than us!). "

The newest faction was the Liberals, and received 10 votes together. Some of these votes were based on the policies of the Liberals, which were pro-war (like the Militarists), and pro-free trade (like the Modernizers).
*Lester B. Pearson: We need to compete with Iberia's industry, plus they are jingoist and it fits with our congress choices.
*KnoxZone: Laissez Faire Economy to support our blooming Capitalist class while Jingoistic policies will assure our borders remain unassailable
*meatbag: All the jingoism of the militarists with a more efficient economy.

However, other votes were based on darker motives. During the Congress, many people advocated for policies they felt would do the most HARM to Germany. They weren't trying to destroy the government, they were just bored and wanted to have some fun.

Mathias II argued against the Liberals: "There is a downside to liberals beyond policies - the heavily conservative population will be a lot less happier, and plurality will go up faster. If undermining absolutism is your cup of tea then go for it though." KnoxZone responded: "It is. Makes the later decades far more hilarious." Other statements echo KnoxZone's support for harming Germany:
*GunnerJ:L That sealed it, voting Liberals. (GunnerJ later changed his vote to Unifier.)
*Peel: Voting Liberals for maximum instability.

There were also a third group of people who wanted to vote Liberal, not because they want to harm Germany at all, but because they felt it would be funny for Germany to become revolutionary right after it fought a reactionary war.
*Beet: After that disastrous congress, it's the ultimate "Do as I say, not as I do" option.
*Alchenar: "Having forced France back into monarchy, it's only right that we should go the other way."

The Liberals has the support of three Unifiers, three Modernizers, and four Luysschen.

The election was a stunning success for the Unifiers, and it is clear that the Unifiers has gained the mandate of the Reichstag. They began implementing major policies: increasing taxes on the rich, recruiting more soliders, and unifying Germany into four nations (NGF, SGF, Austria, Swabia). This last policy caused some concern among BklynBruzer, a Militarist, who was shocked to see heresy present. The transcript of the discussion is below:

BklynBruzer: "Wait, the SGF is Cathari? What?"
Emperor Mathias II: "Yeah, its forming country Thüringia is Cathari. It and Hesse have been small bastions of Catharism in Germany since the 16th century."
BklynBruzer: "We can't allow this heathenism to stand! I think it may be time to unite Germany, by force if need be."
Emperor Mathias II: "Should've gone with the Militarists then, pluralist Unifiers aren't exactly gonna invade the SGF over religion."
BklynBruzer: Well, had I known about this heathenism, I would have supported the militarists! (BklynBruzer, by the way, did vote for the Militarists in the 1820 election, saying, "Peace through superior firepower!")

A major event that would have profound implications on Modernizers, and indeed, all of Germany occured in Feburary 1826, when the first trains were invented by the Scandinavians. A non- aligned Reichstag member, Golden_Zucchini, was pleased with such an invention: "And bless those Scandinavians! Just as I was lamenting the deplorably slow pace of communication they come up with this railroad idea. We must start building some of our own so that none of will ever have to miss such an important meeting due to the untimely death of an administrator."

1830 Session:

It was the Unifiers' last major policy, Unification, that had the greatest effect on a major crisis. In 1830, the infamous Regent Tittoni sponsored secret talks for unification of Italy. Emperor Mathias II found of this plan, and wanted the Reichstag to give him the approval take action to stop Regent Tittoni.

The Reichstag voted, suprisingly, to let the talks continue. Many of these people believed that Italy would make a good ally, and that supporting unification for Italy will help in the main goal of supporting unification for Germany. Other people were worried about being seen as hypocrites by calling for unification for Germany while rejecting unification for Italy.
*Duckbag: Trying to look tough isn't worth pissing off all of Italy.
*TheLoquid: I vote to let them unify. A strong and friendly Italy will be a powerful ally against the French and Austrians.
*Whitecloak: Considering our options, helping Italy potentially helps us in our future bids, so long as they do not get designs on our ports in the north! Voting B as a vote for truth.
*RabidWeasel: The issue of Italian nationalism isn't going to just go away even if we disallow this, and allowing the talks to continue will both strengthen our ally and improve our relations significantly. Opposing them might harm our own designs on German unification. Ideally though, Italy would be a part of Swabia as it was in the past.
*Pimpmust: Italians are nothing but trouble, one way or the other.
*Carbolic: The prestige hit sucks but we need friends.
*Nakar: Tittoni is a crafty administrator, a man we might have need of to bring the German federations and Austria into the fold.

