Part 21: 06/04/09 - 06/07/09
After the fairly lengthy stretch in Tartarus before, we'll be spending the next few days definitely just relaxing with folks. Definitely.
Want To Be Close (Reincarnation) /

This sucks... I spent so much time thinking about ghost stories that now I'm having nightmares...

Don't overdo it.

Don't worry. I'm fine.

But, there's so many stupid rumors going around that it's tough to put them all together.

I did get some useful information, though. I'm gonna look into it more today.
Yeah, good luck with that I guess. We're not gonna bother because there's no reason for us to care.

But, hey, since we are Tired we should try and get rid of that in a way that doesn't use time. If possible.

It's really unlikely to get a condition improvement from the bathroom, but somehow we snagged it the first try. I was fully expecting to need to opt for that in lieu of studying tonight, so that's useful.

But, hey, we've got a Justice Persona now so we can make some progress with Chihiro I guess.
That's honestly kind of impressive. Like, I'm really curious how that even happened!

I was chosen for this job without my consent... I never asked to be Treasurer...
...That just raises further questions!

...B-But, if I didn't join Student Council, I would've never met you, right!?

I-I'm s-sorry...

If you're gonna flirt with each other, do it outside...

...I'm bored. My hand hurts from holding this pencil...
...Dude, really? C'mon.

...Hey, not so loud...

...C'mon, gimme a kiss! Please!

You're so annoying...

...*sigh* Okay, fine...
Well, at least that made them leave? God, now THAT would be awkward to have to deal with.

...Wh-Where do they think they are!?

How rude.

That's right, Makoto-san! I agree!
no but seriously pda is obnoxious

This is supposed to be a place of learning... and they're still just kids!

I say this as a member of Student Council...
> Everyone is watching.

Let's discuss this in our next meeting!

I agree.

If you're on my side, Makoto-san, then I have nothing to fear!

...Oh no, I...

...I shouldn't be talking so loud in the library...

I-I don't care if they stare at me, but, um... What about you?
I... that was fast? Remember how this S.Link started with androphobia and her being really socially awkward? This is Rank 3. Talk about your 180s, Bunny!

I don't want you to get picked on too, Makoto-san...
> Chihiro seems to be worried about you.
> Your relationship is stronger now!
> You decided to go back to the dorm.
Yeah, okay, see ya!
Iwatodai Dorm
Since we're intentionally not bothering, because really who cares, I think we can be honest here.

Really good.

C'est magnifique! Please keep up the good work.
Yeah, kinda.


That's what I thought. Well, good luck with your research.
Ooh, it's been awhile! Seems like this is a monthly segment.

Today's subject is a 20-year-old lady. with a beauty mark near her mouth.

...Next is news. Pain, pain, go away!
So, Trish's third guest is Maki Sonomura. As a main character from Persona 1, it's quite inevitable that she'd return in Persona 2 in some way. She's Very Important in Persona 1, though she spent the early game being in the hospital with good ol' fashioned Nonspecific Anime Illness. Following the events of the SEBEC Route (beyond the events at the hospital in the very beginning she does not appear in the Snow Queen stuff), she went on to become a therapist. Her Primary Arcana was The High Priestess, and her default Persona was Maso, a Chinese Goddess of Fishermen. She was a playable character in Persona 1 but only an incidental NPC in both Innocent Sin and Eternal Punishment.

I do wish the Who's Who stuff happened in 4 and 5 as well, but I guess acknowledging games before Persona 3 is relegated to spin-offs and DLC.

(and that If... is basically just a glorified Persona 0 gets zero acknowledgement ever)
Want To Be Close (Reincarnation) /
The next Full Moon is visible here now, huh...

Let's talk about it some more tonight...

I don't feel like it.

Hey! No ditching!

I heard some interesting stories, so make sure you're there, okay?
Afternoon Break

Did you two ask around, like we said?

Huh? We had something planned for today?

I know, I know! I'm just kidding! Man, you have such a short temper...

Then, we'll meet in the lounge after school. Don't forget!

Yes, Ma'am...
Well, at least we have some time before then at least. Now, what to do...

...I guess I went through the wrong door and now Andre has decided for me!
> You're having a good time hanging out with Bebe.

Let's go to ze Sweet Shop, Makoto-sama...

Zis is my first time going, so will you teach me?

Sure, let's go.

