Part 101: 12/23/11-12/25/11
12/23/11The last few days have been a good kind of boring. Still, I've been going a bit stir crazy here all alone, so I was relieved when I got a text.
VIDEO- "Christmas Eve"

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> Christmas Eve is tomorrow…
> You received a text message…
Naoto's Message: SEE U TOMORROW? Y/N
> You decided to spend time with Naoto tomorrow.
It's so nice for things to be back to normal again.

Ah, well, uhh…
I-I'm sorry… I guess I'm nervous… because, um, we're the only ones here…
> Naoto seems embarrassed…

Um, I have something for you. I was late because I had to go back home to get it before I came here.
> Obtained Handmade Watch.

It can also tell you where I am…
…It's just a toy, though, so it only has a radius of a few meters.
And… J-Just so you know, my watch has a similar function…
My watch can tell me… where you are.
Naoto's really good at making things, it's impressive.

Although… from spring on, my watch will just say "out of range"…
Until then… I want to be with you as much as possible.
> You had a wonderful Christmas Even with Naoto…
Oh, uh, Naoto had brought something else along.

Umm… I…
I want you to see me in a school uniform…
You said you liked it when I spoke with a higher voice…
So I figured I should look more like a girl…
B-Besides, my normal clothes go against the school dress code…
Let me go change…
It was kind of weird, gonna be honest.

And she wasn't very comfortable with it.

Don't embarrass me…
I-I think I'll stick with my normal outfit…
I'd feel awkward all day if I wore it at school.
…But I'm happy that I showed it to you.
Y-You want me here tonight…?
I-I can probably come up with some kind of alibi for where I spent the night…
> The watch reads: "Distance: <1 m"…
We all got together at the food court earlier today.
VIDEO- "Christmas"

Click Here For Video!

Adachi has confessed to his crimes, so I'm sure Namatame's presumed guilt will be reexamined as well.

Then that really wraps it up.

Just then I got a call.

Good news. It looks like they're letting Nanako come home for a bit.
She's awake again, and she's got a good amount of strength back too.
All goes well, she might be able to leave the hospital for the time being.
And as for me, hey said I just needed to see a doctor regularly. So I'm planning to come home with Nanako today.
Sorry I had to stick you with all the housework. I'll make up for it somehow. Anyway, I'll see you later.
I told everyone the good news.

The fog's all gone over here because everyone tried so hard… And now Nana-chan's gotten better!

Sh-She's such an amazing girl… *sob *

Where're you touching!?

It's party time!
Let's throw a big Christmas party for Nanako-chan!

And then they said it.

That's way too tall an order for you!

C'mon, Naoto-kun, you too!

We tried not to let it dim our excitement.

Nanako's going back for a close checkup tomorrow, but at this rate, the doctors say she can leave the hospital soon.
If I'd gotten better sooner, we would've been able to buy the kotatsu together… Sorry.

Next time, let's go together!

Needless to say we were floored.


It tastes really good!

No… Has she lost all sense of taste?
> She's right! It's like nothing you've tasted before!

How is it Kanji? Hm?

Wait, I didn't already pass out, did I? This isn't a dream, right?

Teddie had been busy the past few days.

But I thought it'd keep you company at the hospital, Nana-chan.
Oh, and it's made from 100% pure Teddie fur. I'm a guy who's all about using all-natural materials!

Teddie fur…?

Thank you, Teddie.

Adachi confessed to the two murders. He insists it was him who hung the bodies, too.
There are still things that are unclear about his story, but he's most likely gonna pay for his crimes.
Anyway, this was one strange case…
If what you said about a world inside the TV was true, then everything might make sense…
…Though I still don't believe it.
Some things in this world just can't be explained.
Like Nanako… She made a miraculous recovery, and now she's as healthy as ever.
Back in the day… my own senpai on the force told me something.
"There's an underside to everything that you can never see."
This case has made me think about a lot of things…
You've helped us out so much… Heh, it was meant to be the other way around, really…
Dojima brought up something I've sort of been wishing wasn't the case.

When you get home, show your parents how much you've grown this past year.
And then, if they're okay with it… you can come back here at any time.

But spring's still a long ways off…
Next Time on Persona 4: Friends