Part 84: Victoria: Chapter 18 - The Unification Reichstag
Intermission: The Unification Reichstag
The Unification Reichstag has begun, and after several days of debate two rivalling proposals have emerged. Chiefly favored by Swabia, the Grossdeutsche Lösung aims to incorporate all four German states into a single massive German Empire, with all their non-German holdings intact. On the contrary, most of the nationalistic Federation representatives only want the actual culturally German lands to be a part of Germany - colonies are fine, but Germany, they argue, has no need for unruly Slavic, Swiss and Italian territories. Swabia is of course less than keen to giving up the last verstiges of Italy and its ancient rule over Switzerland, and it may be possible to work out a compromise in which Swabia is permitted to keep its sovereignity over said territories. Swabia and the Reichstag must now decide which proposal to back.

Swabia - Home Territories

Swabia - Overview & Budget

Swabia - Politics & Diplomacy

Swabia - Factories & Production

Resource Prices & Demand

National Rankings

Largest Nations

National Armies

National Navies

Choose the proposal you favor - please note that if we propose either Grossdeutsche or Compromise, and it fails to pass, then we must settle for the Kleindeutsche Lösung, so Grossdeutsche is a big gamble, though with the possibility of seriously paying off. Also, NGF and SGF don't currently have any non-German speaking parts so whichever way we unify they join in full. Finally, regardless of the solution we keep our colonies.
Option A: Grossdeutsche Lösung
Requirements: SGF must ratify, NGF must ratify and Austria must ratify (small chance)
Effects: Swabia joins Germany in full, SGF joins Germany in full, NGF joins Germany in full, Austria joins Germany in full.
Option B: Compromise
Requirements: SGF must ratify and NGF must ratify (good chance)
Effects: Swabia joins Germany in full, SGF joins Germany with its German-speaking parts only, NGF joins Germany with its German-speaking parts only.
Austria may opt to join Germany with its German-speaking parts only. (minimal chance)
Option C: Kleindeutsche Lösung
Requirements: None (always passes)
Effects: Swabia joins Germany with its German-speaking parts only, SGF joins Germany with its German-speaking parts only, NGF joins Germany with its German-speaking parts only.
Austria may opt to join Germany with its German-speaking parts only. (small chance)
Option D: Comedy Option - Don't Unify
Requirements: None (always passes)
Effects: Germany never unifies, we lose a lot of prestige and the NGF and SGF cease being our satellites.