Part 13: Episode 13: Shut Down EVERYTHING
Episode 13: Shut Down EVERYTHINGLast time, Eve demonstrated reckless driving. This time, we try to figure out what to do now that our protagonist is probably dead.
First off...

Do you guys like flashbacks?

How do you feel about recurring flashbacks?

Do you recognize that guy? DO YOU?!

Huh. Wonder what that could mean? Probably nothing important.

We wake up from the fog of time to find Daniel screaming at trees.

Suddenly, Ben comes running up from off screen! Hey, we managed to save someone after all!

And why do you smell like beef jello?

Sounds like Eve mind controlled them somehow. Or, maybe just manipulated their cells to make them move into position, like an army of horrible puppets! Awake and aware as their bodies move forward, compelled by an outside force, unable to do anything but watch and await their melty fate.
We're still totally taking credit for saving Ben, though. That was all us.

Later, Baker is talking to the interchang-o-twins

As if fearing Baker will out-bad-ass him, Daniel runs in just then.

Everyone just shakes their heads.

Shut up, Nix.

Downstairs, Daniel stops in to see Ben.

Damn right you do. She has my grenade launcher!

Wait, did you just say...?


Please, God, don't be Jack Slate's dog.


Meanwhile, the police evacuate the island of Manhattan.

Mondays, am I right?

The city is a ghost town.

Even the opening to 30 Rock is desolate and empty.

Apparently, someone misheard "Evacuate" as "Rapture".

We come to some nameless cops hanging around a barricade.

It would be really funny to me if this was actually babelfish nonsense.

Otacon sees an opportunity...




On that note, Maeda slips into the quarantine zone while a Tea Partier burns to death.
Maybe Eve's not so bad after all...