Part 47: Europa Universalis III: Chapter 17 - The Reichstag of 1599
Intermission: The Reichstag of 1599
On the 200th birthday of the Golden Bull, the Reichstag convenes in Mainz for a major council, to discuss a number of pertinent topics. As usual, the first topic is voting on Imperial propositions - three have been selected, vote on the one you prefer.
The Imperial Navy Expansion Proposal is back for the third, and undoubtedly final, time. Friedrich himself has forced this act to the table in the hopes that the Electors will grant him the fleet he wants, but should this act be defeated again, it is unlikely that Swabia will ever have a navy capable of contending with a real naval power.

The Imperial Army Recruitment Act aims to establish mandatory conscription to boost the number of men raised for the Imperial Army throughout the Empire. Modern rifles, artillery and discipline have vastly increased the casualties inflicted during war, and even Swabia's considerable manpower is proving inadequate for lengthy wars against other Great Powers.

The Imperial Bill of Rights is a radical proposal from the humanist factions within the Empire. It establishes the rights of all Imperial citizens to not be imprisoned without legal process, to be judged by a provincial court rather than that of the local lord's, and a number of other rights and privileges formely limited to just a few of the Empire's provinces. Such a proposal would do much to placate the lower classes, and reduce the risk of risings in times of turmoil and war.

There are also three other matters each awaiting a Yes or No vote from every member of the Reichstag:
Proposal #1 - Declaration of Indulgence
The Declaration of Indulgence Act is a separate petition, backed by the Cathari and Protestant member states, who wish to establish certain rights for all religious minorities across the Empire. Allowing this to pass would do much to improve relations between the Catholic and Reformed camps of the Empire.

Proposal #2 - Severing of the British Alliance
A strong anti-british sentiment has appeared in the Reichstag as an effect of their general disinterest in helping Swabia against French aggression. With every war, Great Britain has proven a less and less useful ally, whose attention is largely devoted towards its colonies. Many in the Reichstag feels it would be in the best interest of the Empire to ask Friedrich to sever his alliance with King Henry and find allies elsewhere.

Proposal #3 - The German Mutual Support Pact
Finally, the last proposal is held in a separate council chamber, where only Reichstag delegates from the German states - minus Austria - are in attendance. The various lords of North Germany have come together to offer Friedrich and the Reichstag a secret agreement.

In exchange for a guarantee that Swabia will not expand any further north into the free German member states, the Reichstag will give Friedrich free hands in central Italy, even providing covert backing for taking Ancona from Austria. This is not a proposal to enter lightly into - if Friedrich were to agree to this covert alliance and later violate it, the repercussions would be severe - not to mention that it grants Germans a favored status in the Empire, something that may have consequenses down the line.

The World, Anno Domini 1600
While attending the Reichstag, Friedrich is gifted a collection of maps and seacharts by a Saxon noble. These maps, bought from Scandinavia, England and Iberia, provide as complete a picture as anyone in Europe has of the known world. Friedrich makes the maps available to the Reichstag members, along with a summary of the latest foreign intelligence, in the interests of encouraging a more 'informed' vote.

- France's income is usually at about 40% above ours, its low because of stability and revolt risk.
- Morocco had annexed Creek, and Iberia Zapotec, both rebelled and declared independence just a few months ago.
- The Byzantines annexed Georgia and are chomping up Armenia bit by bit. They also gained a colony in Africa... somehow.
- Lithuania is huge - looks like it is going to turn into this world's Russia.
- The glorious Republic of Gotland has survived four wars against Scandinavia and Lithuania, most likely because the AI is terrible at naval invasions.
- Please excuse me accidentally coloring Austria water-blue