Part 100: 12/19/11
12/19/11I think it's finally all over.

It feels like it's been so long… But so short at the same time…
You know… The way people in town have been acting lately is no joke anymore…
But, we've come so far! We've discovered the real killer ourselves!
All that's left… is the final showdown.
We've gotta get that bastard Adachi, no matter what! I have a feeling that the town will go back to normal when we do.
Let's make sure we win this! I'm counting on you, Leader!

If you and everyone else are with me, Souji-kun, I'm unstoppable!
Everything was just getting worse and worse up to this point.

Male Student: Hey, did you hear about the student rep from the class next to ours?
Female Student: …Wow, really!? Why would a student rep do that!? Either way, that's crazy!
Male Student: For real!
Mrs. Nakayama: Ahem! The student rep is question is just ill from the fog!
You shouldn't make assumptions without evidence! Not to mention, fog-induced illness is painful, you know that!?
I'm certain the student rep is ill from the fog! The other teachers told me!
> The uproar only grows louder…
We returned to the TV world to confront Adachi and end this once and for all.
VIDEO- "Showdown"

Click Here For Video!

You had suspicions that this world was dangerous, yet you threw Mayumi Yamano into the TV.
Knowing full well that Ms. Yamano died here, you did the same to Saki Konishi.

When the disappeared stopped dying, you sent a warning letter to ensure more victims.
Even when a copycat killer arose, you had the gall as a detective to eliminate a suspect under investigation.
Two people died in the last six months, and a young girl is now in critical condition… But that's not all.
If at any turn something had gone wrong, many more would have succumbed…
…All for some foolish "excitement", like a criminal reveling in the chaos he creates!

It's the world that really kills them, isn't it?
This world reflects people's thoughts…
Which… Oh dear… Does that mean the real culprits are everyone on the outside, including you?
God is that guy so full of shit.

Out of everything you could have been, didn't you specifically choose to join the police!?

Y'know why I applied? So I could legally carry a gun… That's all. You'd be surprised how many are like that.
I thought it would be fun, too, but to tell the truth, that was a wash. Everyone around me was such an idiot…
I made one tiny mistake, and they all got on my case and sent me out here to Nowheresville as punishment…
I was bored shitless and wondering what to do next… when I discovered this power.

I did that stuff 'cause I could. And it got interesting, so I watched.

You really don't care what happens to our world!?

No one accepts that's the way things are… They're just stuck with it because they can't deny it, either.
Those who actually succeed in life… They just happen to be born with the magic ticket called "talent."
He's just wrong, too. I've seen people begin to build bright futures with their own efforts in my time here. It's not everyone else's fault he's a useless prick.

Wouldn't it be better if that kind of reality was wiped away?

Listen… You might have hopes and dreams right now, but that's only because you know nothing about reality.
One day you'll see… You'll be faced with the boring reality that boxes you in, no matter where you go.

If you wanna disappear, go ahead! Stop dragging us into it!

I'm telling you all this based on my own experience in life.
Think about it for a second…
Once everyone turns into Shadows… they'll still keep on living, oblivious to all the things around them…
So how's that different from the way it is now? No, this'll make things much easier for everyone.

Next to none, I bet. It's useless to think about those things in the first place.
You don't get anything out of facing reality, and there's no way to change it either.
I mean, what could be more boring than brooding over things you can't change?
It's better to just ignore them and believe only what you want to believe in life.
He's just wrong. It's as simple as that.

Then it'd be easier if we all just became Shadows.
No need to hold back anything… No more pretending we don't see things.
Honestly, we don't need our world anymore.
Better to let it be swallowed up and for mankind to turn into Shadows…
That's what all those people who're scared to death really want…
So it's my duty to see that they get it.

It must've been enjoying life far more than you!

Adachi was surrounded by darkness…

You annoying little brats are the ones who aren't wanted in the new world!

