Part 117: January 20 - January 22: Naoto's Discomfiture and Nanako's Homecoming
-The Path is Open-

The finalized design for Yamato Takeru, Naoto Shirogane's awakened Persona. It was designed to reflect Naoto, a beauty in male dress.
> Today, Dojima and Nanako are coming home. You decided to go straight home. When you arrive, Teddie is there to greet you...
-Like A Dream Come True-

I've been waiting forevvvvvvvver and evvvvvvvver for this day! Now now now, come in, come in! Gimme one of those "Honey, I'm home" kisses! Oh, don't be so shy. Smoochy-smoochy! Come on, pleeeeeeeash?

Stop! Break! Cut! It's all a mistake!

Today's the day Nana-chan comes back, so I've been practicing hard to greet her. Oh, I know! Sensei, what does it mean to "glomp" somebody? I found that in one of Yosuke's books, and I'm pretty sure it's romantic!
> Teddie's eyes are serious...He doesn't look like he's going to back down until you teach him. How will you teach him...?
"Lesson One: Anyone who 'glomps' Nanako at any point in the next decade will be doing so over their dead body."

All right, I think I get it! I'll give it a shot! Hey, I've got a whole little show to go along with it. Let me show you!

Come home well, and WEL! COME! HOOOOOOOME~!

Hey, I'm ba--
-New Days-

Oh! Teddie's here, too!

Nana-chan! You're all better!

Easy there, Nanako. You don't want to get hurt again.

Nuh-uh! The doctor said I'm alllll better!

*sigh* Well, she's been so strong this whole time. Who am I to argue? I owe you a lot for this, so I've gotten us a fancy dinner for tonight.

Look! We bought sushi! And it says "premium" on the package! That means it's super fancy. I call the hirame and kohada!
> Nanako looks happy...

Okay, well, I was able to say hello to Nana-chan, so I guess I'll be going now.

You're going home already!?

Now that you're home, Sensei won't be lonely anymore, so...Plus, I'm not a family member...

Too late for that.

Sensei...So I can stay here...?

You're big bro's friend, and my friend! Friends can stay here. Right, Dad?

Don't worry about it, it's just sushi. We're celebrating today!

Pops...! I'm such a lucky bear...!
> It appears that you will have a lively dinner tonight...

It did cost a pretty penny.

...Yeah, that's good stuff.

Big bro, I love sushi! It's so good!

Shoot, I forgot to ask them not to put wasabi on it...

Here, Nanako, I'll scrape yours off. Which do you want?...Maybe we should have split it into separate portions first...

*OMPF SHNOMPF GLARF* It's so good! So good! So good!
> Life with Nanako and Dojima has returned...After dinner, you walk Teddie back to Yosuke's house.
-Signs of Love-

Aww, lucky. I wanted to play with him.

Let's go see him at Junes, big bro!
If you were suffering some kind of brain fever and didn't complete Heirophant or Justice before everything went to hell back in November, you now have two more weeks to do so.

Sheesh, you should've said something. I know, you don't want us to worry...But I'm supposed to be taking care of you here. At least let me act like your uncle once in a while.
"I did say something. It was, 'Ughlurrrg.'"
-Sky Full of Stars-

I was practicing on my own until just now. It was going well today, so I just kept going.

Are you busy right now? Since we ran into each other, um...

Yes, thank you!

Oh, I recommend ginger tea if you're trying to prevent a cold. It warms your body, and it'll repel those colds!

I'll give you my grandma's recipe for it. Do you want it?


Okay! I'll write it down for you! It's good for your throat too, so it's a great benefit for woodwind-brass players!
> Ayane is smiling.

My grandpa says using lemon in the tea is better for you, but I think it's too much...
> You and Ayane got to know each other over small talk...

Oh, sorry! I have to be home soon.

I have so much fun talking to you, I just completely lose track of time. Oh yeah, Senpai, please take this!
> You received Herbal Pill from Ayane.

Please accept this small token of my gratitude. This is for all the help you give me. Thanks for talking to me. Let's talk again.
> You returned home after walking Ayane to her house.
-Heartbeat, Heartbreak-

I heard from Teddie that Nanako-chan's out of the hospital! Man, what a I finally feel like the case is closed. Oh, yeah! I was talking it over with the other guys, and what do you think about throwing Nanako-chan a "coming home" party?

I'm sure she'd love it.

Alright, then it's on! Let's meet up at the food court tomorrow afternoon! I'll pass it along to the others. Heheh, I'm already getting excited!
> Samegawa riverbank...

Things have become so peaceful lately...I finally feel like I've gotten used to it. The people of Inaba are thinking about the events that transpired, and are making an effort to make the town better.

That sounds great.

I've heard that a lot of local government projects are being considered, such as bringing back old festivals. It would seem that they're trying to revitalize the town commercially, but I think the people yearn for "connection."
> Naoto smiles gently...

But as time passes, everything fades away eventually...Whenever I handle a serious case, I always come across a certain problem. Man can forget about painful memories, and in doing so wipe away tears and learn to stand up again...But because we forget, we repeat the same mistake that caused those bad memories in the first place. Being able to get used to difficulty is a strength, but people make mistakes because they get set in their ways...

