Part 109: Alternate Yukiko Stuff
P4 Bonus- Extra Yukiko StuffHere's Yukiko 9's Alternate Version:

> It seems Yukiko has some free time…

> Yukiko looks happy.

> Yukiko brought you here, saying she wanted pay her respects.

…Thank you.
> Yukiko looks embarrassed…

For Chie, for you, for the others… And everyone at the inn, too.
I'm wishing to become a woman worthy of you… Souji-kun.
Finally, I wish for everyone to be able to smile together…
…Let's begin our prayer.
I've decided not to leave Inaba.
I never really objected to being the inn's manager per se…
I just didn't like the fact that it wasn't up to me… I felt that my life was on rails.
And I thought running away was the only choice for me…
But no longer. I want to protect the family inn.
After all, it's near to my heart…
…Thank you, Souji-kun. I think it's because of you that I realized this.
Because you were always by my side…
> Yukiko is smiling gently…
> Yukiko's determination makes her look more mature…

Why are you always with me…?
I-Is it okay… for me to ask…?

Uh, ummm…
I-I feel the same way… so…
> ……
> There's no turning back…
> Your relationship with Yukiko has become intimate.

Stay here with me… just a little longer…
> You spent a long while with Yukiko…
> You walked her to the inn and went home.
And the alternate max rank event.
VIDEO- "Yukiko Max"

Click Here For Video!

> It seems Yukiko isn't busy right now…

Well… If it's okay with you, umm…
I-i want to go to… your room.
> Yukiko looks embarrassed…

> You invited Yukiko here…

Oh, s-sorry! I didn't mean to look around…
It's just that this is the first time I've been to a boy's room…
Oh, you sleep on a futon, I see. I use a futon, too…
Umm, sorry… I don't know what to talk about…

Oh, y-y-you mean to sit? Anywhere's fine…
I-I'm… fine with anything…
You don't need to worry about me…
> You decided to relax with Yukiko…

I'm glad I realized sooner…
If I'd struck out on my own, I know I would have regretted it.
I wanted to become completely self-sufficient.
But I think I was being presumptuous.
I have the inn, I have my family, I have the waitresses and chefs…
I am who I am now because I was raised by such a kind group…
When I think of it that way, my problems aren't just my own.
That's why… I'm going to stay here. By my own will.

> Konohana Sakuya has transfigured into Amaterasu!

The power you've shown to me…
…Power I will treasure.
I want you to have this.
> You obtained Shrine Charm.

> Yukiko is smiling sadly…

This charm will protect you in my place…
Then… we'll always be together…
> Yukiko's voice is trembling…

I love you…
> You can feel Yukiko's pure and simple love…
> You feel a strong bond between you and Yukiko…

Sh-Sheesh… Don't stare so much at me…
Can I say it again…?
…I love you.
> You passed a long while with Yukiko.
> ……
> it has gotten dark, so you walked Yukiko to her house…