Ohhh! You are ze best! Thank you, arigatou!

Well zen, shall we go?

We'll go togezer, my tomodachi! My friend!
> You decide to go to the Sweet Shop with Bebe.
Disappointingly, we don't actually get to see inside. We just catch Makoto and Andre as they're leaving...

But I really like how apparently it's a delectable
time. Way more fitting if we were still inside the store at this point!

I am so 'appy, ureshii! I love ze culture of Nihon! Japan eez sugoi, amazrng!

Yeah, Japan is great.

Hai! Hai! Yes! Yes!

Japan's culture eez number 1, ichiban! I wish I was born 'ere.

I want to learn everyzing about Nihon and become Japanese!

Zank you for bringing me 'ere, Makoto-sama. Arigatou!

I must tell 'er zat I 'ave made a great friend! Tomodachi!
> Bebe seems truly grateful.
> Your relationship is stronger now!

I would like to ask you more about Nihon...
I do like that Andre does use whatever you answered before. It's a small detail, but one that would be really easy to just not bother with.
> You decide to go back to the dorm.
Ghost Meeting

Wow, you're really into this.

Of course. I got lots of good info.

Oh, so that's what's important, huh?

Hmph. First off, let's talk about how this rumor got started...
Just in case you don't remember, that girl is a nonspecific girl from 2-E who went MIA one night and then reappeared outside school unconscious the next morning.

But, why did the rumor spread so fast, if this was the first time anything happened?
Uhh, let's see... well, um... even though we're totally meant to know the answer to this via talking to people, I guess, we didn't bother with that. It's still super-obvious though; no one's died and ghosts don't exist.

There were three victims.


But yeah, I was surprised when I found out the reason...

Over the next few days, there were two more similar incidents.

Next. The victims are in different classes, and they don't seem to be connected.

However, they did have one thing in common. What was it?

What is this, a quiz show?

Do YOU know?

They hung out together.

Yup, that's right!

Not just once or twice, either.
...Stupid question, but how late is late?

It can't be just a coincidence...

Field research? Are you kidding?

Yeah, there's this one place where the three victims were regulars.
Something about that seems familiar...? I'm not sure, but I think we've seen it before. But I really can't tell for sure.

Oh, you're familiar with it?

You can't go there!

I've heard some nasty rumors about that place!

You'll come, right?

Sorry, count me out.

Aw, come on!

Junpei's just exaggerating.

I mean, don't you think we're getting in over our heads?

Up until now, all we've done is take orders. Does that feel right to you?

I know what you mean, but... Man, did you have to say it like that?

I guess I don't have a choice, do I?

Okay, we'll go tomorrow night, then.
> You agreed to go to the hangout tomorrow night.
Well, I'm looking forward to not getting to do anything tomorrow then. Gonna have to adjust my plans there I guess...
Iwatodai Dorm
I'm really not. It was information gathered at the speed of plot by Yukari, so we never had to do anything.

Well, Yukari had what might be a dumb idea and Junpei was apparently trying to be the voice of reason.
...Something here seems really backwards.

Tomorrow, I'm going to put a stop to that stupid Junpei Zone thing.

I hope you're not too freaked out, Makoto-kun.

Junpei's really freaked out.

Oh, don't worry about that. He's always freaked out.
I dunno; I'm really not sure that he is.

All these thugs get together... It looks like a reunion for ex-convicts.

Hey, aren't we planning to go there tomorrow...? Shit... We're in serious doo doo.
Fears related to the recent nuclear power plant accident have led to record sales for the devices...
So, let's see... what to do? Hmm, oh I know!

Let's go hang out with an old monk that smokes cigars and gets wasted.
This Mysterious Feeling

I told you not to come back here... Hmph, kids...

Well, I don't care as long as you don't get on my nerves. Here, take a seat.

...So, what're you doin' here, kid?

None of your business.

Ha, you're absolutely right! It isn't any of my business!

But watch your mouth, kid. You shouldn't be sayin' somethin' like that to an adult...

If you were my son, I'd give you a swift kick in the ass.

You don't have to revere me, but at least show me some respect.

I'm sorry, um...

And don't forget to put "san" at the end.

The world's not a forgiving place, kid. You gotta show other people respect.
> Mutatsu lectured you...
> You felt kindness behind his harsh words.
I think that's just the brandy, y'know.
> You understand Mutatsu better now.

