Part 64: Victoria: Chapter 4a - The Stuttgart Congress: 1814 - 1815
1814 - 1815: The Stuttgart Congress
With provisional governments in control of Iberia and France until their fate can be settled by the victors, Swabia begins to demobilize. The war has been costly - asides from the dead, the treasury reserve has gone from £50,000 to a debt of £10,000 and more than half of the Swabian fleet lies at the bottom of the english channel. The Swabian armies in Iberia begin their long trek home.

In January of 1815, Swabia calls the victorious powers in the war to a congress in Stuttgart to discuss the future of Iberia, France, and Europe at large. The hope is that by giving all countries a voice - and each of those who contributed to the war a vote on important issues - the Congress can succeed in stabilizing war-torn Europe.

With representatives from most civilized nations in attendance, Emperor Mathias II of the Holy Roman Empire takes the floor. The Emperor has spent considerable time deliberating with the Reichstag beforehand, getting the opinions of the various member nations of the Empire on the topics likely to be brought up.

As Mathias' speech ends, the first real topic of discussion begins - Flanders. A French territory for hundreds of years, the Netherlands still retains a claim to the region, and an independence movement is growing in the wake of France's defeat. Should Swabia support France, the Netherlands, or the Independence movement?

Welcome to the Stuttgart Congress! Rather than having this contained in a single post, this update will be spread out over a number of posts, to allow you guys to debate on how Swabia should vote/decide in each of the topics brought up. Swabia has a single vote on transnational issues, along with the other five powers who joined the war, so it's no guarantee that we'll get our way.
Your first vote is on the tone of the congress - this will influence how the other countries vote. The status of Flanders is also up for vote. It's important to note that beyond territory and relations, the Congress also plays a big role in deciding the AI of the AI nations - being harsh on Iberia/France will result in revanchism and hostility, for instance. What's decided on the Congress will play a very big role in how the post-revolutionary game plays out in general - so choose your votes carefully.
For each issue I will allow about a day to vote.
Vote 1 - Mathias' Speech
Option A: We must punish Iberia and France
Option B: We must strive to maintain Monarchial rule
Option C: We must stabilize Europe for the future
Vote 2 - Flanders
Option A: French Flanders
Option B: Independence
Option C: Dutch Flanders
Option D: Abstain