Part 10: 4/18/11-4/21/11
4/18/11Chie was back to normal this morning.
VIDEO- "The Chariot"

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Um… Thanks for everything yesterday.
It's kind of embarrassing, ya know?
You two were there to see my hidden feelings and all…

Soooo… what was it like?

Oh, I nearly forgot! None of that happened when yours awakened, huh?
Hmmm, could that be because you've got nothing to hide?

I gotta agree that you seem like a pretty open guy. There's a funny air about you…
I dunno, I guess that's what draws people to you, or something like that.
Chie's got a really funny way of saying nice things about people.

I'm dead set on coming. Remember… You promised.

Yosuke ran off. Better than asking Morooka to take a piss, he gets really livid.

Yosuke's cool and all, but…
There really is something different about you. I feel like you won't let me down…
> You sense Chie's gratitude to you…
> You feel a faint bond forming between you and Chie…
And that's how I formed a social link with Chie.

> You haven't yet asked Chie for her contact information.
I have the guts to face down a giant monster, but not to ask a girl for her phone number straight out. Then again, the worst thing the giant monster can do is kill me…

> You exchanged cell numbers with Chie.

We returned to the TV world that afternoon. We began to realize right from the start that this wouldn't be as easy as we thought.

The road here seems different from yesterday, so this place might get pretty tricky…
I'll do my best to remember where we walked, so try not to get lost, Sensei.
Anyways, I don't sense anyone around this area.
If you go further ahead, we might be able to find something.
Be careful and move on.
As if the Shadows weren't bad enough, it seemed this place's layout wasn't even fixed. Teddie warned us something was waiting behind the door where we'd fought Chie's shadow, and sure enough he was right.
VIDEO- "Princess Yukiko"

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Everything was definitely not alright, though.

*chuckle * Things are really heating up!
Okie-dokie! I'm going back to the hunt for my Prince Charming! Ohhh, where could he be…?
This place is huge! It's sooo exciting, but it makes it so hard to find him!
Ooh! Maybe he's playing hide-and-seek in the fog! Ready or not, here I come!
Let's go further in then, shall we!?
When I say that's when things got weird, I need you to understand that in context of the fact that we were in a magical princess castle inside a TV infested with evil spirits.

Where's the real Yukiko!?

Heehee! You'd better be waiting with bells on, my dear Prince!

That clearly wasn't the real Yukiko. It had to be…

Teddie does make some good points every now and then.

It's hard to explain… It seems like she has a strong connection to this castle.
This is a lot more dangerous than I thought!

Chie didn't get far before we stopped her and calmed her down again. As we pushed on, things got stranger and stranger.

My Prince will soon come for me.
*chuckle *
I'll always be waiting…
Forever and ever…

I hear voices, but the only things I sense here are Shadows and you guys.
Sensei and Shadows… Oooh, there we go!
*snrk *
Hey Sensei! Listen to this.
When you attack Shadows from behind, Sense will have a Sensei-tional advantage!
Sensei's Sensai-tional advantage! Heeheehee…
If only we could deploy Teddie's puns against the Shadows.

Your room is right this way.
If we can help you in any way, please let us know immediately.

This place isn't an inn. It's totally a castle!
And on the fifth floor, Teddie gave us some good news.

She must be on this floor!

My Princes?
I'm locked up here… Please save me!
Hmhmhm… I'm sure my Princes can do it…
I'm sure they'll brave any danger to release me from this place…
I'll be waiting for you…

Be careful.
The damn floor was pretty confusing. If we tried to advance, we'd be teleported away. What's more, half the doors were locked up tight. We realized, though, that we could travel forward by backtracking after we were teleported away. And soon, Teddie told us we'd found the right door.

We rushed in, and immediately regretted it.
VIDEO- "Yukiko's Knight"

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I-It's attacking us!
Sub-Boss: Avenger Knight
Here's our first mid-level Shadow boss. This one's pretty simple. It uses powerful physical attacks and is only really vulnerable to magic. All we have to do is pound spells out into him and heal when we need to, easy as can be.
We smashed the Shadow, but by the time we were done Yukiko had already vanished. We also found the key to the level's doors, but were just in no shape to continue.