Golden_Zucchini also made a speech in favor of Italian unification:
"Have we learned nothing from the debacle that was the aftermath of the Stuttgart Congress? Look at the respect and potential allies we have lost by giving ourselves special treatment while casting others' needs by the wayside. And now here we are once again, contemplating meddling on others' affairs and denying them their own unification, nay, their very sense of identity as a nation, while we focus on achieving the selfsame goals for ourselves. The only just course of action, the only way we can begin to regain some of our lost honor, is to allow Italy the chance become its own nation, just as the German states are soon to become one."

There was however a main opposition movement to Italian unification. While splintered, it agreed upon the need to protect the Swabian empire from Tittoni's expansionist tendencies.
*Clayren: Oh yes, of course. Let's let another rebellious man take control of a large region of Europe and start conquering his smaller neighbors! It was son [sic] fun the last time!
*Lackloss: Bah, as we all know, allowing one nation independence will make other other liberals jump to the conclusion that they can also gain independence! We must stop this horrible thought.
*Crazy Joe Wilson: Just as we look towards unifying all of Germany, Austria included, so would Chancellor Tittoni look to unify all of Italy, including our parts of it! Foreign relations have always looked unfavorably on Swabia, it is the curse of being so blessed for so long in international disputes.
*Dibujante: Let's swing this thing! Swabia's Emperor rules by blood, title and right, not because some "nation" allows him to.
*Gul Banana: Voting A, because if the Italians look to South Swabia they'd certainly find allies willing to help them in a futile war - our populace has made it quite clear that war is to be avoided these days.
*Torpedo Beetle: How dare he go behind our backs on such a critical matter! He must be dismissed at once, Option A!

There were two other people who voted, not out of interests of Swabia, but to keep the traditions that was put forth by the failed Congress.
*Yuran M. Bazil: I see no reason for us to not be gigantic dicks, considering our recent form.
*Penile Dementia: Voting A for rear end in a top hat option!

During the Reichstag, there was a very important debate over the nature of nationalism. The transcript of this debate is below, as it speaks for itself.

Crazy Joe Wilson: Good Graces people would you truly let those who we have fought since our Kingdom was first founded (a second to the French in this matter) have the opportunity to throw all their resources of the peninsula against a third of the (Holy Roman) Empire? This vote, coupled with the re-ignition of the French and Iberians on our borders, will be the downfall of the Crown of the Hohenzollerns!

RabidWeasel: It's some marsh and a couple of islands, you guys are making way too big a deal out of this

BklynBruzer: If we let them unify, we get into their good graces, and potentially have a powerful ally.

Dibujante: We also tell the world that nationalism and popular self-determination are acceptable behavior

Atrayonis: This. What's next? A Romansh kingdom carved out of what little we have left? Every little village which wants to be independant sated with their heart's desire (until they are gobbled up by a stronger neighbour which does not play by the rule of free secession)? Isn't this exactly what doomed Otto's Empire to its current state?

iLurk: If we do not or can not uphold our reputation, we will be surrounded by enemies, and the Crown will fall apart without us being able to raise a finger to stop it. We already have enemies to our West, Enemies creeping up on our East, and if we continue to follow the hypocritic path of the Modernizers, soon the Italian South will be our enemy, and the German North will no longer see us as protectors, nor will even they see us as Germans.

TheLoquid: Are you so short sighted that you do not see that we WANT to encourage nationalism? How else can we unite Germany if our German borthers see us as Swabians and nothing more? Certainly every course will lead to us down a troubled road, but we must not let our pride get in the way of our only course for survival.

Atrayonis: Utter nonsense. They do not even need to recognize us as Germans. We can still form tighter bonds between the states of the Holy Roman Empire without fostering ethnic nationalism, which will only hurt us in the long run, as countries all around Europe will be looking for countrysides with tiny minorities of their people to add to their territory in a quest for "ethnic unification", while their own minorities rebell, trying to form statelets unable to survive without a grand benefactor. Our is the empire, there does not need to be more.

