Part 17: 5/13/11-5/16/11
5/13/11That beef stew turned out well.

> You ate lunch with Yosuke.
> You ate Well-Simmered Beef Stew together.

Is this your recipe, Souji? I only know how to boil eggs, myself…
> It was Yosuke's favorite!
I saw Ai on the way out.

I figured I'd ask her if she wanted to do anything.

> Ai is staring at you intently…

You should skip your afternoon classes next time. We'll go somewhere far away.
I've faced down death but I'm still a bit too much of a wimp to skip classes, I'll have to get back to her on that. Anyway, I'd made that wish come true for the fox so I decided to report back.

> It's probably worried about the outcome…
> You told the fox that you granted the wish written on the ema.

> The fox looks exuberant.
> The fox looks at the offertory box and seems pleased…
> If rumors of the shrine's benevolence spread, more people may come to make offerings…

> You can sense the fox's gratitude.
Also if we ever need a henhouse raided, we've got just the man for the job.

> You passed some time with the fox.
> It's getting late.
> You decided to go home…
They had some kind of special report on TV, something about those biker gangs.
VIDEO- "Kanji"

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Narrator: Our special report took a turn for the violent when one of the apparent leaders attacked the camera crew!
These guys are pretty bad at blurring.

His name's Kanji Tatsumi… he's quite a handful. He's been crushing biker gangs in the area since middle school.
But I thought he got into a high school and started attending class…

The guy's family runs a historic textile shop.
I think what happened was, he crushed the local bikers all by himself because the noise kept his mother up at night.
It's a nice gesture, but he's way too violent… At this rate, his mother'll have to apologize again.

I'll make sure to hang the laundry inside the house.
The rain's coming back. Will the Midnight Channel be on again?
Sure enough the rains came.
VIDEO- "The Rains"

Click Here For Video!

Got it?
> It seems to be another rainy night.
> What will you see on the Midnight Channel tonight…?
We checked the Midnight Channel, and sure enough someone appeared.
VIDEO- "A New Mystery"

Click Here For Video!
> It seems to be a man…
> He looks like a high schooler…
> ……
> The image is unfocused, but it's hard to tell who it is…
> Should you try calling Yosuke…?
I called up Yosuke to see what he thought about it.

I wish I could tell what he looked like…
Let's get together and talk more about it tomorrow!
> You hung up.
The guy seemed damned familiar, but I can't quite place where I've seen him before. Maybe one of the others knows. I'll have to ask tomorrow.
We got together today to go over what we know so far.
VIDEO- "Getting Ahead"

Click Here For Video!

I hoped maybe one of the others had recognized the guy.

I couldn't get a good view of the person's face, but it was a guy, wasn't it?
> You told everyone that you saw someone who looked like a high schooler.

Hm? Wait a moment.
Didn't all the victims have one thing in common? That they were females with ties to the first incident?

But we still don't know who exactly we saw.

Come to think of it, maybe Teddie was right… Maybe we were seeing the other Yukiko from that world.
But last night, we couldn't clearly see whoever it was.
Could that mean… he isn't inside the TV yet?
If so, then…
I think Yukiko was right on the money, he's not been kidnapped yet.

If we can figure out who he is, can we prevent him from being taken?

*sigh * But to do that, we need to know who the latest Midnight Channel star is…
I hate to say it, but I guess we'll have to wait another night and see what happens.

Though the image was hard to make out, and we can't say for sure who it was, it was definitely a young male.
But if that's the case, it goes entirely against our prior assumptions…
Since we cannot identify the person at this time, we have no choice but to wait and see what happens!

It's good to see Yukiko's back to normal but man when she gets going she just doesn't stop.

Pretty recently, too…

Well, let's check the TV again tonight and think about it more tomorrow.

This time, the Midnight channel was just a bit clearer, and we could tell who it was.
VIDEO- "Focusing In"

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> The image is unfocused…
> But you feel like you've seen him before…

I was sure this time. It was that guy from the news, Tatsumi.

