Part 69: Victoria: Chapter 4f - The Stuttgart Congress - Aftermath
The Stuttgart Congress - Aftermath
Swabia makes its demands to the French East Indies known, a demand which is seen as rather excessive and unjustified, hurting our reputation and ruining relations with the new regime in France.

The demands are seen in especially bad light when the other victorious powers choose only minor concessions: Great Britain takes Bermuda for an off-shore port outside its rebellious colonies, Scandinavia takes the Andaman Isles outside India to gain a colony in the region once more, and Austria seizes the Canaries, giving it an Atlantic port.

Nova Aquitania is granted autonomy, while Tarwajal gets its independence.

As the Tahirids and Bourbons install themselves in their old palaces once more, the Congress comes to a close.

Claim have been settled and borders have been redrawn. Iberia has been ejected from the New World, and France has been circumcised, its Empire dismantled, plucked from the lofty heights of its past to be a mere medium power in the new Europe.

It is a peace built on the humiliation of France and Iberia. It is a peace where Swabia has ruined its reputation as a meditator by supporting radical agendas and making unreasonable territorial demands.
Can such a peace last?