The Let's Play Archive

Persona 3 Portable

by Feinne

Part 141: 10/5/09


I guess I must have stopped crying and fallen asleep at some point last night, because all of a sudden it was light out. Another promise I couldn’t keep, I guess, but I’ll just have to ask him to forgive me.

Video- “Aki’s Resolve”


> However, you must still go to school today.

Couldn’t really tell you what went on in class, I just sort of zoned out until Mitsuru came by after school.

Oh… Sure.
When you get back today, please meet me in the lounge.
You know what it’s regarding.
I don’t expect you to have collected your thoughts. In fact, I am still at a loss myself…
I’ll see you then.
It’s about Ken, huh…
* sigh * This’ll be a fun meeting…
Hey, Aelita… Let’s go home together today.

We’re not even allowed to go see Shinjiro, he’s on life support and not supposed to have any visitors.

> Shinjiro is lying motionlessly, connected to various machines…
> The mechanical sounds from the medical equipment are the only signs that Shinjiro is alive…
> A figure glared at the “No Visitors Allowed” sign and entered the room…
You look pretty good. So how long are you gonna lie around sleeping there?
I had the usual for lunch…
Ramen tastes a lot better when you’re cutting class.
…Make sure you invite me next time.
Say something, will ya…?
Why are you always like that?
You’re so stubborn.
Put yourself in my shoes for a change…
…You think it’s the other way around, huh?
I guess you’re right…
I was too obsessed with power…
Ever since I lost Miki, that’s all I’ve cared about…
I thought that if I was strong enough, I could protect anyone…

Maybe it’s for the best, though, I don’t know what seeing him like this would do to help.

Don’t leave me behind…!
> Akihiko collapsed on Shinjiro’s bed…
You can hear me, can’t you!? Wake up…!
Snap out of it…! Shinji…!
* sob *
> Eventually, Akihiko stood up…
…Yeah, I know…
Crying won’t change anything, will it…
Alright, Shinji…
You watch from here.
I still have things to do, right?
> The resolution in Akihiko’s heart has awakened a new Persona…

I think Akihiko cut class today, he was acting like he’d had some big revelation or something. Must be nice.

I know that much.
I can’t carry this guilt forever…
…I’m getting tired of it.

After school we all got together to talk about what was going to happen to Ken.

> Everyone is here except for Ken…
You all know the reason we’re gathered here.
We need to discuss how to deal with Amada…
I’ve already consulted the Chairman.
Aigis, bring Amada here.
It’s my fault…
When Shinjiro-senpai told me he’d be late, I thought it was strange, but I said nothing.
If only I’d listened to my intuition…
Don’t be so hard on yourself, Fuuka.
It’s not your fault.
If anyone should have realized it, it should have been me.
I knew this wasn’t a game…
But, I never thought it’d end up like this…
There’s no point dwelling on the past.
Don’t you remember what Shinji said?
“This is how it should be”…
He was a hell of a guy… He even faced death head on.
…That’s why, from this day forward, I’ll face things head on, too.
That’s cool, man…

As if we didn’t have enough problems, Ken’s run off. For hating Shinjiro, he’s a lot like him. Just as selfish…

He’s not!?
There are indications that the window has been pried open.
Wait, Fuuka! Do you know where he is?
Well… no… but we can’t just let him go off on his own, right!?
So, where do you plan on looking?
I don’t know, but we have to find him!
He must feel so alone…
We gotta calm down first.
She’s right, Fuuka…
You of all people should understand!
I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to…

Ran off without even considering how we’d feel if he died too.

Bringing him back won’t change anything… and we can’t keep treating him like a kid.
It’s his choice. He’s the only one who can decide how he’s going to live his life.
…The same goes for all of us.

I know Fuuka wanted to run out after him, but I don’t know how we’ll find him if he doesn’t want to be found.

I lost my temper and said all those things to Yukari-chan…
But I’m really worried about Ken-kun…
I know how it feels not to have a place to belong to.

We just have to hope he comes back home.

I will stand by until further notice.

To hope he realizes he doesn’t need to go through this alone.

We should’ve been more understanding…
I wonder what he’s doing now…

They talked about Shinjiro on the news.

Newscaster: Though he rarely attended school, he was often spotted at the crime scene.
Police believe that it must have arisen from a dispute, and are questioning local youth.

Like the police could do anything about it.

It is a difficult decision for such a young person to make, but I’m not worried.
Ken has a strong will…
I am confident he will make the right choice.

We’re the only ones who can make things right.

He said, “This is how it should be.”
Those were his words, even when he might have died…
Would you be able to say that?
Sorry… I shouldn’t have been talking like that.

I headed up to his room one last time. It’s silly, I know, but I just wanted to see it again.

> ……?
> The door doesn’t seem to be locked…
> The equipment Shinjiro was using is in the box…
> It seems they were collected together…

I’m not going to break my promise again.

Yes, please!
Woman: Very well…
After the storm comes not calm, but another trial…
Do not despair, however…
I sense strong forces at your side, even more so than before…
Be brave, and confront this hardship with unshakeable resolve…
Farewell, then… May your future be bright…

Just… forgive me for it this last time…