Part 90: Victoria: Chapter 24 - Choices for a New Century
Intermission: Choices for a New Century
As the centurial celebrations die down, the Reichstag convenes in January to elect a new ruling party. There are five main parties in Germany that have been approved by the Kaiser: The new incarnation of the modernizers Freisinnige Partei, the nationalistic and hawkish Nationalliberale, the moderate Zentrumspartei, the Catholic-moralism Christsoz. Arbeiterpartei and the rectionary Nationale Partei. The Socialist party, only recently invited into the Reichstag in exchange for their professed support for the Emperor, are campaigning on an anti-militaristic and pro-reforms platform. The Radical party remains banned.

Germany - Overview & Finances

Germany - Politics & Diplomacy

Germany - Resource Production

National Rankings

Largest Nations

National Armies

National Navies

To help you, I will briefly describe how each party will affect how I play in the next twenty years.
Option A: Freisinnige Partei - Platform: Free enterprise, increased military spending, strengthening of near allies, non-interventionism abroad
Option B: Nationalliberale - Platform: Free enterprise, increased military spending, end to all technology deals with non-Germans, interventionism abroad
Option C: Zentrumspartei - Platform: Free enterprise, no change in military spending, continue current diplomatic policies, non-interventionism abroad
Option D: Christsoz. Arbeiterpartei - Platform: State development of railroads and existing industries, increased defense spending, diplomatic approachment to the Pope, interventionism abroad
Option E: Nationale Partei - Platform: State development of railroads and new industries, increased military spending abroad, aggressive push for Iberian Africa, interventionism abroad
Option F: Sozial. Arbeiterpartei - Platform: State development of railroads and new industries, decreased military spending, non-interventionism abroad, increase of social reforms