Part 88: Victoria: Chapter 22 - Rights and Privileges
Intermission: Rights and Privileges
Germany is territorialy united, but in ideology, it is deeply split, rife with militant liberals and a growing anarchist movement. Riots are by now a weekly occurance, armed uprisings a monthly. A map put together of the problem areas show them to have one thing in common - heavy industrialization.

The Reischtag convenes in 1890 to discuss the problem. Two camps quickly emerge: Those who wish to deal with the problem through a military solution, and those who wish to compromise with the liberals by instituting reforms.
The question of a constitution has been raised - the Reischtag already has considerable powers, and extending some of those powers to the landholding classes would not be too radical a change. The very existance of a constitution would do much to placate the vast majority of the radicals. Frederick II has given the go-ahead for discussions on this topic, assuring the Reichstag that he will respect its decision and not use his veto.

Bismarck's social reforms are popular, but most in the liberal minority feel that they do not go far enough, and there are calls for an expansion of the programs.

Conversely, the more conservative in the Reichstag feel that the social forms are draining valuable funds that should go towards developing Germany's industry or rebuilding its navy, and are arguing for their abolishment.

As always, the latest in intelligence and maps have been put together for the members of the Reichstag to study before they make their choices.
The World of 1890

Germany - Home Territories

Germany - Overview & Finances

Germany - Politics & Diplomacy

Germany - Factories

Germany - Resource Production

National Rankings

Largest Nations

National Armies

National Navies

There are two questions before the Reichstag to cast your votes for:
Vote 1: Constitution
Option A: Yes - A new constitution is established and from now on ruling parties will be chosen by the landowning classes.
Option B: No - Right to decide ruling parties stays with the Reichstag and a Reichstag election is held in 1900 as usual.
Vote 2: Social Reforms
Option A: Increase the Reforms - Social reforms are all increased to 'acceptable' level.
Option B: Maintain Current Reforms - Social reforms are kept at current 'low' level.
Option C: Abolish the Reforms - Social reforms are all abolished.