Part 71: Victoria: Chapter 6 - The 1820 Reichstag
Interlude: The 1820 Reichstag
With most matters of foreign policy currently settled, the Reichstag of 1820 turns instead to internal matters - the 20-year term of the Modernizers is up, and it is time to vote again on which party shall lead the Reichstag in the next two decades. The Modernizers are being criticized for their opposition of an increase of the standing army beyond the current 30 divisions, but also praised for their efforts in balancing Swabia's budget after the war. Many feel that with the world being as it is, it may be in Swabia's interest to allow the Militarist Junkers to build up Swabia's defenses, while others yet stress the need to unify within to make up for the lack of strong allies without.

To help with the decision, the latest intelligence briefing on domestic and foreign matters has been included.
Statistics & Policies

Domestic Economy

Foreign Intelligence Briefing

Military Intelligence Briefing

Please show your Party allegiance by selecting one of the following options:
Option A: Modernizers

Option B: Unifiers

Option C: Liberals

Option D: Militarists