Part 1: Mission 00: Datacore | Demolition
Mission 00 - Datacore: Demolition [ blip | youtube ]
Primary: Evade dataDyne Security
- You got my mewssage! This new d-PAL's some piece of tech huh! Its got worldwide comms access and all the storage you're ever going to need. I've connected it to your wireless headset. It's set to bleep you whenever new information's uploaded on your objectives.
- Your first objective is to sneak past dataDyne's security. All their defenses are automated, so now is a good time to refresh you on the basics of combat. I'm monitoring your progress from my laptop. Listen carefully and I'll guide you through their security.
Primary: Destroy CPU
- The package our employer wanted you to deliver is a CamSpy. This little baby's packing an electromagnetic pulse to take out electronics, but its real surprise is half a kilo of Cyclonite to take out the CPU. Pilot it remotely down the vent shaft and blow the CPU.
Support: Escort Scientists to Elevator
- Uploading your first support objective... Support objectives aren't critical to your mission, but they will make it a whole lot easier. You want to stick with the scientists? They're making for the elevator that heads up to the surface. Fighting alongside them will improve your chances against those spiderbots.
Support: Deploy Sentry Gun
- I've got you another support objective Jo. If you need backup holding off those spiderbots use the laptop gun's secondary function and throw down a sentry gun. It will help you defend the area while the scientist powers up the elevator.
Primary: Escape Trinity Platform
- That explosion sure did the trick! Blowing the CPU has sent the platform's defenses crazy. The guards are too busy fighting spiderbots to worry about you. Jack's waiting for you on the surface, I'm plotting a direct route to him now, follow my waypoints.
- Now dataDyne know you blew the CPU they'll throw everything they've got at you. Team up with Jack and take out the guards from cover. You're going to have to make a run for the service elevator that leads to the top of the rocket. That's your only way out.