I knew I saw him somewhere! It was on TV! He was on that special news report!
He's one scary dude. He was even yelling at the camera to "Get bent!"
Alright, so we finally have a lead. Let's all get together tomorrow, okay?
Oh, I almost forgot… It's kinda off-subject, but as long as you're on the line, mind if I ask something?
It's something I've been meaning to ask for a while.
So… what do you think about Yukiko and Chie? I mean, let's not mince words: Which one's your type?
God damn Yosuke putting me on the spot. I mean I just met them, I barely even know them, how the hell should I know?

Well, I kinda understand.
They're great girls, but you saw their ugly sides right off, and I guess your first impression is the one that sticks.
Hey, but don't worry. This is just between you and me.
Okay, see you tomorrow.
> Yosuke hung up.
It was pretty much when he told me not to worry that I actually started doing so. He'd better not tell them what I said, I don't want to get slapped or kicked or something.
We looked into Kanji today. It… could have gone better.
VIDEO- "Investigating Kanji"

Click Here For Video!

He wasn't like that when he was younger, though…

His family runs a textile shop, and we've been a customer of theirs for many years.
So I speak with Kanji-kun's mother from time to time.
Oh, why don't we go there now? We might be able to talk to him in person.

I wouldn't want to run into him in a dark alley, but I'm pretty sure he won't fly off the handle in his family's store.

There was some weird guy talking to Kanji's mother already when we got in there.

Shop Owner: Ah, Yuki-chan. It's so nice to see you.
I guess the person was leaving as we entered. I hadn't seen them around before, maybe they weren't from around here.

Shop Owner: I'm sorry that I couldn't help more.

Shop Owner: Yuki-chan, you're as lovely as always.
Your features are starting to remind me of your mother when she was young.
How can I help you today? Are you out shopping with your friends?

Chie saw something that brought back some bad memories while we talked with Mrs. Tatsumi.

Then… it's that announcer's…
Shop Owner: Are you acquaintances of Ms. Yamamo?

Um… Did Ms. Yamano happen to have a scarf like this?
Shop Owner: Yes, it was a special order she placed.
She actually ordered a pair, but in the end, she said she only wanted the women's scarf.
It left us with no choice but to sell this one separately.

Just then a delivery came, and Mrs. Tatsumi had to leave.

Shop Owner: Oh, I'll be right there. I'm sorry, you'll have to excuse me.

Shop Owner: Is that so? Well, then please say hello to your mother for me.

But it's just a scarf. Would the killer target someone just because of that…?
Dammit, what's going on…?
C'mon, let's talk outside.
We stepped outside and got a surprise.

Kanji was talking with the boy from earlier.

> You eavesdropped on Kanji's conversation with the boy…

Huh? S-School? 'Course I'm going to school…

He's a guy… and I'm a guy… But… he's interested in me…?
At that point Kanji noticed us. I mean we weren't exactly hiding so much, not a surprise.

We ran our asses away, not gonna lie.

Remember the common points we were talking about? His mom fits the pattern. She's a woman, and she knew Ms. Yamano.
But it was her son who appeared on TV… So what does that mean?
Patterns or no, it's clearly people who've been appearing on the Midnight Channel who have disappeared.

If you think about it, my mother fit the victim profile more than I did.
She was the one who dealt directly with Ms. Yamano… but I was the one who was targeted.

But if that's true, then the killer's motive makes no sense at all.
It'd have nothing to do with silencing witnesses or revenge or anything.
Chie makes some scary good points sometimes.

Argh! I'm totally lost!

We could at least see if anything odd's happened lately. He scares the wits out of me, but…

Something about meeting up at school.
I heard he's been skipping school ever since the new year started… Doesn't that see a little suspicious?

Yeah, it's suspicious all right. There's something funny going on here… I can sense it.

Alright… Let's try staking out both Kanji and his family's store.
We definitely don't want the killer getting ahead of us.
Yosuke is like the least smooth person ever, just to point it out.

And the Y section of my address book needs some filling out.

You really sound like a pervert.

Oh, that reminds me… I need to buy tofu on my way home.

Hmm… Stakeouts… Tailing people…
Whoo, I'm getting goosebumps!
> You decided to stake out Kanji and the textile shop tomorrow.
Hopefully tomorrow's stakeout will go better than today's little mission did.
Next Time On Persona 4: Stakeout