Serisothikos: In a more practical sense, we need the bodies to fill our armies, and if we follow this course and our enemies press us, we potentially sacrifice the strength to fight back.

The vote went overwhealimngly for the Italian Unification talks to continue. 46 people voted for the Italian talks, while 15 people voted for Mathias II to intervene.

4 Unifiers, 2 Militarists, and 2 Liberals voted for dismissing Tittoni. 2 Luysschen who voted for the Modernizers in 1800 also supported Dismissing Tittoni.

22 Unifiers, 9 Modernizers, 1 Militarist, and 2 Liberals voted for continuing the Italian talks. 4 Luysschen who voted Modernizers in 1800, and 1 Luysschen who voted Unifier in 1800, also supported the Italian talks.

Sadly, Tittoni was an ambitious man, who used nationalism to justify greed and imperialism. He should have known that the Reichstag spared him from the wrath of Mathias II, but instead, he spurned the offer and declared independence. The resulting "victory" was nothing more than the "status quo" of Italy keeping its autonomy and being a satillate. Many innocent Italian peasents died for his dream, and it was all seen as fruitless.

Tittoni have never considered that it would have been prudent to ASK for premission to unify, and ASK for Germany to give up its rightful Italian lands. If that was done, then the Reichstag, in its spirit of pro-Unification, would have easily given in, and a war would have been avoided.

However, the Reichstag has performed well and has chosen wisely. Had they dismissed Tittoni, they would have only made relations worse with the Italian people, and they would have turned Tittoni into a Liberal hero. This would have caused even more trouble in the long term, as more anti-German demogagues would have exploitied the firing of Tittoni.

1840 Session

... Modernizers, at least in the historical, as opposed to the pejorative sense, were supporters of vast investment in high-quality railroads, which was their downfall when they could not come up with any plan to win a war other than "More trains?".

The Modernizer phenomenon was a product of its time- Swabia had won the wars against Zuhriman in recent years and many believed that only through railroads could further wars be prevented. Ironically, when this policy became known to be false, senior Modernizers believed that Swabia could secure peace through more railroad building and through promises of sharing the knowledge of railroads with other nations. The railway-based ideology came to a crashing halt with the installation of the Militarist party, who made sure to halt private investment in railways, and until the Unifiers were reinstated for a more moderate government, roving militias of pro- Militarists would bomb Swabian railways, believing that should Swabia ever be proud of its infrastructure again, the Modernizers could have a chance of returning to power."---Rahmbo, Reichstag Member

Today in Germany, the word "Modernizer" is a curse, an even worse curse than "socialist". The Modernizers were blamed for ruining the Holy Roman Empire through a slavish devotion to an Anti -Military platform, in favor of industrial development and railroads. Even during the First Weltkrieg, the Modernizers refused the Emperor's calls for expanding the national military, destroying their previous reputation for economic development and balanced budgets.

The Weltkrieg that occured under Modernizer rule caused the Holy Roman Emperor to intervene, convicing the Reichstag to throw the Modernizers out of office and granting the Emperor emergency powers to change political parties during crises (a power that would be used during the Great Depression).

The backlash against the Modernizers led to the rise of a reactionary anti-Modernist faction, which eventually paved the way for the White Terror. The Modernizers' victory in 1840 therefore must be studied closely in order to understand this important period.

The final voting tally in 1840 was as follows:

Voting Tally
Option A - Modernizers: 40
Option B - Unifiers: 6
Option C - Liberals: 2
Option D - Militarists: 36

In the 1820 Reichstag, many Reichstag members were entranced by the Unifiers' pleas for a unified Germany. 39 out of 63 members voted for the Unifiers to get into office. However the Unifiers only succeded in a partial unification of Germany, and the Italian rebellion was blamed mostly on Unifiers' policies. Disillusioned by the lack of progress by the Unifiers, former supporters deserted the party. Only 5 Unifier supporters in 1820 voted for the Unifiers in 1840 (aided by a lone Luysschen). The rest of the Unifier supporters were divided between the Modernizers and the Militarists. 13 Unifiers supported the Modernizers, and 10 Unifiers supported the Militarists.