Living is too painful for you, but you don't want to die… Of course no one would understand! It makes no sense!
You're just throwing a tantrum like a kid who can't have his way!

If you give in and sever your ties to human society, it will naturally become hard to live in.
Yet you refuse to face life and admit your fault, running from your own humanity like a coward.
And though you claim to find life troublesome, you caused nothing but trouble for many others!
Your twisted logic is that of an immature, egotistic brat!

Stop trying to act all tough…
You guys can't even stand on your own unless you deny everything I said!
S-Stupid teenagers…! You have no idea what kinda shit I've been through!!

You're just a worthless criminal!

This will probably be our last battle… Let's hit him with everything we've got!
We had no idea what was in store for us.
VIDEO- "Adachi"

Click Here For Video!

I thought I could just leave you be, but you're like a plague… I'll have to get rid of all of you!

That bastard! We can't lose, no matter what!
Boss Battle: Adachi
Adachi's an interesting battle. He's resistant to physical attacks but not immune to anything in particular besides Light and Dark, as you'd expect from a boss. When his first turn comes around, we get to see what makes this fight different.

That's right, Adachi is a Persona user. What's more, you might well have noticed that Persona is a bit familiar. Adachi's Persona is none other than Magatsu Izanagi, a grim shadow of our original Persona. Adachi starts out with pretty simple stuff like physicals and Mudoon.

Now he'll start mixing in some group attacks and Evil Smile. You need to cure Fear if he causes it because he'll kill the people with Ghastly Wail on his next turn. Do a bit more and things change again.

Now he'll start mostly using Magarudyne. What you might have noticed this whole time is that, really, he's pretty easy. A bit too easy. The main objective of this fight is to bring Adachi down while expending as little SP as possible, because you have to fight the next boss in the same state you finish this fight.
Adachi fell pretty easily. Almost too easily…
VIDEO- "The King of the Hollow Forest"

Click Here For Revealed Truths!

Our world's gonna disappear soon, no matter what… I didn't have anywhere to go back to anyways…
Everyone's gonna become Shadows…
Heheheh… Urgh!
And Adachi… changed…

And I shall descend upon the united world… as the master of order.

It will be the peaceful world that mankind has longed for…

One who rules the fog. One awakened by man's desires.
Do what you will, but your world's erosion cannot be stopped.
It is an inevitability…
You played your part well, stirring up the will of the masses into madness.
But that will soon come to an end…
Mankind will soon become Shadows and live on in the darkness of the fog, oblivious of their reality…

I can't accept that people wanted something like what Ameno-Sagiri suggested.

Indeed, this is the outcome desired by mankind.
And mankind's desires are my desires.
That is why I decided to expand this world…

A hollow forest born from bloated desires and false imagery.
Humans view things as they see fit. They wish not for truth, but rather prefer the undesirables be hidden in fog…
Still, humans fear what they cannot see.
That brief yearning for truth becomes a ray of light which breaks the fog and torments the Shadows…

A hollow forest…
Then, this place isn't simply affected by people's hearts… It actually exists inside them?
Mankind abandoned its pursuit of truth, placing itself in the depth of chaos and falsehood.
Thus, my strength has grown, and the fog will not lift.
Your world will be engulfed by the hollow forest.

We'll just use our power to beat the heck outta you, and it'll all be over!
It seemed he was behind our troubles the whole time.

That is what allowed you to come in contact with this world… And you all have done very well since.

You mean the power to enter the TV!?

I acted only in support of this.
A world filled with desires… Viewed through a window, from which one sees what one wishes to see…
Humans departed from reality of their own volition, craving more false images.

It was all in people's minds…

The Midnight Channel we saw in Namatame's hospital room… That kept bothering me since.
What we saw there wasn't Namatame's true intentions at all…
And it all makes sense now. There was never any 'truth' to anything on the Midnight Channel. We always just saw what we wanted to see…

And so the forest grows on… That is the expansion of this world.

Long story short, you're the one behind all this!