...just go home, alright? And don't ever come back here.
> You decided to go back to the dorm.
So, yeah, Mutatsu is pretty damn great. It's just a bit of a shame that he's one of the slower S.Links to rank up, and for the most part having a Tower persona doesn't help.

But the first Tower persona is over level 30 so that's a long ways off anyway...

Aside from this aside, there's nothing that happens today until after school. Might as well just skip to important stuff then.

Chihiro seems like a good idea right now.

Purely because we don't actually get a rank up out of it. This is the second time this has happened now, huh?

Like with Bunkichi and Mitsuko before, we just need the one time slot to push it to being a rank up at least.
But that's enough of that. We have Yukari's Terrible Plan to deal with now...
Punk Hazard

What's your hurry? ...I still think this is a bad idea.

How could you be afraid of ghosts, but not be scared of this...?

It's easy to get freaked out by something you can't see, don'tcha think?

*sigh* Big deal, so it's a little "dangerous"...

Come on, it'll be an adventure!
Keep Yukari's attitude in mind. This is very important.
Fearful Experience

Check out those rags... They're from Gekko High.

Oh man, this is worse than I thought...

Uh... Well, I...
Hmm, Yukari's attitude immediately changed from one guy taking a couple steps, huh? Not much of a surprise, really.

And, of course, she instantly opts to hide behind Makoto...

Beat it, Goatee...

G-Goatee? Oh, y-you mean me...
She says, cowering behind someone.

H-Hey! Are you nuts!? Take a look around you!

I'm not blind, ya know.
Yukari, c'mon. You're sassing wrong!

What was that?

She just called us "scum."
Tough Chick's Friend: Let's get 'em. Who cares where they're from!?

She'll wish she was never born!

Hahahahaha! Oh, that's so clever! Hahahahahahaha!!

These guys are the worst...

You oughta learn to shut that trap of yours.

Man, I feel sorry for you, Goatee. This bitch is a pain in the ass... huh!!


if you poke the bear, you're not allowed to be surprised when it tries to maul you jeez

Got anything to say before I beat it to a bloody pulp!?
Oh, hey it's uh.... you. That guy.


Who do you think you are, dumbass? You want some too!?

*sigh* Do I have a choice?

That's it, you're goin' down!!

*gasp* Shit...

That's right... You're from Gekko High too, aren't ya!?

I thought you were one of us...
I don't remember if I mentioned it or not before, but Shinjiro is voiced by Grant George. Among many other roles, he voiced the protagonist of Persona 1 (in the PSP remake) which is kinda neat. Oh and Officer Kurosawa in the one scene he had with actual dialogue which is... something, I guess.

I don't remember swearing a blood oath.

You son of a bitch! You just crossed the line! You think you're going home alive!?

Sure do.

Uh... S-Screw this...

Hahahahaha! What a loser!

You better grow eyes in the back of your head!
Well, at least they left easily enough at this point.

You idiots!

Get outta here. This place isn't for you.
Shinjiro's even more than willing to take his own advice. How nice!


We came here for a reason!

Did Aki tell you to come here?

No, he didn't.


Um, yeah... How'd you know?

Those girls who wound up in the hospital were here talkin' shit every night...

Fuuka...? You mean Fuuka Yamagishi, from 2-E? They were picking on her?

I hear it's all over the net, too.

Fuuka's spirit...? Wait, what do you mean by that!?

You guys don't know?
...Wait, what?!

She hasn't been home in over a week.

Don't you guys go to school!? How do you not know this?

Are you serious!? I thought she was out sick...

But, she's missing!?

So much for the ghost story. Mr. Ekoda is the homeroom teacher for 2-E, right? Does he know about this...?

It's you who can't let go...

Nothing... That's all I know... Satisfied?

...C'mon, show some appreciation.

...You're very kind.


I, um... Never mind.
No need to tell me twice! Pretty sure we'll never see this place again at this point. Not seeing any need to come back at least.
Iwatodai Dorm
As a nice bonus, we do still get to do some stuff today. Can't say I expected that, honestly.

It began with a ghost story, and has developed into a serious situation.

We have to do something...
I'm not sure we do, really. There's not really much we could do about a normal missing person's report.

If Shinjiro-san hadn't helped us, we'd be...

Shit! I'm never going there again!

