Part 22: Crusader Kings: Chapter 22 - Circles: 1259 - 1267
1259 - 1267: Circles
Upon taking the throne, Bartholomaios finds himself unable to deal with all the adminstrative matters of such a large demesne, and entitles two of his many cousins as Counts of Niederbayern and Cheb.

The war in Burgundy quickly turns to Germany's favor, especially after the Duke of Savoy once again rises against his Cathar liege, armed with his very own claim to the Burgundian crown.

Rather than allow the crown of Burgundy to return to the hated Germans, King Rudolf abdicates his Burgundian crown to the Duke of Savoy, effectively splitting Burgundy-Italy in two. Outmanuevered and now lacking any claims on Rudolf, King Gerhard settles for another white peace.

As though the victim of an endless repeating pattern of ebb and flow, the vast influence and wealth of Swabia begins to drain away under Bartholomaios' incompetent rule, and where once courtiers fought for a place at Castle Wurrtemberg, they now depart in droves.

A massive noble uprising in Poland has succeeded in defeating the armies of Orthodox Lithuania and the the King of Poland has reclaimed much of its previously lost territory.

Italy remains as it ever was - splintered and war-torn - as Germany, Italy and Burgundy vie for what was once the three crowns of the Holy Roman Empire.

In the east, the Finnish Empire appears to be crumbling before the might of the Mongols, as the Golden Horde pushes the Finns ever further back towards the Baltic.

Europe is moving in circles.