But after meeting you, I feel as if I've found an answer to these doubts. I feel that as long as you can find something precious in your heart...something to'll be okay. And as long as you have that precious someone, no matter how much you forget, you can strive for a better future...Of course, I have people who are precious to me as well. That's why I'm thinking about doing whatever I can...for them, too.

This isn't just about me. I draw my strength from everyone else...They keep me alive. I've never considered things like that before.

And, of course, the ones who taught me to think that way are none other than you and all my other friends.

...Thank you. Really.
> Naoto smiles cheerfully...
-Strength of Heart-
> Naoto's heart, having developed over this difficult year, attains greater power...
> Naoto's Persona has been reborn again...! Yamato Takeru has transfigured into Yamato Sumeragi!
Yamato Sumera Mikoto, the divine emperor.

The most broken ability in the whole game. Shield of Justice completely nullifies the next attack against each team member, no matter what type it is or how hard it would have hit. Each use costs 160 SP, but it's well worth it. Not to mention that Naoto's Chakra Ring makes it 80, which is just stupid.

I wonder if this means that I'm still capable of change.

I'm going to keep learning from here on, and as long as I do, I can always change...That doesn't just apply to me. I'm sure the same can be said about you, too. I'm starting to look forward a bit to getting older...You, I, and everyone else will keep changing. We'll all be having effects on each other, all those years...

I want to watch how all of us change each other all throughout my life...That's what I truly want.
> You sense an unchanging strong bond with Naoto...You spend a long time with Naoto discussing all manner of things, until it gets dark out.
-Sky Full of Stars-
Drunk boss: Geez, listen to you. Before, you only ever wanted to go home.
Drunk subordinate: Well, it's no good to work OR drink alone...You gotta let people in! Right...?
Drunk boss: Gahahahaha! Attaboy! Don't forget that! I hope you'll go far with the company!
Drunk subordinate: Yes, sir!

I just finished helping out my family and I'm taking a break. Do you wanna talk for a bit?

He was eating a bunch of topsicles, in this freezing weather! He was lecturing the Shiroku clerk that those who truly love frozen treats don't care about the weather!

He even gave one to me. Though, I didn't eat it yet.

His name is "Ted."

Oh, from the cross-dressing contest? I didn't notice, since he was wearing normal clothes today. I wonder how long he's been in Inaba. It's like he just appeared out of nowhere.
> Naoki is thinking.

After that, I saw Hanamura-san drag him away. Are they relatives or something? No, wait...he can't be...He has blond hair and blue eyes...
> You and Naoki had an enjoyable chat.

It's late. I think I should probably head home.

Oh yeah...I had some extras of these, so take 'em if you want them.
> You received Sour Konbu from Naoki.

Well, see you.
> You parted ways with Naoki and returned home...
> You have plans to attend a party at the food court to celebrate Nanako's release from the hospital. You should go to the food court with Nanako...
-Everyday Sunshine-

Everyone: Congratulations!

Welcome back, Nanako-chan!

Thank goodness you got better!

Thank you! I feel great now.

I can go home and live like normal. Right, big bro?


Yeah! I can go to school and help out around the house like I always do!
> Nanako looks satisfied.

Haha, maybe you're even more energetic than before. Man, am I glad you're okay.

When you went missing, I swear that was the most scared I've ever been. Plus...

Umm...I don't really remember what happened. I'm sorry...


Yosuke...You need to practice not sticking your foot in your mouth. I mean, seriously.


You can't blame her for not remembering. It was the same for us...Besides, it's better that she forget.

That's right. Nanako-chan is better now, and that's all that matters!

Oh yeah, is Dojima-san coming by?

Dad? He went to work today.

We'd just be bothering him if we asked him to come here. We're supposed to be celebrating, not having him buy us lunch. Because I'm sure that's what he'd do.

Nanako-chan, aren't you bored just sitting and talking here?

No, it's fun being with everyone! There's plenty of snacks, too!

Nana-chan! Let's go see all the food tasting stands! The kind ladies will cook you anything you want, right in front of you!

No, they don't. I know they're always yelling at you.

What about tag then? You run around, and then these scary guys come after you! It's so thrilling!

That's store security!

Heck, your whole idea of fun is just pissing people off. And no running!

I bet it'd be fun to play hide-and-seek in a store this big.

Hide-and-seek!? I'm good at that! Both the hiding and the seeking!

Oh...Big bro...Did you come find me?

Wait, that's... you remember?

Not really.

But I remember everyone coming for me!

You were all cool, like those heroes on TV!

Nana-chan...*sniff* I was able to become Nana-chan's hero...

Don't cry, Ted! I'm...allergic to people who cry...*sniff*

I see...You remember.

Then let's do it for reals! Junes hide-and-seek!


I-Is that okay?

We still have time before the special announcements. Plus, there's no need to run in hide-and-seek. If I tell my manager, I'm sure he'll let us use the electronics section.

That's my boss! I'll be rooting for you when you write your apology!

If I get permission, then I won't have to write one!

This is so exciting! Nanako-chan, which part do you want to do first?


All right, winner gets meat!

Why are you betting!? None of this makes sense!

> Thank goodness Nanako is healthy again...After enjoying some time with everyone, you take Nanako home...
-Signs of Love-

...Thanks. You made some great friends.
> The color and feeling is somehow familiar...It's...Teddie's hair?...You left it alone.
-Tanaka's Amazing Commodities-