Part 29: 6/17/11-6/18/11
6/17-18/11How best to sum up the school campout? In a word, harrowing. It turned out all the trash-picking was the highlight of our time on the mountain. When we were done Yukiko and Chie started making what they said was going to be curry.
VIDEO- "Mystery Food X"

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I can't believe someone threw away an entire bike. Dammit, litterers should have to deal with their own garbage…
Anyways, time for dinner! Man, I'm starvin'.
Dude, the girls cooked just for us!
Not that I expect much outta Chie, but Yukiko's got the full tradition of the Amagi Inn behind her food!
You know it's gonna be out of this world!
When he said that I remembered that boxed lunch she made and what they got at Junes and no lie I almost threw up right there.

I can't wait to dig in!

We… put a lot of love into it…

Okay then, chow time!
Urh, agh, aaarghraaaaw!
Yosuke choked, sputtered, and fell.

I mean, what kinda--*cough cough*
Curry's supposed to be like "really spicy" or "kinda mild"… This just stinks!
And it's gritty too!
It's somehow both gritty and slimy… And it's got squishy parts in it…
It's so frickin' nasty I can't swallow it!

That's just your opinion!

> You're being looked at with expectation…
I earnestly did at least give it a shot.

> You lack the Courage to go through with it…
> You're being looked at with expectation…
> Pretend to eat and discard it.
> Chie and Yukiko are staring at you…
> It doesn't look as though you'll be able to fake it…
> ……
> The second you put it in your mouth, you sense that something is wrong…
> You can tell after one bite that this isn't edible…
> There's no way you can swallow it…
In my wildest nightmares I'd never envisioned that you could make food taste like that. So yeah, none of us ate.

I mean, if was even slightly edible, that'd be one thing… But I'm not taking another bite of this Mystery Food X.

You… wouldn't happen to have any extra curry left, huh?
C'mon, give us some! We're begging you! We're starving to death here!
But there was no luck for us that day.

Come on, people, look alive! Youngsters like yourselves should hurry up and get to bed after they eat!
It's now time for us teachers to have some boo-I mean, err, off to bed! Lights out!

So we went back to our tent. And I literally mean our tent because it was just me and Yosuke, and Kanji for some reason I wasn't totally clear on.
VIDEO- "That Night"

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And the first-year's tent is all quiet, like someone died.

I didn't have any problem with it at the time.

Don't worry, I won't make any trouble for you. They won't catch me unless we raise a ruckus.

If you don't like it here, go back to the first-year tent.

That guy stopped me outside earlier, and he pissed me off so bad I was about to lose it.
He was going on and on about when I was in middle school, when he doesn't know shit about any of that…
Not only that, he was bullshitting about how I'll be expelled immediately if I cause trouble… That ain't funny, man.

Morooka really does piss me off more and more every day.

I dunno, maybe he was exaggerating. Everyone seems to hate that son of a bitch Morooka.

He never shut up about me either when I moved here last year.
Not that I remember anything he said…

Wait a sec, what are you eating!?

Dammit, I was so pumped about finding the penguin today…

Yosuke didn't even share them either, prick.

*sigh * Let's just go to sleep…

And things managed to get even worse soon after that.

Uh… Hey.

Geez… 's wrong with you?

God damn Yosuke, he knew this was gonna start shit and his dumb ass couldn't help himself.

Wh-Wh-What the hell's that supposed to mean!? I-I already told you guys I'm not like that!

That's just more suspicious!

We settled this already, dammit! Right now, I'm… Well… How do I put it…?

They'll expel you if they find you! Don't tell me you forgot! King Moron's got his eye on you!

I tried, but damn did Yosuke get under his skin.

> You tried to convince Kanji not to go through with it…
> But he's not listening!

To hell with King Moron! No one's stopping Kanji Tatsumi, dammit!

What a putz. I declare myself not responsible for anything that happens.
The details of what happened next remain sketchy. Chie and Yukiko weren't exactly forthcoming.
VIDEO- "The Balance of Terror"

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I should've eaten a little more of that curry…

I wonder what Teddie's doing right now.
Being alone all day's pretty rough when you think about it… You know, a while ago he-
Uuuugh… Aaaargh!
That does it! Yukiko, we're outta here.

I guess Hanako was snoring. Yukiko muttered something about a "breeder hog" whatever that means.

Ugh… I can't take it anymore…
Wh-Who's there!?
The story trailed off between this point and when they showed up at our tent.

So, why're you two here?

He's out cold…

H-He just came in and then, and then… he fainted all of a sudden.
That's all. Right, Yukiko?

That's why we left him there.

All this noise had attracted Morooka, though he seemed pretty out of it.

H-Hey, turn the light off!
> ……
> You can sense King Moron getting closer…

No point pissing him off even more than he normally is.

Is Hanamura already asleep?

*yaaawwn * Ugh, I think I had one too many. I'm so sleepy…
> ……
> It seems that King Moron left…

Anyways, we can't leave now. We'll sneak out before the others wake up tomorrow. Is that good enough for you!?

Dammit, you owe us for this!
> You set up a barricade inside the tent using everyone's belongings…
> You spent the night, cramped up in a tight space…
Sure enough they snuck out early in the morning, and managed to get Kanji back into our tent somehow. I guess it's a good thing Chie works out so much. We all got together by the river the next morning.
VIDEO- "The Final Humiliation"

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It's so weird… Was it a dream? When I woke up, I was in Yosuke-senpai's tent…

I mean, we do owe you, but…
Oh yeah! We don't have swimsuits with us! Man, of all the luck!

We put up with your dinner, we save you from King Moron, and you won't even have some fun with us in the river.

Then we discovered what Yosuke had been doing while we were failing to get the right ingredients for curry.

I had a clerk friend of mine choose 'em for me. Pretty swanky, huh?

Yosuke certainly is persistent, and it's a good thing he didn't tell them how the thing with Kanji was all his fault.

Yosuke had made some good choices, I'll grant him that.

We, uh, should have started to pick up on how this was going about now.

> They both look embarrassed…

Kinda makes up for having to eat that Mystery Food X last night.
C'mon, you guys gotta admit I chose some good suits.
Those girls might be childish on the inside, but I bet they're gonna turn into some fine-looking women before too long!
Don't you think so, Souji?
Okay I'm going to be honest when I say we really did deserve this.

So what I hadn't been counting on is that the Samegawa is ICE COLD up in the mountains.

They brought this on themselves. Sheesh… Aren't they the worst, Kanji-kun?
Hey, you've been awful quiet. Are you feeling okay? D-Don't tell me the injuries from yesterday are still…
Yeah I'm pretty sure Chie beat the everloving shit out of him last night.

> Kanji has a nosebleed…

Poor Kanji, reaping what Yosuke sowed.

*sneeze *


> You hear a man heaving upstream…
> It seems that King Moron is vomiting further up the river…

> You feel as though a million showers will never make you clean…
So yeah we're never speaking of this day again, and I need to go steel wool all my skin off. All in all a magical time was had by all.
Next Time on Persona 4: Idols