Part 25: 6/3/11-6/6/11
6/3/11The rain's started up again. It's just great. I headed down to the shopping district, ran into that gas station attendant again. Shame they're still not hiring.

Attendant: It's been like this since they built that mega-store outside town a few years back…
But lately, it's been noisy here too. I understand that everyone is afraid of the murderer, but…
…It seems they're actually excited, having something big and fresh to chat about.
Heh, am I overthinking it?
Anyway I figured the fox would like to know I'd succeeded.

Anyway, I went back to work at the hospital again earlier. That weird nurse was there too.

I'm sorry. I haven't introduced myself.
I'm Sayoko Uehara. Nice to meet you.
> The nurse seems kind…

…Just kidding.
I hear you're a high schooler…
Hmhm, your skin is so smooth…
Hey… You know what I'm getting at, don't you?
Don't worry, no one'll see…
I mean she's kinda hot and all but this is all more than a little creepy.

Oho… How adorable!
…I like you.
When's the next time you're coming? I'll adjust my shift.
Looks like even a town like this has something fun to do…
> You can feel mischievous affection coming from Sayoko…
> You feel a faint bond forming between yourself and Sayoko…
Sigh, do I want money and supernatural power THIS bad?

> You finished your job and went home.
The rain's not letting up tonight, I'm sure the fog's coming soon. Not that we've got anything to worry about.
I stopped by the shrine and picked up another ema request.

Think I'm looking for a child this time. I'll have to keep an eye out. Anyway, after my customary Aiya bowl celebrating our victory over the forces of supernatural evil I headed home. Seems the rains are ending tonight.

Weather Announcer: The week ended on a wet note as rain clouds moved into the area.
As a result, a thick fog is expected to form in the Inaba region later tonight…
> It seems the fog will set in tonight…
Also did I mention a while ago that I'm an idiot? Because I am.

> Drink it…?
> …
> ……
> ………
> …The milk was halfway to becoming yogurt.
> Your Courage has greatly increased.
> However…
> You don't feel well…
> ……
> You decided to go to bed early today…
Just to be safe I checked the midnight channel, but there was nothing there. Looks like once again the killer has failed. I'd sleep well tonight, you know, if I hadn't just drank a bunch of rotten milk.

I was down by the river today. There was a really pathetic looking kid there, I had a hunch and guessed he might be the one from the ema.

Boy: I don't have any money.
Paranoid little kid.

Boy: You're not here for anything else, then, right?
I don't have any friends. So nobody ever wants to talk to me…
> The boy seems sad…
> He said he doesn't have any friends.
> Perhaps he's the one who wrote the ema request the fox showed you.
Lonely Boy: Everyone talks about things I don't know about. Right now, they're all collecting stickers…
I have a sticker, too, but they all said, "Everyone has that one…"
If I had a rare sticker, I bet they'd become my friends…
> The boy wants a rare sticker so he can make friends.
Only thing I have like a sticker is one of those prize redemption stickers from Tanaka's.

> The boy noticed the Prize Sticker.
Lonely Boy: "Granter of your desires"?
If this sticker can do that, then I'm sure to make friends!
Mister, can you give me this sticker?
Yay! Thank you!
I'm sure to have lots of friends now!
> The boy ran off cheerfully.
> Will he make lots of friends…? You should ask him another time.
Not sure that's going to work but it's worth a shot. I ran into Chie later on.

> You decided to train with Chie.

Some asshole-looking guy showed up just as we were finishing.

W-Well… training! I'm working out!
Takeshi: Huh? When are you gonna graduate to being king of the hill?

Takeshi: In kindergarten it was the Runt Gang, in elementary school you were an Ally of Justice…
Middle school, it was the Vanguards of the Lunch Revolution, wasn't it?
Haha, so… What is it now? You a Protector of Earth's Peace?

You know, I'm not going to sit there while some douchey guy talks shit about a friend even if she does know the guy.

> Chie is in a panic.
Takeshi: Oh, uhhh… I didn't mean that in a mean way.
I'm Takeshi Kouno. I was with Chie up until middle school.
…I'm not gonna get in you guys' way.

Takeshi: Oh, how's Yukiko-san doing…? Does she have a boyfriend yet…?

Takeshi: I see. Cool, cool.
She still good-looking? Maybe I should try for her again…

Takeshi: I'll see you later. Say hi to Yukiko-san for me.
> Chie looks somewhat sad to see Takeshi leave…
> What should you do…?
I already deeply despise that Takeshi dude and all he stands for but the mood really needed to be lightened after all that shit.

> You pulled out your best joke…
> You showed Chie your impression of a different Takeshi…

Hahaha! What, was that supposed to sound like him!?
> Chie is laughing hysterically.

Seriously… He was always staring at Yukiko…
H-Hey, don't get me wrong. He's nothing but an old classmate to me!
We're just friends, y'know…? We used to get that a lot, though.
> Chie smiles somewhat sadly…
> You felt that you learned something about Chie…
> You feel your relationship with Chie has grown deeper…
I'm just saying Takeshi may be the killer and only by punching him a lot can we be sure. Not that I'm still sore about how much of an ass he was.

Let's head home.
> You talked with Chie about various things while walking home.
Maybe this Takeshi guy is pissing me off so much because we've stalled so badly in the case. We need a new lead, badly. I hope Kanji gets better soon.
Kanji was back in school today, finally.
VIDEO- "Kanji"

Click Here For Video!

Uhh… Thanks a bunch.
Though I don't really remember what happened…

I mean, I've only met him twice…

But I dunno where my head was at… When I came to my senses, I blurted out that I wanted to see him again.

