Part 5: Episode 5: Eve Walks into a Bar
Episode 5: Eve Walks into a Bar
Last time, Eve made a cunning escape into a hole in the floor. Again. So, Aya pursues

Into an admittedly impressive looking sewer.

That frog looks super tough.

Those rats dropped two Revives. They're basically extra lives. If you die, a Revive is automatically used to get you back on your feet. Our inventory is full, and this game is pretty easy anyway, so we swap one out for a Medicine and leave the other one.
There's nothing up on this walkway except for those rats, by the way. It exists purely to show you two treasure chest that you might not otherwise spot.


And here. These are both on the floor below, where we are supposed to go anyway. On the way back down, we open that chest right next to the stairs.

reinforced. And the interlock with the frame is tightened for added precision.
The sight system is original, too. The thumb safety is extended to make it
easier on the finger. A long-type trigger with non-slip grooves. A ring
hammer... The base of the trigger guard's been filed down for a higher grip.
And not only that, nearly every part of this gun has been expertly crafted and

Actually, it's not that great. But it is a clear upgrade to our default weapon. Attack equals damage, Range is exactly what it says on the box, and Bullets is clip size. The little shooty-gun icon tells you how many shots you can manage to fire in one turn. So, our first gun to shoot twice, and the 1911 can shoot three times.
Aya is completely stationary when firing, however, and you must use every shot per turn, so a higher number is not necessarily better. Three's good, though, so we'll stick with this.

Aya also started the game with this Club. The nightstick does poor damage and requires melee range, but it takes no ammunition so the game gives it to you in case you are really awful and run out of bullets. You also cannot remove it from your inventory, which can be annoying if you run low on space. But Aya swings it around like a tonfa, and that rules, so it can stay.
And yes, Aya brought her sidearm, kevlar vest, and nightstick to a quiet night at the opera. Why do you ask?

Moving forward, we encounter a familiar face.

Again, she runs in the direction we need to go and disappears.
But we have goodies to loot! Remember those chests we saw from upstairs? Well, one has a medicine or something shitty in it, but the other one, the one on the left, has a very nice item!

Dammit. Hold on a second. (Aya's hidden by the stairs in the foreground, by the way)

Right, so we ditch a medicine and get this: an Offense +1. It does exactly what the Defense +1 did, and we slap it on our shiny new 1911.
Here's why the inventory system can be a problem. First off, healing items don't stack, but you can heal yourself with magic, so you don't really need more than two or three. Secondly, even items you have equipped take up inventory space. Those are the items highlighted in blue. Finally, you see that Theater Key and Rehearse Key? Those are key items. We already used them, and there's no more doors they unlock, but they don't disappear and you can't get rid of them. At until we gain access to a storage function in the next update, at least. They suck and I hate them.

Anyway, let's follow that ghost kid or whatever.

The phone is, again, just a save point. The switch, though...

Opens the gate!

Aya runs down the corridor to confront her.

Eve turns to escape

Of course, there's a barred gate in her way. Yay, we win!

Uh, what?

Oh, I guess she just turns into orange goop, melts through the bars and reforms on the other side.
Wait, what?

Well, fuck. Even if we catch her, how are we supposed to arrest her? Anyone have a pickle jar or something?

Hey, what's that?

Oh, balls.

Boss Tune ~ Plosive Attack
First real boss fight!
I won't be recording every boss fight in the game, because not all of them are interesting to watch, but I will cover most of them. You may also notice that I use a slightly different tactic for fighting the boss in the video compared to the screen shots.

First off, there's two targets in the fight. The croc itself and its tail. Go after the tail first, because it has less HP.

The tail can also fire sonic booms.

He's not too tough, though. After you "kill" the tail, he roars and the camera angle changes.

And he gains the ability to spew fucking fire! I'm trying to think of something more terrifying than a fire-breathing crocodile, but I simply cannot. Do you know what the difference is between a crocodile that can breath fire and a dragon?

He still goes down, and we level up! We learn Slow, a new spell that...slows enemies. Fighting all those rats and frogs in the sewers also earned up Scan, a spell that shows enemies' HP and weaknesses. Unfortunately, the internet exists so Scan is no longer useful.
Crocomire also drops a new armor vest, but it's worse than the one we found in the prop room so who cares.

Why are JRPG villains always so cryptic? Would it kill them to just go "Hey, buddy, I'm gonna blow up the world. Please don't come to my flying evil castle to stop me. Thanks."

With Eve gone, Aya heads back upstairs to leave. Unfortunately, our super helpful back-up is gone and replaced by a foe more diabolical than any mutant rats.

A large man in a nice suit walks over without a word...

and decks that dude right in the 'stache!

This is Detective Daniel