Part 74: Victoria: Chapter 9 - The 1840 Reichstag
Interlude: The 1840 Reichstag
The Unifiers' term is up, and it is time to decide who will lead the Reichstag for the next 20 years. Though significant progress was made through the creation of the NGF and SGF, things have been moving at snails' pace since then, and the Unifiers now face harsh criticism over neglecting the army and destabilizing Italy. The Militarists are campaigning on a platform of colonialism, citing the need for Swabia to cement its grip over Southeast Asia, while the Modernizers stress the need to widen the gap between Swabia and rapidly industrializing competitiors such as Iberia and the UK. The Liberals, encouraged by their gains in 1820, are proposing the creation of a constitution and for the Reichstag to be opened to more members of the landed classes. The Unifiers, of course, wish to continue the process of unifiying Germany and investments into culture and prestige.

To help you in choosing the new ruling party, the latest statistics and intelligence are at your disposal.
Swabia - Territorial Overview

Swabia - Infrastructure Overview - Provinces with railroads marked in white.

Swabia - National Summary & Budget

Swabia - Politics & Diplomacy

Swabia - Factories

Swabia - Resource Production

Resource Pricing & Demand

National Ranking

Largest Nations

National Armies

National Navies

Option A: Modernizers

Option B: Unifiers

Option C: Liberals

Option D: Militarists