Part 81: Victoria: Chapter 15 - Wars of Aggression: 1865 - 1870
1865 - 1870: Wars of Aggression
The special session of the Reichstag in 1865 shows strong liberal tendencies, with the promise of unification doing much to bring the different religions of Germany together. A number of laws are passed with significant consequenses for the aristocracy, such as the abolishment of the requirement of gentle blood to serve in the higher ranks of the military. Some even more radical proposals are vetoed by Bismarck, acting in Friedrich II's name.

The new laws serve to further strengthen the political consciousness brought about by the rise of the middle classes. Militancy is on the rise among Swabia's liberals, who openly oppose its Monarchial tradition.

The Unifiers continue their cautious expansion of the military, establishing a field HQ for each standing army and ordering the construction of 10 commerce raiders with adjoining gunboat flotillas to replace the old Baltic Navy.

In May of 1865, Italy joins the Grand Coalition by signing an alliance with Byzantium.

The Liberals and Militarists continue to push for an expansion of Swabia's colonies, especially in lieu of the UK's annexation of Brunei, and in June the Unifiers cave in, launching an invasion into the weak and decentralized nation of Pattani, ostensibly to put an end to the piracy that has been plaguing the Swabian sealanes in the East Indies.

Two invasion forces of Javan cavalry are landed on Pattani's shores, meeting almost no resistance.

After its capital falls, Pattani offers peace, but is turned down. In September, it offers its unconditional surrender, becoming a part of the Swabian East Indies.

Byzantium engages in a little aggression of its own, invading and conquering Hedjaz and the holy muslim city of Mecca in October. The Byzantine Emperor takes a triumphant trip to Mecca, entering the city escorted by two guard brigades. He holds a speech in front of the Kaaba, proclaiming the ancient Meccan law that forbids Christians from entering the city to be abolished.

The rioting begins almost immediately. The next morning, Mecca is in flames, several of the Emperor's guards are dead, and the Emperor himself is forced to flee to Suez on a ship.

By the end of October, all of Hedjaz is in open revolt against Byzantium. In mid-November, the revolt has spread to the entire Arabian peninsula.

The surrounding Muslim powers respond, with Egypt supporting the Arabs with troops and weapons, while Persia chooses not to intervene, not wishing to jeopardize its decades-long ceasefire with the Empire. Yemen, the last independent Arab nation on the peninsula, throws its lot in with the revolters.

Technological investment in 1861-1865 is varied, with both economical, industrial and military projects being undertaken. Perhaps the most important is the spread of machine guns to Swabia's army, further enchancing its ability to defend its fortified borders.

The new Baltic Fleet stands ready in September of 1866. By now, other nations have developed their own steamers, and ambitious fleet building projects have begun in Constantinople and Granada.

After initially achieving considerable success and even reaching Armenia, the Arab Revolt is halted by the Byzantine armies and begins to retreat in the spring of 1867. By April, the Byzantines have retaken fully half of Syria, leaving several isolated pockets of Arab troops in Armenia.

Peace is settled between Russia and Lithuania in May, with Russia taking a couple of provinces in the peace.

In July of 1867, disaster strikes as overspeculation on the steel market leads to a rapid drop in steel prices and several Swiss steel companies going out of business, along with the banks and investors who backed them. The effect snowballs, causing the Stuttgart Stock Market to crash.

The stock market crash and increased unemployment does nothing to defuse the volatile situation in Swabia, with continued riots and revolts.

It is in this Swabia where Frederick II von Hohenzollern, 16 years of age, ascends the throne in January of 1868. A charming and amiable young man, he has been strongly inspired by the 1865 Reichstag, and is considered something of a liberal in traditionalist circles. Much like his father, he is also a zealous German nationalist, with unification as his chief goal.

Trade of technology continues with the SGF in the interests of acquiring new military and mechnical developments invented in Scandinavia.

In January of 1869, France invades the Netherlands once more. The practically defenseless Dutch have little choice but to give up most of their territory, reducing the Netherlands to a mere rump state of coastal cities.

France also begins an ambitious expansion of its African colonies, prompting counter-action from Swabia to defend its interest zones. New trade posts and missions are established inland from the Congo coast in order to claim the lands for Swabia.

In summer, Asmunakal finally beats Alusal and Jidligrib for the last time, fully annexing the two states into the Asmunakali Empire.

With three of the five cultural and administrative centers of Berber Jadakal in his hands, the Asmunakali Sultan proclaims himself Caliph of all Jadakali Berbers and the creation of the Jadakal Empire.

Swabia's alliances expire a few months later, but talks of renewal fall apart, as the Russians and Scandinavians choose to condemn Swabia's recent aggression against a defenseless uncivilized country - though it is more likely that neither of them wishes to be dragged into a war against the Grand Coalition.

The year ends with a restoration, as Japan finally breaks its isolationism and joins the modern world, though it remains a backwards state.