Girls are so loud and obnoxious, so, y'know… I really don't like dealing with 'em.
Guys are a lot more laid-back.
S-So, uh, I started thinking… What if I'm the type who never gets interested in girls…?
And I couldn't accept that, so I kept spinning around and around in my head…

I could sort of see where he was coming from too, but we had more important things to deal with.

I mean, it was all in my head, when y'get down to it. I was the one shutting out that stuff.
So, uhh… Our family's run a textile shop for generations… Oh yeah, you already knew that.
My parents are kinda weird… They say stuff like, "Dyes are one with the universe," and "Cloth is alive…"
That's the kinda house I grew up in. So I've been interested in sewing and stuff since I was a kid.
But the second I say stuff like that, people look at me funny…
Girls make fun of me, the people in the neighborhood treat me like I'm some zoo animal, so I was sick of everything.
And when I got to my senses… I was running wild.
Shit, what's with me today? I'm going on and on about myself…
Forget all that. Man, I must look really lame right now.
Honestly I don't know if I could have put up with bullshit like that either.

Haha… I've never talked about any of this stuff before.
Guess I never had anyone to tell it to.
I guess I wasn't really afraid of girls. I was just scared of people in general.
But all that's behind me.

Hey, is there anything you remember after you ran into us the second time?
You know, after you chased us away and said you were gonna take us down.

I was gonna sleep it off in my room… Wait, I think someone came…

It seemed Kanji didn't really remember being grabbed either, sadly.

Could it have been a TV?

Uh, why do you ask?

I told them exactly what I just told you and they looked at me like I was crazy.
So, like… Are you guys playing detective or somethin'?

If there's some bastard out there who put me through this, I ain't gonna rest until I make 'em pay.

Whaddaya say, Leader?
I can see no downside in the hardest son of a bitch in Inaba joining up with us. Even if he likes to sew.

I'll do my best!
> Kanji Tatsumi joined your group!
> He'll definitely be a strong asset in solving the case.
Things are looking up again.

Well, nobody would ever guess what we were talking about if they overheard us, that's for sure.
VIDEO- "Mystery"

Click Here For Video!

But the way it happened was just the same as with Yukiko.
The killer kidnapped him first, then threw him into the TV.

It seemed our fears were true, by the way. Other people were watching the Midnight Channel.

Student's Friend: Yeah. I keep wondering who'll show up next.
TV-Loving Student: I knew before it came on that he'd be the next one to appear.
What's that dude's name? That first-year who used to be in a biker gang…

His name is Kanji Tatsumi…
And he wasn't in a biker gang-he's the one who beat the shit out of those leathered-up pansies.
So who are you dipshits…!?
Feh… Boring.

Sure, they have no idea it's related to the murders, but still… How can they talk about their schoolmate like that?

Damn, this sucks… We don't even know who's gonna be targeted anymore.
Yosuke was sure right about that.

This was always the flimsier part of our assumption.

We haven't come up with a reason yet why the killer would target their children.

Well listen up, 'cause I got somethin' big.

Turns out he was snooping around about Senpai's and my disappearance, so I took this from him.
I dunno what the hell this all is, though.

> You took the paper from Kanji.
> There are several lists…
> Which one will you read out loud?
When I saw the lists, my jaw hit the floor. It was like a lightbulb went off. Whoever that person talking to Kanji was, he'd seen something we'd never even considered.

> Mayumi Yamano 4/11, Saki Konishi 4/13…

The 11th is the day before that…

So then, what are these dates? And what does "List of TV programs" mean?
What's "Saki Konishi, April 13th"…?
I would have entirely forgotten about this, I can't imagine how someone who doesn't know anything about the Midnight Channel or anything could have put it together.

Oh yeah… I saw that, too. They were interviewing her because she found the first body.

When did that interview air!?

It was the day after I met you on the embankment. I had my kimono on… Do you remember?
It was a terrible rainy day made substantially brighter by that encounter, so I had no problem remembering it.

And right after that, I was kidnapped.

Seriously I really want to meet Kanji's friend again to thank them, that list might have broken the case.

Maybe this "being on TV" thing is some stupid rule that the killer's following.

The victims weren't just involved with the first case. They were also shown on the mass media.

Argh… Dammit, now that I think about it, we haven't gotten anywhere!
Why can't I be smarter…!?

I mean, you guys noticed what was happening to me and risked your lives to stop it.
That's more than enough.

We may not have solved the mystery, but we've saved two people already.

To be fair to us Kanji did sort of leave us with few ways to keep him safe.

Anyways, let's keep checking the Midnight Channel like usual when it rains.

It's for both the first-year and second-year students, so we'll see you there, Kanji-kun.

Yo, mind if I order another grilled steak?
I'm gonna finish this one up while the next one's on the grill. We're… going Dutch on the meal, right?

Fine, whatever… I'll go for something cheap, like ramen.
Wait, or should I get a takoyaki set…? Man, I can't decide.

After all, we needed to get him some glasses.
VIDEO- "The Glasses"

Click Here For Video!

Hey, why IS it a bear?

M-Mind if I pet you?

Uhh… By the way, I been wondering. You were kidnapped too, right, Yukiko-senpai?

I was already wincing before the slap even came.

I'm not sure why Teddie even makes these things but they're hilarious.

Snrk… Ahahahaha!

> Kanji grabbed the other pair of glasses that Teddie was holding…

Dammit! I'll get you guys for this someday!

Things are really looking up. If we keep our eyes on the news I'm sure we can figure out who'll be next, and be ready when the killer returns.