The unpredictable Luysschen was also fairly divided between the Militarists and the Modernizers, with 19 Luysschen voting for the Modernizers and 20 Luysschen voting for the Militraists.

The Liberal Party, having suffered a crushing defeat at the 1820 polls, had no chance of ever gaining approved by such a conservative Reichstag. This led to former Liberal supporters to flock to other parties, in much the same way as the Unifiers, leaving only 2 Luysschen to support it. However, 4 Liberals joined up with the Modernizers, while a paltry 2 Liberals joined up with the Militarists. Since the margin of victory between Militarism and Modernizer was 4, it must be stated that it was these Liberal voters that were responsible for the Modernizers' victory. One of the former Liberal supporters, rakovsky maybe, stated: "Was going to vote for the liberals (gasp) but the modernizers are the exact same thing except not jingoistic."

There is also some evidence of an anti-Militarist feeling during the 1840 Reichstag, fueled by fears that Iberia and other rival powers are industralizing. Reichstag member "rms" originally voted for the Unifiers in 1840, but then changed his vote: "Throwing my lot with the Moderniser to stop the militarist." Archduke Frantz Fanon also voted for the Modernizers in order to stop the militarists.

1850 Session

The Modernizers, focused on a policy of introspection, abandoned the United Kingdom in its time of need (waging a war to assist The Netherlands in liberating Flanders territory from the hated French).The United Kingdom Parliament, already adopting a policy of Hostility towards Swabia, has swore off ever allying with the Holy Roman Empire again. Mathias II, by this time, protested openly on the Modernizers' policies and the Advisory Council in general, but he was, until his death, an incompetent fop, and the Advisory Council managed to rule rather than 'advise'.

Meanwhile, the Modernizers, influenced by Adam Smith's radical ideas, decided to boost industrial capacity through building railroads throughout Swabia and the Imperial Colonies. This project, started as a means to boost the production of Swabia, began an ends to itself, as the Modernizers began to be obbessed with railroad production. Meanwhile, the rest of the world burnt due to war and the Liberal Revolution. Eventually, the Netherlands lost all its territory that it gained in the Congress, and Swabia was insulted by France.

The 1850 Reichstag was called into session, more out of tradition of following the Golden Bull, out of any real pressing need. But Militarists used the 1850 Reichstag to preach their jignostic rhetoric of violence, hate, and war.

Whitecloak spoke angrily "Vote in the peaceniks and this is what you get, a world devolving into total chaos around us. We might be safe for now, but how long until the liberal revolutions sweep through and permeate our borders? The working classes might start demanding 'higher wages' and 'shorter hours' and, perhaps, representation. The thought of poor working men even considering such ideas sends chills down my spine. In 1860 I strongly urge you all to vote for the militarists." GunnerJ responded, "When the smoke clears... we shall have the very shiniest railroads around."

Pro-Modernizers also sought to counter the rhetoric: OfChristandMen coined a poem in defense of Swabia:

"Swabia, what is best in life?
To Make Railroads,
To See your Shiny Trains driven on them,
And to hear the lamentation of the rest of the world!"

Claverjoe, another pro-Modernizer, said: "Also, quit whining all you militarists, we got plenty of time and industrial support to go get ourselves some new colonies." skipThings said: "With all the ressources in Manpower saved, all the new ideas and wonderful machines that have been invented, the Swabians are the luckiest and most blissful people in the world I say. Only the modernizers understood the signs of time and if we have luck, Austria will collapse as well, and our german brothers and sisters will gather in the arms of our dear Emporer Matthias who made life worth living in Swabia !"

Still, some Militarists began urging for overthrowing the Modernizer Party now and calling an emergency session. Crazy Joe Wilson said, "The problem though is even if in the 1860 Reichstag establish a majority it will take at least another 10 years before our military is even near the standards of others to fight them! The Industrialists and Unifiers have stabbed Catholic Swabia in the back!" Lackloss formally made the offer to call for an emergency session. Mathias II said, "An emergency Reichstag (emergency election anyway) could really only happen with an immediate threat to the Empire's survival."