I am but a trapped soul… I cannot leave this place even if I wished…
*chuckle *

Oh! Are you okay, Sensei?
I'm sure we've got a long way to go. Don't push yourself too hard!
If you're tired, you should head back!
We're no good to Yukiko dead, so we returned to the real world. The rains aren't coming for a while, so we still have time.
It turns out supernatural people can totally just call you up on your cell whenever they want.

I'm Margaret. We met at the Velvet Room the other day.
There is one important point I forgot to warn you about, so I thought it best to contact you immediately.
Going to save your friends is a selfless and noble deed…
By all means, we encourage and support you in regards to this matter.
But to proceed to hastily in that quest will mean facing one battle after the next.
Though you may be pressed for time, devoting yourself to battles will not quench your heart's yearnings.
The bonds created through Social Links are another important means of strengthening the powers of your Persona…
Do not hasten heedlessly through your days, and remember the importance of moving at a sustainable pace.
Please remember that. Well then, if you'll excuse me…
She's probably right. This has already been getting harder, and if what I do outside the TV is just as important to becoming stronger I can't neglect it. As I walked to school, I heard something interesting.

Braided Girl: Weren't you asking the same thing last year? And the year before that?
Chatty Girl: Was I?
Well, whatever. I shouldn't join a sports team. I need to focus on my entrance exams this year!
I need to choose which shrine to wish for luck at with my mother so I can pass the exams.
I don't want to go to the shrine near the shopping district, 'cuz it's all shady and creepy, you know…?
Not only that, but I heard a rumor that there's something living in that shrine!
…I wonder if it's true…
I've been feeling how out of shape I got last year a lot in the TV world, so I decided to see what sports clubs were accepting people. Of course it just had to be Morooka in the Faculty Office.

Listen up! A club is supposed to be…
> For some reason, you find yourself getting lectured…

I asked him about the sports clubs.

After leaving the faculty office, make a left, and go through the exit to get to where the sports clubs meet!
By the way, club days are Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday! Sports clubs don't meet on rainy days! Got it!?
I excused myself rather than talk with Morooka for even one more second. I used to play soccer quite a bit back in the day, so it was an obvious choice.
VIDEO- "Strength"

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P. E. Teacher: He's from the city, so I'm sure he's got some moves he's just waiting to show off!
I'd say this season is in the bag! I'm even thinking about making him captain!
> You can hear the other players whispering…
Team Members: The city, huh?
I bet he played for some big team back home…
Tch, look at him. City slicker…
Probably thinks he's better than us…
Yeah, we're just a bunch of hicks to him…
P.E. Teacher: Here, why don't you say something to the team?
Even though they were being huge dicks to me I decided to play it cool.

Team Members: …Yeah.
> They don't seem very friendly…
P.E. Teacher: Alright, let's start with a few laps! Souji, why don't you just watch for today?
Practices are on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, but we don't practice in the rain.
We take the week before exams off too, so make sure you use that time to study hard, okay?
> The other players, showing on interest in you, dispersed about the field…
One guy stayed behind, though.

I'm Daisuke Nagase. Second year, same as you. Nice to meet you.

Oh, hey, you're the transfer student, right? Joined the soccer team, huh?
Good, 'cause they need all the help they can get. Pretty weak team, know what I'm saying?

This big mouth here is Kou. He's the same grade as us, but he's on the basketball team.
Daisuke and Kou seemed like decent guys at least.

…How 'bout it, transfer student? You a smart guy?

The team's already giving him enough crap as it is…

You played much soccer before, Souji?
It's been a while, but back in the day yeah.

> You became friends with Kou Ichijo of the basketball team and Daisuke Nagase of the soccer team.
> They accepted you regardless of the rest of the team's hostility…
> You feel a faint bond forming between the three of you…
And for the second time in two days I formed a link with someone.

Souji, wait up for me so we can walk home together.

