Part 68: Victoria: Chapter 4e - The Stuttgart Congress - Part 5
The Stuttgart Congress - Part 5
Swabia casts its lot in with the Tarwajali Emir, becoming the deciding vote that tips the scale in favor of independence. Tarwajal joins Alusal, Asmunakal, Muhajedz and Jidligrib in freedom.

With all the trans-national issues settled, there is only one thing left on the agenda: The revolutionaries have caused much grief and loss, and it is only right and proper that they reimburse us for our losses with territorial compensations. There are two serious considerations for us to demand: The Iberian Gold Coast in Africa, or the French East Indies. Taking French Sumatra and Sandalwood would give us complete dominance in the East Indies, but on the other hand, the Gold Coast would open up all of Northwest Africa, including the Mali, Songhai and Kanem Bornu tribes to colonization and civilization. This decision is not subject to a vote or veto among the other nations - this is entirely up to you.

Option A: Gold Coast

Option B: Sumatra & Sandalwood

Option C: Let them keep their colonies (like this is gonna get any votes)