The Let's Play Archive

Persona 4: Golden

by Really Pants

Part 80: October 24 - October 26: A Criminal's Challenge

-Your Affection-

I heard from Rise-san that it seems nearly everyone earned their scooter license over the summer. You may be interested to know that I acquired mine around the same time. Quite a coincidence, isn't it?
Let's go somewhere together.
Huh...? Y-Yes, I wouldn't mind doing so, should the opportunity arise.
I'm confident in my cycling skills, so I doubt any trouble will arise en route.

-Youthful Lunch-

-Heartbeat, Heartbreak-

Sitting next to you makes me wanna work hard...Heheh. I hope you feel like working hard when you sit next to me, too.

> You feel that your tight bond with Chie is irreplaceable...

Ms. Sofue: There may be exciting things happening, but please don't forget about your studies...Well, it looks like you deserve a reward.

> Obtained Mystical Scarab x 2.

Ms. Sofue: Ahaha, don't be so modest. These are just things I've collected through my years of dowsing. History guides the flow of our possessions into the rightful hands. All is as it was meant to be.


> Samegawa flood plain...It seems Naoto has something to report about the card you gave her.

But it does feel a bit stiff, given its thinness...Without any indication of its contents, however, I have no idea who sent it. I'd chalk it up as a prank.
That's no fun.
Hahaha. One would expect there to be more.

> Naoto is smiling like a child...

Cell phone: *RING RING*
Ah, excuse me...Yes, it's me. Ahh, Yakushiji-san. What's the matter?
A thief...? In the Shirogane estate? Yes...Yes...I see.
I don't keep anything in that room that I'd miss terribly. You have already reported this to the police, I assume? Then I'll leave the rest to you. As long as Grampa is safe, it doesn't matter. I can't take my eyes off this case yet.

> Naoto hung up quickly...

A thief in a sleuth's house?
There's no need for you to be so skeptical.

> Naoto looks a bit embarrassed...

That was from Yakushiji...My Grampa's secretary. It appears someone has broken into the Shirogane estate. My room was targeted, and he wanted to know if I could think of any particular item the thief might have been after. Several items pertaining to me were also stolen from Grampa's inventory.
I don't know about those, but my belongings aren't of any particular value, so...
Remember that card...?
Yes, that's precisely what I was thinking...

> Naoto nods...

Regardless, you don't have to worry about me. We have more pressing matters to attend to.
I'm not sure how to react to you...err...worrying about me...

> Naoto seems exceptionally edgy...

> Practically against her will, you walked Naoto to her house before going home.

This rain...I don't like it. No one has turned up missing yet, but it still makes me uneasy.
Sorry to barge in!

M-make room for me too!
This one's already full, dumbass! Get Naoto to make room under hers.
By all means, Kanji-kun. You'll catch a cold at this rate if you don't.
Wha...!? Me and her under the same umbrella...? To hell with that! If I did that, um, it'd mean...W-We'd practically be like a couple!
And that's a problem because...? Dude, how old are you?
Shut up! C'mon, let's trade spots!
...You know how stupid that sounds, right?
Well, that's fine with me. Naoto, mind if I walk with you?
H-Hey, who're you callin' stupid!? Stop talkin' shit about me!
Ughhh, will you just make up your mind!?
Um, I don't mind making room for whoever...
(Make Kanji go with Naoto)
What...!? Why!?
Because it's obviously the best solution? You're too damn big. It'll be a tight fit under Sanzo's umbrella. Naoto's perfect for you.
P-Perfect? Me and Naoto...are perfect...?
Rrrraaaghhhhh...! Dammit! I don't need an umbrella in a damn drizzle like this! I'll show you all how it's done!

Sheesh...That idiot's gonna make himself sick.
Oh crap...We're gonna be late if we keep this nonsense up. Let's hurry it up.

-Youthful Lunch-

Ah, yes...There haven't been any further developments regarding the card. I suspect that it is mostly a prank in poor taste. I apologize for troubling you with it.

> Naoto seems calm, but...Maybe you should walk her home after school...

-Like A Dream Come True-

This was in my shoe locker.

> Naoto is holding a sealed letter...

A challenge for a duel?
You're quite old-fashioned, aren't you?

> Naoto is laughing heartily.

Judging by the name and the handwriting, the sender is a woman. She thoughtfully provided her year and class. When one factors in the heart-shaped seal as well, it's hard to imagine that this is related to my job in any way. In other words...there is no need to read it.
*sigh* I apologize. I wasted your time with this pointlessness. How misleading...A sealed letter at a time like this...
You won't read it?
Even if I read it, there's nothing I can do about it. Romantic entanglements are just that.

> Naoto is sighing...

Whether the sender is male or female, I have no intention of responding. I have no time to be dilly-dallying with callow love affairs...I assume the same is true for you?
Saying they love me without even knowing me...Ludicrous. Let's go.
Would you like to stop somewhere on the way? There are still some questions I have regarding the murders.

> Naoto is taking the case seriously...

Then, shall we be off?

> You talked with Naoto about the murders...You walked Naoto to her house and went home.

-Tanaka's Amazing Commodities-

-Your Affection-

The Culture Festival is just around the corner. Let's all do our best to prepare for it.
Do you look forward to it?
It's been nothing but bad news all year, hasn't it? It's during times like this that we have to make up for it.
...Oh! I'm not interested in the "blind date" part! Understand!? I-I'm not, okay!?


Ms. Sofue: Among food history, one of the most interesting is the history of French cuisine. Now, French cuisine is representative of European food, but it actually stems from Italian food. A noble Italian girl married the French king in the 16th century, and that's when it crossed over, among other things. Like the fork! I can't imagine eating some things without a fork today. It's said that before the fork was introduced, everyone in France ate with their hands or just a knife. So modern French cuisine, with its strict manners now, has its roots in Italian cuisine. How about that? Wasn't it interesting to see world history through the lens of food?


> Naoto is holding a card...

That "card" again?
Yes, it's unmistakeable!

> Naoto nods firmly.

Judging by its appearance, it's on the same cardstock, the same size, unsigned just like last time...I'm almost certain this came from the same person. Let's talk about this someplace more private.

> Samegawa flood plain...You checked out the card with Naoto. The card reads as follows:

Writing on the card: Can you recover them? The game is afoot. - The Phantom Thief
It seems this is the work of the figure who snuck into the Shirogane estate. I'll send this to Yakushiji-san so he can turn it in to the police as evidence.
The Phantom Thief? How absurd. I haven't the time to waste on this...
Why so uncomfortable?
I-I'm not fretting! I'm just upholding the Shirogane name in seeing this case through to the end...

> Naoto is looking down...

Although...He broke into our estate and sent me this challenge. Leaving this in the police's hands could jeopardize the honor of the Shirogane name...
Argh! That's why I don't like this! When I'm with you, I always seem to lose my composure...I don't want to get involved with this sort of childish game. ignore it only makes me angry!
Let's catch him together.
Of course we will...You're the one who brought this to my attention. Hrmph...
...Let's work together on this.

> Naoto is fidgeting with embarrassment. You decided to accept the Phantom Thief's challenge with Naoto...

Now that it's been decided, let's reexamine the first card. There must be some sort of hint there...
Oh--and of course, I only intend to investigate this case in our free time...
I...have something else I must do.

> You walked home partway with Naoto.