The Let's Play Archive

Persona 3 Portable

by Feinne

Part 43: 6/12/09


Yukari’s still a bit uncomfortable with how Fuuka joined.

Hey, Aelita… What do you think about Fuuka?
She’s very helpful.
You think so?
I mean, yeah, her Persona ability is great n’ all, but…
Doesn’t it kinda seem like she was forced into joining us?
I hope she’ll be okay…

I just hope she’ll be okay back at school.

Video- “Fuuka’s Friend”


Nosy Girl: Hey, did ya hear?
Ekoda’s in hot water!
Gossip-Lover: Really? What’d he do?
Nosy Girl: I don’t know, but it must be serious. …Sexual harassment, maybe?
Gossip-Lover: Hahaha, I can totally see that!
U-Um… G-Good morning…
Nosy Girl: Hey, look… It’s the ghost girl.
Gossip-Lover: Quiet, she can hear you!
Fuuka, you in here?
I heard you started living in the dorms.
You seem so depressed…
Let me know if you need someone to talk to.
You could probably use a friend, huh?
Oh, come on.
…Just call me Natsuki.
Thank you…

I headed down to the mall with Yukari after school.

Wanna start off at the pharmacy?
I ran out of my color of lip gloss, but what do you think…?
Hang on, I’ve got a phone call.
> Yukari’s expression darkens…
Yeah… What?
…So? …Get to the point, okay?
It’s not funny!
What!? How do you think that would make Dad feel!?
Fine. Do whatever you want.
…Just don’t call me again!
> Yukari hung up on the caller.
Are you all right?
…Oh, yeah… I’m fine. Thanks for asking.
> Yukari seems to have calmed down a little.

There was only one person who could make Yukari so angry.

She says she wants to get remarried…
I don’t really are if she wants to get married again, but I can’t stand how she’s been living…
Running away from life, jumping from guy to guy…
I don’t think that’s fair to my dad.
> Yukari seems to be upset.
> You quietly stood by Yukari until she calmed down…
Sorry, I’m okay now.
I’ll never be like her. I’ll never be that weak…
Running away to forget your problems is the worst thing you can do.
I’ve decided that I’m gonna live on my own.
I’ll show her that I can be happy that way.
> Yukari has shared her innermost feelings.
> You understand her a little better now.

Still, I think she’s being a bit unfair to her mother.

Thank you.
For some reason, I feel like I can tell you anything, Aelita…
That’s it! I’m going on a shopping spree today!
And you’re coming with me, Aelita!
> You kept Yukari company until her shopping spree finally wound down…

I hung around long enough at the mall that I got out of helping fix up Fuuka’s room.

They’re getting Fuuka’s room ready on the 3rd floor.
But, no guys allowed…
It’s cool, though… I’m just glad she’s coming. She’ll be here tomorrow, ya know.

Probably for the best, I’m no good at cleaning.

They’re cleaning it up. You know, dusting and mopping…
They said they’d call us if there are any cockroaches to be killed.

Junpei’s also heard the rumors of Mr. Ekoda’s terrible fate.

It must’ve been because of Mitsuru-senpai…
Scary, huh? Beware the power of Kirijo!

Anyway Mitsuru and Yukari are too busy for us to consider going to Tartarus.

But, preparing for Yamagishi’s move has taken longer than I anticipated.
Was it that difficult when you first moved in here?
Unlike for the boys, there are many things that need to be prepared when a new girl moves in.

Not really a surprise, given the state of the room.

Please don’t let there be any cockroaches…

I’m not too proud to admit I snuck out of the dorm to the mall just in case they decided to ask me to help.

Yes, please!
Woman: Very well…
I feel another change…
A strong wind blows across the world, sending a blue flower’s petals into the air…
How will you interpret this wind…?
As a weak and frail breeze, or a brave and mighty gust…?
Farewell, then… May your future be bright…

Mutatsu-san was very, very drunk.

> Mutatsu’s breath smells of alcohol…
> He must have been drinking a lot.
Don’t you think ish… * hic * rude to maaake shum’one wait?
Didn’t Dad tell you not to do that, ehhh?
Eh…? Dad? * hic * Did you jush call me Dad?
> Mutatsu seems happy.
You always call me an ol’ bashtard… But, * hic * you’re all nishe whenever ya need shum money…
I thought you got in an acshident or shumthin’…
* hic * Don’t make me worry like that.
What the hell were ya doin’ thish late!?
I was with friends.

Yeah, he was so drunk he mistook me for someone else.

Hmph, like father, like son, I guess…
> Mutatsu seems pleased.
Uh… Hmm…? YOU…?
> It seems Mutatsu is sobering up.
Damn… All this time, I thought you were… I guess my eyesight is getting bad, after all…
I thought the pitch of your voice sounded a bit high…
> Mutatsu mistook you for his son…
> You understand his loneliness better now.

Yukari’s mother is running from her husband’s death, while Mutatsu’s running from his own life. It’d be funny if it weren’t sad.

…Spending all my time with clients, missing anniversaries and birthdays…
I wonder if they felt the same way I did, as I waited for you earlier…
My wife and my son…
It’s been four years since they left…
I used to stay out past midnight; and when I got home, my wife and I would get into a big argument…
…Now when I go home, I don’t know what to do with myself, so I just come here and drink every night.
You’re just running away.
…Yeah, you’re absolutely right. I shaved my head, but it’s only for show…
> Mutatsu is laughing sheepishly.
I get drunk to avoid facing my problems… So, yeah, I guess you could say I’m runnin’ away.
…She hasn’t called me or sent me a letter since then. She must’ve gotten over me.
Who knows where they are… or if they even wanna see me…
…Aw, forget it. It’s too much of a hassle, anyway.
Alright, kid, let’s get outta here.
> You left the club with Mutatsu.

Oh, and when I got back and went to bed things got all weird again.

Video- “Death”


> You sense someone’s presence…
You’ve prevailed yet again.
Do you remember what I said before?
About everything coming to an end?
Well, I recalled something else…
I’m fairly sure that the end is inevitable.
But, it’s funny…
It doesn’t seem so certain, considering the vast potential within you.
As a matter of fact, your power seems to have changed quite a bit.
Hey, if you don’t mind, can I be your friend?
I’m very curious about you… Is that okay?
Aren’t we friends already?
* chuckle * You’re right. I didn’t really need to bring it up, did I?
After all, I’ve been with you from the beginning…
My name is… Pharos.
You may call me that if you wish.
> You felt a faint bond with the mysterious boy named Pharos…

The Arcanum of Death, huh…

It’s getting late, so I’ll go now.
I’m already looking forward to our next meeting.
> Pharos disappeared…

I don’t know what sort of end he’s talking about, but whatever it is I don’t care how inevitable it’s supposed to be. Not even trying to change things doesn’t help anyone.