Part 106: Fin
3/20/12VIDEO- "Myriad Truths"

You Really Should Click Here for Video
The fog was drawing in…

> Is this… where you will fall…? Before a powerful enemy…?
> ……
> ……?
> You hear… someone's voice…
But even in the fog of lies some truths shine through.

You must know already…
The true nature of bonds… What bonds give you…
Here, listen closely…
I remembered how hard Dojima fought for Nanako.

I had my hands full with Nanako when you came rolling in… Haha, I wasn't sure what to do…
But then again…
I can get back up as many times as I need to with you two with me… However painful it gets, I'll just grit my teeth…
I'll get up as many times as I have to for you two… A father can be pretty stupid that way, huh?
I remembered that time me and Yosuke had a fight.

I'm… glad we met. I wouldn't have made it this far if I hadn't done it alongside you…
You can't let it end this way, right?
You can keep going… Right, partner?
I remembered when Chie and I stopped those bullies.

But you understood me… That's why… I can become as strong as I need to be…
I remembered when Yukiko resolved to strive for the future she really wanted.

Please… Get back up, just once more.
I remembered how Kanji helped that kid when nobody else could have.

That ain't the Souji-senpai I look up to…
Get back up… Just one more time… Let me protect you…
I remembered when Rise decided that she didn't need to choose just one way to be.

Senpai… Please stand up just one more time. We'll be your strength…
I remembered the moment I threw myself into danger without hesitation for Naoto.

For someone like you to leave me in the dark halfway like this…
…Souji-san. Please stand up, just once more…
Let's fight this together. Never fear… We're always together.
I remembered the fox and its kids. Would even they disappear in the fog?

> The fox's cry is weak…
I remembered the day we told Daisuke he didn't have to go it alone.

I won't let you do this alone…
I remembered when Ai nearly killed herself.

I… couldn't stick by someone who'd do that to me…
I remembered when Yumi's father died.

It doesn't matter if it's a boyfriend, a friend, or family… You'll always have to part someday…
But… Our bonds mean we never truly have to say farewell…
I remembered when Hisano got a new lease on life.

Have you really done everything you can for those precious to you?
I remembered Sayoko working until she collapsed.

There's no way you can stand it alone…
But no one is truly alone in this world. You know that, since you've protected those precious to you, right?
C'mon, people are waiting for you…
I remembered Teddie's resolve to stay in our world.

You gave me my life… You're important to me…
I'm not alone anymore… And neither are you, Sensei…
I'm sure together, we can do things that no one could do alone…
And I remembered Nanako. She'd be all alone again if I died…

I'll be a good girl…
So don't go…
I don't want you to go…
Big bro…
And I felt my strength return…

I felt the power of everyone's hearts united as one.

I felt all of my Personas unite again into one.

And all of our power surged through it!

The world came back into focus around me. I stood alone against Izanami. But this time, things would be different.

She struck out with all of her fury, but still I stood.

Why…? Why don't you understand…? It's impossible for humans to grasp the truth with their own hands…
Well there's one truth of this world I'm certain of.

There's no way we can lose to a thing like this.

With all of our strength combined, we cast down the goddess of death.

Isn't that true peace for humans…?

Power enough to erase my existence… You have already exceeded what I thought humanity to be capable of…
You have lifted the fog in this world, as well as the fog in your own…
And whether that will lead to happiness or not… rests upon your shoulders.
Children of man…
Well done…!
And Izanami dispersed like a morning fog.

> Friends that you can believe in, and the many people you have come to understand…
> A strong heart bound to others, trying to ascertain the truth…
> A firm belief in grasping the truth with your own hands without being misled or deceived…
> The power of these things has brought judgement down on what deceived mankind, opening the door to a new tomorrow…
My vision swam for a moment, and I was in the Velvet Room once more.
VIDEO- "The World"

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This will be the last time we summon you here.

We will be arriving shortly.

Many a time along the way did the fog of lies prevent you from moving forth…
Yet in every instance, you overcame the temptation of easy exist and false terminals.
In forging bonds with those precious to you, you moved closer to the truth, one step at a time…
And my heart danced with delight to see you succeed.
I am most honored to have borne witness to such a wondrous journey.

…You were a truly remarkable guest.
Now go forth, and see with your own eyes.
See the world you have won… The bright, magnificent future…
I returned once more to the 'reality' of the TV world. The Yomotsu Hirasaka had faded around us. At first all we saw was fog…

But slowly, the fog lifted…

And an amazing new world was revealed.

We stayed there a while, in that world we'd saved. The world we'll always share…

> The human heart has the strength to shine through the clouds of lies and uncertainty.
> You and your friends were able to prove that fact.
> And that will remain true until the end of time…
Everyone gathered at the station to see me off.
VIDEO- "Farewell"

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You gotta put on a good face for Senpai…

I don't want you to go away…

Building a case against Adachi is going pretty smoothly. After all, he's made a full confession to his crimes.
There haven't been any more incidents since then, Inaba's finally back to its normal, peaceful self.
And Nanako's better now too. I couldn't ask anything more.
Thanks for everything.
To me, you're just as much a part of this family as Nanako. I'm really glad you came to stay with us…
Teddie was thinking of returning to the TV world.

To make sure it never goes wrong again… I'm going to protect that world from now on.
I can finally be proud and say… That world is where I belong.

At first, I only planned on staying here until the case was completely closed.
Maybe I should stick to my original plan… and take the train back with you, Senpai.
Kidding, of course… I couldn't do something like that.
It's not as though we'll never see each other again.
Feel free to call me anytime, even if there isn't a case to solve.
Even if we're parting for now, this isn't goodbye.

With no mysteries to solve, we can have some real fun!

Hey, what happened to going back to that world!?

Everyone else had shown up at the station too.

It was finally time. Time to leave…

I didn't want to get on that train, but there was just no way around it.

Even if we're separated, we're still friends!
And Inaba disappeared into the distance.

But no matter how far I am from there, it'll always be close to my heart.
VIDEO- "Never More"

Featuring Shihoko Hirata's "Never More"
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4

Yosuke Hanamura (Yuri Lowenthal) and Jiraiya

Chie Satonaka (Tracey Rooney) and Tomoe

Yukiko Amagi (Amanda Winn Lee) and Konohana Sakuya

Kanji Tatsumi (Troy Baker) and Take-Mikazuchi

Rise Kujikawa (Laura Bailey) and Himiko

Naoto Shirogane (Susan Dalian) and Sukuna-Hikona

Teddie (Dave Wittenberg) and Kamui

Souji Seta (Johnny Yong Bosch) and Izanagi

The bonds we made will remain strong.
Everyone's heart is connected to the people they know and trust.
It's those bonds that let us all search for our purpose in life.
As long as it's a purpose you believe in, there will always be someone who can help you fulfill it.
You, me, and everyone else. There are no barriers.
Our hearts are one. Right, Sensei?