Part 26: 6/7/11-6/8/11
6/7/11Kanji wanted to try out his new abilities today, so we headed back into the TV. Teddie had a little task for us anyway it turned out.

Oh, by the way…!
I sense a powerful Shadow at the steamy area where you found Kanji.
I think this world is getting more and more unstable…
I just want to live here in peace…
Sensei, could you defeat the Shadow at the steamy place?
We headed back to the Sauna, though Kanji wasn't exactly thrilled to return.

We were going to charge in but Teddie stopped us. I guess the Shadows would mass if we all went in at once, so we shouldn't go in groups larger than four. Anyway, we pushed ahead back to that flaming room we'd saved Kanji in. Just as Teddie had said, a big scary Shadow was waiting.
VIDEO- "Intolerant Officer"

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Boss Battle: Intolerant Officer
This fight's not so brutal as the Contrarian King, but it is trickier. The Intolerant Officer uses a mix of single target physicals, Bufula, and Garula. The hard part is that his AI is actually pretty smart, and will go for anyone who is weak to one of his attacks. So our party is going to be Souji, Yosuke, Chie, and whichever of the others we'd rather get the exp on. That person's going to be guarding the whole time, so it really doesn't matter who it is. My personal choice of Persona for this fight is Titania, because she gets Diarama and nulls Ice. As long as he's not getting lots of One Mores and hitting weaknesses he's pretty reasonable.
There was a thick Iron Plate on the ground, which reminded me of the folding chair Kanji's been hitting things with up until now so I picked it up and brought it out to him. He was pretty excited. After all that we were pretty tired, so we called it a day.
Well, at least today started out okay.

Mr. Kondo: I know it's the rainy season, and you may not be very motivated, but let's keep our spirits up together, okay!?
Last night, I was watching this drama on TV, and one of the actors was such a ham!
Is it just me, or are a lot of actors really hamming it up these days? Hahaha!

I know a "ham" is a bad actor, but where does the term come from? Do you know?
It's only the greatest drama of all time.

Mr. Kondo: Wow, I'm amazed that you knew that, Souji! But you should ask me if you have questions, Amagi, not him!
Yes, bad actors have the distinction of being called "hams" for many reasons scholars can't agree on, actually!
I'm sure you all know Shakespeare's "Hamlet," right? Luckily, I know it pretty well myself!
As such a popular role, it attracted a lot of crappy actors! Although, the term wasn't popularized until the 1800s…

You know a lot, Souji-kun. Thank you.
Then Morooka had to come shit all over me.

I hate lazy, good-for-nothing kids like you! So I'm signing you up to take the place of a sick member!

I don't know what school's like for you big city kids, but here, it's every student's duty to pitch in!
Don't tell me you're not enough of a man to do something this easy.
Since the asshole had already signed me up there really wasn't any point trying to fight about it.

They should be expecting you, since I already told them you'd do it. Thank me!

Anyway, I went down to help out.

Female Student: Did you get hurt or something?
> You told them that you'd been sent here to replace a sick member…
Female Student: Thank goodness. We were running low on people.
We need to check around the school to see if anyone needs help, but someone has to stay and watch this room.
Souji-kun, would you mind staying here and dealing with anyone that stops by?
…No touching the medicine, of course. If someone who's hurt shows up, use the first aid kit.
The only other things you'd have to worry about are salesmen and phone calls. They're pretty uncommon, though.
> The Student Health Association split up throughout the school…
> ……?
> Someone's here!
Of course someone had to come.

White-Collar Man: Hm, aren't there any adults here? Could you deliver a message for me, then?
Your school placed an order for gauze, but I need to know if the order can wait until the month after next.
Give my regards to your teacher.
Good thing I wrote all that shit down.

> You told her that a representative from the pharmaceutical company came…
Female Student: Oh, we should have Sensei call him back. Do you remember his name?

Female Student: Oh, about the gauze, huh? What did he say?

Female Student: Hmmmm… Got it. I'll call Sensei.
> You had her relay the message to the teacher…
Infirmary Teacher: I contacted them immediately. Thank you.
> You gave them the correct information!
Female Student: Alright, let's discuss what we found while we went around the school. Okay, group one…
Oh, that's right. You went alone.
Male Student: Yeah, since Konishi isn't here.
Female Student: Oh yeah, Konishi-kun… He can't help it, after what happened…
Yeah, poor thing. So you just have to do his part, too.
Male Student: Oh, come on guys!
By the way I have a new least favorite person in Inaba already.

Female Student: N-No, it's okay!
You don't have to come, really. Helping out at your parents' store is hard work, right?
We have a replacement, so don't worry.

I don't want to be the only one…
Female Student: Well… You can help Souji-kun clean up this room, then.
We'll go report to the teacher, so why don't you clean a little and go home, okay?
W-Well, goodbye!

I'm Konishi… A first year.
You knew Saki Konishi? I'm her brother.
You're friends with… Hanamura, right?
I hate him… And you, too.
Can I go home now…?
You know I decided I'd rather let the lazy shit go home and clean this damn room alone than put up with that.

> You did your part and helped the Student Health Association as ordered.
> The other members didn't return, so you decided to go home.
I decided to see how Dojima was doing when I got home.

> Dojima is struggling to find the right words…

> Dojima looks perplexed…
> However, with your current level of Expression, you're able to talk to him.

So… What have you been doing after school?
I told him the truth, sort of.

> Dojima is impressed.

…Whoops. This is turning into an interrogation, isn't it?
But it's not as if we have much in common… except for the murders.
I tried to get the conversation away from me and my terrible, terrible secret.

> Dojima shrugs…

There's nothing about that to interest a high school kid…
But you know, it really is good to have you around the house.
I didn't think Nanako would be so happy… Hell, I'm already tired of hearing "Big bro" this and "Big bro" that.
You're more like a very young brother to me than a son.
Kind of wishful thinking on his part.

What a punk! Treating a regular guy like an old man…!
> Dojima is laughing cheerfully.

I think it's been a while since I've laughed this much.
> You were able to talk frankly with Dojima…
> You feel your relationship with Dojima has grown deeper…
I wish he'd stop investigating me.

Don't hit the sack too late, you hear?
There's not been any special news reports or anything recently, so we've not got any leads. Just going to have to keep on keeping on for now.