McFetusBurger called for major Reichstag reforms: "Emergency Reichstag might not be a bad idea. Given the pace at which events happen in modern times, it may not be a bad idea to hold more frequent votes on the ruling party. Conditions which brought a party into power can change much more often than 40 years in this age." Mathias II rejected the reforms, stating: "20 years is what it's currently at..."

The pro-Unifiers used the Reichstag to also promote the Unifier party in the hopes of regaining power. raptus said "Being that we still are the Holy Roman Emperor we should work more aggressively on the unification of all germans, under our rule naturally for it is our milennia -old legacy." KlavoHunter also endorsd this sentiment, "Securing Swabia's place as supreme in Central Europe is key to surviving the onrushing age of liberal democracy or worse still ideologies. The only way I see that being possible is via unification of all Germany. A united Germany would be the world's single most powerful nation, surpassing its nearest rivals by a significant amount."

Cardinal Ximenez proposed a radical course of action: "This may be controversial, but with revolutionary governments surrounding us on all sides and the threat of horrible war, might I suggest the common adage "if you can't beat'em, join'em"?" Crazy Joe Wilson shot the idea down: " You speak treason. Why are we letting revolutionaries into our congress? Secondly, Austria is not a revolutionary government, they have their own monarch. I say we must either build fortifications across all our borders or greatly improve relations with Austria so that we can direct all our military to the one with France! Even now as our great Catholic land is in peril we still have people speak of ideals rather than reality. Swabia is not some dishonorable "republic" with no sense of tradition!"

The 1850 Reichstag was dismissed with no Imperial Proposals passed. The Modernizers stayed in power, but the Modernizers knew that their position was in jeopardy. skipThings promoted reform within the Modernizers, arguing for the Modernizers to modernize the army and defend against French aggression. However, the Modernizers' elite refused, stating that as long as Swabia remain economically prosperous, the French would not dare attack.

The Modernizers' elite was wrong.

1853 Emergency Reichstag

The First Weltkreig has begun. France declared war on Germany with the stated purpose of regaining French honor and territory, especially the city of Verdun. France called upon Iberia and Austria, Iberia called upon the Byzantine Empire, and the anti-Swabian alliance formally called itself the "GRAND COALITION", established to overturn the horrors of the Stuttgart Congress and end Swabian tyranny. Soon, the Papal States entered into the Grand Coalition, declaring that Austria is now the rightful Holy Roman Emperor and granting more legitimincy to the Coalition. Swabia was losing the war, due to the Modernizers' Anti-Military policies. The Modernizers stated that a growing military would harm the economy of Swabia, being blind to the fact that a weakened military would likely lead to the dissolution of the HRE itself.

The new Holy Roman Emperor, Fredrick I, decided to take drastic measures. He called for an emergency session, and called for the Reichstag to vote to overthrow the Modernizers and put the Militarists into power. In the speech addressing the Reichstag, Fredrick said, "the reason I'm currently so screwed besides the whole "at war with half the world" thing is because the Anti- Military Modernizers won't let me recruit new soldiers. Without new soldiers I can't quickly scare up manpower, and without manpower my army is perpetually stuck at half strength while Austria and France just mobilized their reserves."

Modernizers, your chickens are coming home to roost and there's a lot of them."

Fredrick I said that even the coup might not save Swabia: "I'm still outnumbered four to one you know, manpower just gives me a fighting chance."

Bloody was confused on why even such a vote needed to be taken: "The time has certainly come for an emergency muster by any means. I'm not even sure why you're asking in this case." Fredrick I responded, "I'm asking because the Emperor does not have emergency powers in the Reichstag, but maybe he should. (I don't want to override voting decisions just because they turn sour for me) "

The 1853 Reichstag led to the Modernizers being kicked out office, with overwhealming support. The main reason for this was due to the First Weltkreig (if it was not for the First Weltkreig, prehaps this coup may not have succeded). A few Militarists actually wanted Swabia to be punished. LITERALLY MAD IRL said, "Voting No because Swabia must burn for its arrogance. Burn, I say!" Others were elated at their victory: farrady said, "I'm just going to let you know, being proven right does not fill me with pleasure. No, pleasure is far too tame a word for the ecstasy of seeing my opponents so humbled. Oust the furniture loving bastards! Yes."

