Part 21: Crusader Kings: Chapter 21 - The Scourge Returns: 1236 - 1259
1236 - 1259: The Scourge Returns
Alexandros von Hohenzollern is the Duke of Swabia. A pious and modest man, he is a somewhat detached from earthly affairs, devoting most of his time to prayer and scripture, even at the expense of his duties as ruler.

His wife is his first cousin, Agathe.

The Hohenzollerns remain strongly influenced by Byzantine culture, and seek allies and friendships among other German rulers with Byzantine relatives.

In 1237, an infectous disease begins spreading through the court, infecting over a dozen courtiers, and claiming the lives of several children.

The ill fortunes continue, as Alexandros' and Agathe's first son, Bartholomaios, is born with hideous physical defects. By now, people openly speak of the Wrath of God being directed at the rulers of Swabia for their sins.

An alternate reason is found in 1238 as Swabia's Marshal, a Hungarian by the name of János, is accused of using black magic to cause the disease and to curse the Hohenzollern heir. Several strange amulets are found in his chambers, and though János claims that they are simply good luck charms from his homelands, Alexandros immediately calls for the Inquisition. After a week of interrogation, János finally confesses and burnt at the stake.

A famous alchemist travels to the forgeries in Niederbayern to set up shop, working together with the smiths on an experiment that is sure to allow him to make Gold from lead, any day now.

After a long time of inexplicable inactivity, the il-Khanate has received reinforcements from the east, and has begun expanding into the surrounding area, conquering the lands of several minor Sheiks.

War is also raging over Iberia as usual, with French Crusaders battling the Hammadid Sultanate around Granada.

The Bishop of Rügen, Alexandros' old teacher and a leading candidate towards the next Papal election, comes to Swabia to ask for his former pupil's support. The pious Alexandros empties out the treasury for his old mentor.

In the east, Finland has gobbled up the last remnants of Chermisa, and the Finnish King now controls enough land to rightfully refer to himself as 'King of the Finns and the Rus'.

The Count of St. Gallen, a province that has not been a part of Swabia for over a century, asks to become a Swabian vassal once more after breaking loose from Burgundian rule. Alexandros is quick to accept.

Church power and wealth continues to grow in Swabia under Alexandros' rule, at the expense of the realm's prosperity.

In 1244, the now 20-year old King of Germany declares war on Bohemia over a claim to its remaining provinces in Germany. German troops quickly seize control of border provinces, looting and pillaging.

As German forces cross the border into Bohemia,, Alexandros' uncle, Chancellor David is captured while leading a squadron of Swabian knights into battle and held for ransom. Alexandros pays the ransom, and the Bohemians honor the rules of war, returning David unharmed.

Hungarian reinforcements are rushed to the German border in Bohemia, and after months of bitter fighting, succeed in driving the Germans out. Humiliated but unwilling to continue the war further, King Gerhard signs a white peace.

The French Crusaders have met with defeat in Iberia, but the King of England has joined the fight, seizing control of most of Castille and Leon.

Bartholomaios reaches majority in 1253. Impaired by both physical and mental ailments caused by the black curse of Marshal János, he is bitter, insecure and resentful, and has an extremely difficult time dealing with other people, something that will not do him any favors as Duke of Swabia.

In 1254, the Golden Horde returns to Russia. Finland is embroiled in a civil war sparked by its large Bjarmian vassal, and may not be in any condition to repel the Mongols a second time.

Burgundy is also embroiled in chaos, once again triggered by Catholic revolts in Savoy.

Using the turmoil to their advantage, the city-state of Venice has managed to claim a number of breakaway territories formerly part of Carinthia.

In the Middle East, the il-Khanate is sweeping aside all opposition. Persia, Baghdad and significant parts of Mesopotamia are now in the Mongols' hands, and their armies have reached the borders to the Byzantine Empire.

Even Swabia is embroiled in a short war, as Alexandros seizes the opportunity to lay claim to the title of the excommunicated Count of Cheb.

Cheb's armies are quickly defeated, though Alexandros is wounded in the fighting.

As with so many Hohenzollerns before him, the war wound becomes Alexandros' bane, as he falls ill, and finally passes away in March of 1259.

The inbred and inept Bartholomaios is now Duke of Swabia.

Mere days later, the King of Germany declares war on the weak and splintered Burgundy, armed with a claim to the Burgundian crown itself.