I mean, I'm proud of you guys for trying to gather information, but be a little more careful next time.

Um, I'm not so sure.

But, he wouldn't have saved us if he wasn't a nice guy, right?

I just don't know why he's trying to act so mean...
The yen is now 115.12 to the dollar, down from last time by 0.11 yen.
Nice to have an economic update occasionally, I guess. It'd be something that grounds the more supernatural stuff if we didn't have, uh, about half the game that does that anyway.

Oh well, let's spend more time with Mutatsu because he's pretty damn great.
This Mysterious Feeling

Even Buddha's not that forgiving. Alright, that's it. I'm gonna hand you over to the bouncer and...

...Well, there's no Buddha in this world, so... Alright, kid. Stop lookin' at me like that and sit down.

...How come you're always alone when I see ya? Don'tcha got any friends, kid?

I don't have any friends.

Either ya like being alone, or ya got problems... In any case, well said. No hesitations whatsoever... heheh...

Don't worry if ya don't have any friends. Most of life's troubles have to do with others.

...Let's define a "friend" as... someone you hold dear.

People always want somethin' in a relationship. They only really love themselves.

You don't call someone who doesn't like you your friend, do ya? No, you don't...

Which means, in this world, there's no one you can hold dear.

At the end of the lonely road of love, kid, you're the only one left standin' there.
Gotta admit, I wasn't quite expecting nihilism to pop up so early.

But, you see those dames over there, the ones on the dance floor?
Mutatsu, my man, I like you and all but I will not help you with that.
> Mutatsu seems to trust you.
> You understand Mutatsu better now.

Go home for now, kid. You're gonna come back again anyway, even if I tell you not to, right?
> You decided to go back to the dorm.
Eventually, yeah, but we won't quite be back to speak with Mutatsu again for a while now.

No super deep reason for it or anything, just gonna work on some other stuff for a bit first.
Current Net Price Tanaka
This is for a mechanic that we haven't gotten to yet (but we could have in theory). Even if we did, though, Perfume sure ain't useful for way longer.

...I nearly didn't buy this one, honestly. Just shy of 4000 yen is kind of a lot for 1 Perfume and 5 Medicine. I still bought it, because hey never know, but this is one I wouldn't blame anyone for skipping.
Iwatodai Dorm

So even if a Shadow finds you first, you can still get the first strike.

But even though your speed is fast, your range will still be short, so be careful.
I can't say I particularly like using fist weapons with Makoto. I dunno, the short range on the map messes me up a decent amount. Plus they're seldom the best available weapon anyway.

Also, general summer wear is kinda great for everyone but Mitsuru's outfit is once again the best.

(shame she has nothing new to say)
...And now, the news.
I really hope that the Phoenix Ranger episode previews are based on real sentai show episodes. Because I so wanna watch that one, jeez. It seems like something that Kamen Rider Fourze would totally do.
When The Moon's Reaching Out Stars /
Way of Life
Both Yukari and Junpei are hanging out at the shrine today, huh? And I see they've made a new friend.

Are you friends with Yukari-san and Junpei-san?

Yep, you got it.

He lives in the same dorm as me and Yuka-tan.

Really? I didn't know boys and girls could live in the same dorm.

Umm, uhh, well... It's like...

We're exceptions! We've got good reasons for sticking close...
I'm pretty sure the kid doesn't understand why there's normally gender segregation when it comes to things like this. Because he is a child. So it's not like we need to worry super hard about explaining things.

He's a lot more reliable than Stupei.

Besides, I'm way more mature than Ken. Don't you think?
Just met the guy so I can't really answer that one fairly. So, I guess going from what we know, might as well be overly literal for now.

You're more mature.

See!? You hear that, Yuka-tan? Even Makoto thinks I'm more mature than that kid!
I'm probably gonna regret that sometime in the future, but Junpei is definitely older and therefore physically more mature at least.

Especially Yukari-san! Her advice is very useful.
Well, since we're here we might as well spend a bit of time hanging around here...

This'll do nicely. It's pretty much necessary for the +10 points (Arcana Boost doesn't work here AFAIK), but at least this way we don't lose an important day for it.

Naturally, we don't have anything new at the dorm in the evening. So we'll just go relax and drink coffee for a bit.

...Y'know I can't help but notice now that tomorrow is a full moon. I'm sure it'll be fine, though. I doubt anything's gonna happen this time.