Most of the Modernizers agreed to kick the Modernizers out of office. Kenlon said, "In times of peace, we Modernizers know that there are better uses for Swabian sweat and marks than to spend them on unnecessary weapons and military posturing. Now is not a time of peace. Now is time for all of Swabia to rise up and resist the foes that hem us round in this ring of steel!" However, not all Modernizers were as gung-ho about losing power. Carbolic said: "As one of the Modernizers' long-standing supporters I am afraid of turning over the nation to a pack of militarists. But I am afraid of the barbaric French and Iberians even more." A few Modernizers refused to even consider the motion. Rebel Blob said, "Still I vote No, any other party would let our glorious shiny trains get dirty."

Peel concurrd stating, "The militarist lobby are overstating the problems for political gain. This "military crisis" is psychological." This led to angry Militarists attacking Peel. subjetnamehere said, "the political gain is the preservation of Swabian security and independence. The Militarists stand guilty as charged, of the crime of preventing the Modernizers from letting us be overrun due to their unwillingness to stand up to Swabia's enemies." BklynBruzer angrily retorted, "Do you not see the hundreds of thousands of soldiers from 4 countries storming our borders?! What kind of fool could call this psychological?!"

A few people actually wanted Swabia to lose. Professor Dog said, "Swabia horribly losing a war would probably be good for the History Books, as it stands it's probably going to run out of steam around 1900 when we've researched all techs and colonised all the brown people, some revanchism and political turmoil would make an interesting twist." FakeBlood, a supporter of overthrowing the Modernizers said, "he's royally hosed even if you vote yes "

Pimpmust supported granting the Socialists power, but was ignored. It is unknown why Pimpust supported such a proposal.

The final vote total was as followed:
Yes: 67
No: 21
Comedy socialist vote: 1

Emperor Fredrick I appointed the famed Militarist, Otto von Bismarck, to run the government and save Swabia. Later on, in the 1860 Reichstag, Otto von Bismarck rammed through an Imperial Proposal to grant the emperor Emergency Powers to replace the party in the Advisory Council whenever necessary. The power was always intended for use in wars, but Waldemar VII would later use this power after the Great Depression.

1860 Reichstag

The Weltkreig ended in 1857, with Swabia losing Italy to the great and mighty Socialists, and Verdun to France. Austria abanonded its claim to the Holy Roman Emperor in exchange for a white peace. The country lost 3 million people during the war, leading to many people to blame the Modernizers for their policies. Darth_BobCat defended the Modernizers though: "For all the scorn heaped on the modernizers, we're probably going to benefit from their industry and infrastructure in the future. If we weren't surrounded by a vicious four way enemy alliance, I think they would have been good at their job."

However, the Unifiers did not receive much blame for this disaster. The Unifiers were pro- Military, and their navy was responsible for defending Germany from the Byzantine fleet. Thus, the Unifiers received some credit, even leading to Geshtal to promote a coalition government: the "Unified Militarists".

In the 1860 Reichstag, the Militarists sought to ride on the popularity of Otto von Bismarckand the Militarists' Victory with Honor.A short summary of Militarists' quotes:
*BklynBruzer: The Militarists have stewarded us well, and are bringing us out of the damage the war did. A change of government now would be an unnecessary disruption of those plans. For the good of the country, I must cast my vote for the Militarists. HEIL BISMARCK!
*TorpedoBeetle: Bismarck and his Junkers have saved Swabia from the brink of utter annihilation, and have helped our great nation recover from the ravages of war. With Bismarck at the helm, the future is looking bright for Swabia! I cast my vote for the Militarists!
*Crazy Joe Wilson: Peaceful Unification is not going to come to hand when we're surrounded by four hostile nations. Bismarck will lead the true way to a single Germany! (The Militarists received 16 votes. 7 Militarists, 4 Modernizers, and 5 Luysschen.)