Not much else to report today. We're still getting ready for our next trip into the TV.
Yosuke actually does have a lot of good ideas. Earlier today he suggested something I myself had tried earlier.

We're able to enter TVs now…
Have you ever tried sticking your hand into a TV when something's on?
Like, have you ever touched a TV when the Midnight Channel was on?

But, I see… So you can't just go to the same place that's on the screen.
So my plan to jump right to where Yukiko-san is while she's on the screen wouldn't work, then…
I thought it might work if there was a direct connection between what's on the TV and where you end up…
But then again, it makes sense that it doesn't work that way.
Different TVs are connected to different places, but everybody can watch the Midnight Channel.
That's kind of a contradiction, isn't it?
Then I guess there's no other way but through that castle, no matter how dangerous it might be…
Still, I'm sure Yukiko-san is in a lot more pain than we are! We can't complain about stuff like this!
Yosuke was in some trouble later, too.

Mr. Hosoi: My name is Mr. Hosoi, and in this class you'll be learning about contemporary writing. Let's all have fun.
I know this is off-topic, but what's the point of applying for colleges outside Inaba? Why even bother?
Nothing good ever comes out of competing with city-folk. The country side is all you need.
Mmmhmm. Well, let's practice our spelling. Which of the following words is spelled correctly?
You! Hana-chan! You're just the kind of guy who relies on his PC's spell check!

…Souji! Help me out here?
Poor Yosuke.

Mr. Hosoi: Ooh, good job, Hana-chan! The word "millennium" is very commonly misspelled.
As you know, the word "millennium" comes from the Latin word "mille," meaning "thousand," and "annum," meaning "year."
Remember when 1999 became the year 2000? Lots of words came out of that shift, like millennium baby, or millennium bug.

After school, we decided to take a break and headed down to the shopping district.

> The famous steak croquettes are tough…

Well, it is good… though it's tough.
Chie called this stuff "tender and juicy"… What kinda teeth does she have…?
> You can hear the women's conversation…
A couple of the women from the shopping district walked by.

Talkative Lady: His classmate… Sato-san…? Went out of business…
Gossiping Lady: This shopping district could disappear, and yet…

It's mainly my parents; I'm not personally involved. Anyways, there's nothing I can do about it.
> Yosuke shrugs…

Not that I mind, but… It sucks that I always gotta mind my manners.
> Yosuke smiles cheerfully…
> You feel you understand Yosuke a bit more…
This feels slightly different than establishing a new link, but I did feel something.

I'm gonna have another. You want one too, right?
I've made up my mind, we're going back in on Friday. That should give us plenty of time to rest up and get ready.
We had a bit of a scare when the rains started in the morning.

Looks like we're not gonna have to worry about the fog for now.
The fog always sets in around the morning after it's rained for a few days.

Let's keep our cool, make sure we're ready, and rescue Yukiko-san, no matter what!
The rain cleared up, though. I decided to get another workout, and headed to soccer practice.

I mean it's a horrible dick move to throw this all on me but whatever.

Soccer Player: Haha, later!

What were those guys saying to you?
> You told Daisuke that you're going to tear down the goals and clean up.

You don't have to do that, man. Let's just go home.

…What's wrong?
> You told Kou that you're going to tear down the goals and clean up.

But yeah, you should probably do it anyway.

Here, I'll help out too. It'll go faster.
It was much harder work than I'd expected, it was a good thing they stayed around.

> Daisuke looks happy.

> Clean-up went quickly thanks to their help.
> You sense their consideration towards you…

We headed to Aiya. I saw something about a rainy day special, I need to check that out.

She was watching you the entire time, man. I even heard her say, "Wow, he kicked the ball so hard!"
I mean, duh… that's kinda the point of the game…

Let's show those guys what you can do.

You're helping too, Kou.

> ……
> The three of you discussed practice.
It's good to get one last bit of normalcy in. We're going back in tomorrow, and we're going to save Yukiko, come hell or high water.
Next Time On Persona 4: The Birdcage