People want to become Shadows!? Their desire is your desire!?
To hell with that! When did we wish for that crap anyways!?
We kept fighting and fighting like morons to get where we're standing!

The ability to master your own Shadow that emerged to kill you, and use its power…
A new and uncertain facet of mankind… Is it worthy to put my trust in, or not…?
It must be tested…
And that's when things got nasty…

There was no way we were going to give up now.

And so we faced down the strongest foe we'd ever seen.
VIDEO- "Ameno-Sagiri"

Click Here For Video!

Boss Battle: Ameno-Sagiri
Ameno-Sagiri is worlds nastier than anything we've faced up to this point. He gets two actions each round, and he'll use a nasty mix of -dyne level spells and a Light attack called God's Judgement that halves the target's health at first. After we've taken his health down a little, he gets serious.

Then he'll use his signature move, Nebula Oculus. This is a powerful almighty attack similar to Megidoloan. He'll also start using group -dyne spells and Agneyastra now, so make sure you keep him Debilitated as much as possible. Bring him down slowly and steadily and eventually you'll see this:

At this point he'll use Bewildering Fog. This makes him completely immune to attack for a while. What he'll then do is buff himself with Tarukaja and Sukukaja and Mind Charge. You have a full turn to do whatever buffing or healing you'll need, at which point you need to guard because when the fog lifts he'll cast Nebula Oculus, which will likely kill anyone who isn't guarding in one hit. Now he adds Dekaja and Dekunda to his arsenal, and will use them quite a bit if he's debuffed or you're buffed. He'll also start using Shadow Naoto's Galgalim Eyes attack, which if you recall reduces someone's health to 1 and Enervates them. As his health gets critical, he shifts to his final phase.

He'll use Quake, an attack that knocks people down, then release the Bewildering Fog again. Once again you need to be ready to guard, he'll Mind Charge and Nebula Oculus when the fog lifts. His tactics don't change much, but by this point you're likely to be low on resources. Just keep things together and you can bring him down.
But not even this monster could stop our united strength.
VIDEO- "The Fog Lifts"

Click Here For Video!

You have proven to me human potential…
Very well. I will lift the fog from the place where you will return to.
Mankind's desires are my desires.
If mankind so wishes, I will return at any time… I am always at your side, watching…

Speaking of Adachi, we still needed to deal with him.

If you think… you have the power to change the future… then go right ahead…

Get outta here… The Shadows will finish me off…
Just leave me be… You came to kill me in the first place… didn't you…?

What's that accomplish for anyone…?
Your stupid game's over. We're taking you back.
Live and face your punishment… That's who it works in our world.

> At last, you and your friends have thwarted the cause of all the strife…
I never could have imagined the day we'd be standing here, the killer finally caught.

We dragged Adachi out and waited for the police.

Policeman: He's wanted on suspicion of murdering Mayumi Yamano and Saki Konishi, right?

Policeman: Understood.
We have an ambulance waiting downstairs. Should we have them bring the stretcher up here?

Policeman: Detective Dojima assumed one would be necessary.
He wanted the suspect to be carefully taken into protective custody. It… Well, it was a personal favor to him.

Policeman: Understood.
And when we left Junes, the sun was waiting for us.

Boy's Mother: Oh, Makoto! Don't run like that!
I'd almost forgotten what Inaba looked like.

It's just so bright… It's been so long since the sky was that blue…

We did this together.
But well, this means…
…We've won.
We all got together.

We did it, woohoooooo!
Why didn't you guys say it!?

Alright Chie, do that weird call again.

It's all yours, Sensei!
I kinda choked.

All: Woohoo!
> With everyone's help, you were finally able to lift the fog enclosing the town…
But who cares?

We saved Inaba.

> The battle has finally come to an end…
> The one behind everything has withdrawn, and the fog enclosing the town has lifted…
For the first time since I arrived, the town is at peace…
Next Time on Persona 4: Christmas