But they fared badly in the 1860 Reichstag, thereby dooming the Militarists to nothing more than a fringe force in German politics. Instead, the Unifiers acted as a popular anti-Militarist front, seen as a popular force that will industralize the Holy Roman Empire and unite Germany.
*Nick Sopadish: Honorable Gentlemen of the Reichstag, we are the true banner of German-ness and thus we have to, as our divine duty, unite the Germanic lands under one banner. Doing this must be done through peaceful means; therefore, I place my support behind the Unifiers faction and I wish them God's Speed.
*Proper Job: Sheer force of arms may protect us in the short term, but it is in the best long term interests of all Germans to unite and stand together against the deviant forces arrayed against them - or be crushed. Put my vote in for the Unifiers.
*The Donut: Bismarck saved Swabia during the war, but now the war is over it is time for the Unifiers to finish off what they started. With all the Germans united the alliance will think twice before attacking.
*Yuran M. Basial: The Militarists have done well, but now our goal must be uniting our German brothers under one nation, and the Unifiers are the party to do it.
*Darth_Bobcat: The Militarists have done a fine job, but Germany cannot forever stand divided. We must bring the federations under direct control. We can force Europe to conform to our wills if unified. Think of us as Europe's "Axis," if you will. Nothing bad can come of this. I'm sure of it.
*skipThings: The Militarists continue to slaughter our upset german population, this cannot be the right way, we have to show our mislead brethren that their is a greater foe.
Vote Unifiers Swabias Economy is ready, our beloved Kaiser and Chancelor are ready, now the german people have to be ready to take back the Rhineland !

The Unifiers also support a protectionalist economy, which allowed for more government intervention than the Modernizers, but less government intervention than the Militarists. This made the Unifiers a more attractive party for those seeking to peserve the railorad-inspiried ideals of Adam Smith.

(The Unifiers received 53 votes. 7 Militarists, 20 Modernizers, 4 Unifiers, 22 Luysschen.)

The Liberals lost a lot of votes during the polarized debate between Unifiers and Militarists, only performing better than the Modernizers (who had zero votes).

*rakovsky maybe: Only the Liberals can harness the forces of German nationalism and bring the NGF and SGF under Swabia's wing. Also, they're Jingoistic, so just as warmongering as the Militarists without being a bunch of jerks!
*RentACop: Liberals, because they are the least popular and I can be petty and contrarian. (speaking about myself, not passive-aggressively swiping at other liberal voters)
*TheLoquid: Arms races are good for peace, right? Let's go with the Liberals!

Some voters wanted to try and push poliitcal parties to adopt more radical ideologies, for reasons lost to the midst of time.
*HAI: Liberals, I hope that turns into communism or something later. [Answer to HAI: They don't.]
*reL: Voting militarist in hopes of a fascist takeover.

(The Liberals received 8 votes. 2 Modernizers, 1 Liberal, 5 Luysschen.)

During this Reichstag, there was a debate over the issue of Chancellor Bismarck, a Militarist that was appointed by the Emperor to assist him while he felt ill. Some people voted for the Militarists solely for Brismarck.
*KnoxZone: "The traditions of Otto von Bismarck shall live on!"
*Torgo2727: "I trust Bismarck to be able to unite Germany in some way, even if it is not specifically on his party's platform. Militarists."
*Think0028: "Militarists. Otto von Bismarck shall guide us to a glorious reign over Europe in Swabia!"
*Stumiester: Militarists, simply for Bismarck.

This led to a push by anti-Militarists, who either sought to claim Bismarck could work with the Unifiers, or sought to play down the Bismarck.

*frankenfreak: Don't let the Militarists fool you into thinking that Bismarck is "their" chancellor! He is the Chancellor of Swabia and as such he will certainly find a way to work with a Unifiers majority in the Reichstag.
*Geshtal: Any way the Unifiers could ask Bismarck to stay on as Chancellor for their party?
*Lester B. Pearson: gently caress bismark
*The Grundtvigian: Bismarck was an rear end in a top hat in high school.

