Part 20: Episode 20: Talkin' 'Bout Jizz
You guys know what happens when you say nice things about me?
Episode 20: Talkin' 'Bout Jizz

Day 4. Yesterday, Eve made it personal. Today, we...Wait, Conception? I don't like the sound of that.

We start today having an emergency meeting of the remaining New York Police Force. Or at least the ones left at Precinct 17.

Baker's not dead, by the way, just recovering at an unnamed hospital. In the manga version of the game (Yeah, there was a manga apparently), Baker actually gets horribly mauled by Sheeva and bleeds out in Daniel's arms.

I like this version better.

Told ya Warner sucked too much to die.

I hope Cathy's okay. I honestly can't remember if she ever gets mentioned again.

I don't know, Daniel, why don't you tell me?

Thanks, bro.

Chop chop. I want that shit sparkling by the time I get back!

Good news, one guy in the thread who cares about Nix! He survived getting his shit stomped by spiders!
Out of Phase

Look at this mess. That one cop has his work cut out for him.

Maeda can wait, we need to stop in on Wayne.


Oh, cool, cuz I have this SMG I really like and

You tease. Yeah, that Trading Card we found is the new Mod Permit. It functions exactly the same, but we'll find Trading Cards hidden throughout the game world.

Here's all the stuff Wayne can do for us. Wait, what Rare Trading Card Collection?

You got it, buddy.

Alright, all the way back upstairs to find Maeda.

Well, it fucking worked!

My God. She's after the amulet!

Wait, is Eve the parasite or the host? Do we need to rename the game? Cuz we already printed the manuals and...

Yeah, let's roll Da...Maeda?

What if we run across a locked door? Daniel is literally the only person in the whole genre who can shoot background objects!

Pfft. Excuses, excuses.

Uh, thanks? I mean, I already have over four hundred bullets but...

Whatever, see ya, Danny!
Urban Noise

Because of those reasons Aya just said in the last scene?

He didn't say that at all!

Oh. Well, that's sweet.

Godzilla kicked its ass is what happened.

Godzilla is how

Oh, so the Ultimate Being was a Death Star. Got it.

There's a Loss.jpg joke in here somewhere.

Next time, we visit a hospital in a survival horror game! Guess what happens!