The undeniable fact remained however that Emperor Frederick I was good friends with Bismarck in High School, and Fredrick I wanted to award Bismarck for his loyalty. Fredrick I would have appointed Bismarck as a figurehead Chancellor in 1854, no matter what. It could have been peace, it could have been war, it could even be nothing, but Bismarck would have be put in charge to oversee it. Bismarck didn't even do anything during his long reign as Chancellor. His famous speeches were pretty good for a prestige boost, but in the end, the chancellor had no real power over that of the Reichstag, and so was quickly ignored by most serious observers of German politics. Basing your vote over the status of Bismarck seemed a little insane in hindsight.

When the defeat of the Militarists was formally announced, the Militarist supporters were divided. BklynBruzer thanked the Unifiers: "I wish our Unifier colleagues the best of luck! HEIL UNITED GERMANY!" KnoxZone, however was less than pleased. "This is how you people honor your heroes I hope Bismarck takes matters into his own hands."

Lester B. Pearson providied a reason for the Militarist defeat: "All the people voting militarists should have voted liberal. If they want pro war policies and a healthy industry, maybe you should see the people of Swabia do not want to be ruled by a military junta no matter how good they claim to be in war, what about in peace? How will we compete in war when we cannot produce the supplies?" Crazy Joe Wilson responded angrily: "Did no one see the industrial buildup for self-efficiency under the Junker Party? We expanded our steel mills, our canned food production; this talk that the militarists did nothing for our industry is laughable and shows how out of touch the Liberals of this country are to Swabia! All other political bodies in Swabia owe their survival to the Militarists! The people no other party but!"

Lester B. Pearson was right though. The Militarists' short-sighted policies of State Capitalism would only lead to economic oppression and ineffiency. Despite any successes the Militarists have acheived, the economic policies of the Modernizers, Unifiers, and Liberals would have led to greater prosperity. Furthermore, Militarist policies are based on fighting warfare, while the policies of the Modernizers, Unifiers, and Liberals are more interested in providing for the welfare of the entire citzenry. This is a sign of progressive thinking in the Reichstag, progressive thinking that was not present in Europe, not even in our Byzantine Empire.

The Militarists also lost due to the non-ideological nature of the Reichstag members. The Reichstag members do not vote based on party line, but rather on which party is most effective. If a party fails, then the Reichstag members would desert this party and find a new party. This is why, when the Modernizers failed in protecting Germany, most Modernizers defected to the Unifiers, and thereby helped the Unifiers in their quest to regain power.

In addition, parties have developed a reputation for dealing effectively with one problem, and one problem only. Therefore, some people have already planned their voting schedule out ahead of time, voting for different parties based on solving different problems. An example of this would be Pimpmust, voting for the Unifiers, but planning to support the Militarists later on: "First we must unite with our northern brothers, before Austria gets any new ideas! Then once that is done, the militarists may have their chance to reclaim Swabian honour and supremacy in Europe." In this case, Pimpmust trust the Unifiers to unite Germany, and then trust the Militarists to defend the Holy Roman Empire, but he does not trust either party to accomplish both objectives!

Thus, great news for one political party would not translate to actual votes. The Militarists' Peace with Honor did not help one iota in the Reichstag, as people already saw the Militarists as only good for fighting. Now that war is over, the Militarists were no longer needed and could be tossed away.

The Militarists' defeat in 1860 saved the Holy Roman Empire from the horrors of State Capitalism. It showed that the Militarists would never be able to gain power by being elected to the Advisory Council. Instead, the only way the Militarists could get onto the Advisory Council is if the Emperor uses the the "emergency powers" established by Brismarck. The reactionary Militarists are now regalated to a fringe force.

The election also solidifed the Progressive control over the Reichstag. In 1880, the Unifiers, riding on the popularity from the HRE, stayed in power during the Unification Reichstag. In 1900, the Liberals was elected to run the Advisory Council, altough the Socialists made a suprising showing. In 1920, the Unifiers (now calling themselves the Chrisitan Democrats) regained control over the Advisory Council, and stayed in power until the reign of Waldemar VII.

The Modernizers, while also a progressive force, was seen as naive, and never really recovered from the first Weltkreig. They faded away from the national scene, remaining as nothing more than an object of ridicule.