Part 31: 6/22/11-6/23/11
6/22/11We got together as school ended to plan out how we were going to deal with this.
VIDEO- "Rise Kujikawa"

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Female Student: You know the tofu store Marukyu? The owners of that place have the same last name, Kujikawa!
Male Student: Seriously!? Hey, I practically live next door!

But was it really her on yesterday's Midnight Channel? Didn't she seem a little… different?

Her curves… Her posture… Even her beautiful, slim legs!

Yosuke's really creepy sometimes. And by sometimes I mean all the times.

We're on an investigation, got it?
> You decided to go to the Marukyu tofu shop.
Dojima's partner was directing traffic outside.

Ai yi yi… These gawkers keep streaming in with their cars, trying to park in the middle of the shopping district.

Hey, did you see her already? Is she there? Which is it?

Well, I still have work to do, so I'll see you later.

Hey… You think the police suspect that Rise might be the next target, too?
It seemed our suspicion on that was confirmed.

What are you guys doing-
Hm? Kanji Tatsumi…!? Are you friends with them?

I played it cool, as always.

W-Well, who wouldn't wanna come check it out if they found out an idol's family ran an ordinary tofu store?
I'm, uh… a big fan!

*sigh * Fine.
But remember. She might be a celebrity, but this is her home. Try not to bother them too much.

So, what the hell was that about? Are you guys under suspicion…?

But we can't just tell him everything, right?
If we say anything about the other world, we only look more suspicious. They'll be watching us all the time.

Young Man's Voice: Man, there's no one in there but the old lady. Risette isn't here after all…
Older Man's Voice: I heard that she really is already here, but it might've just been a rumor…
Well, it was fun while it lasted.

Anyways, now that all those people are gone, we might as well check inside. I'll buy something.
I seemed to recall that Yosuke can't eat tofu normally, so I suggested something a little more his speed.

> Yosuke seems somewhat happy…

> Yosuke received a crash course on ganmodoki…

We headed in to get some tofu. We didn't see anyone around at first.

'Scuse me!
Old Lady: Yes, may I help you?

Turned out we're just idiots.

Psst, Kanji! Order something!

Dude here wants three ganmodoki.

I'll go get them.
Rise was definitely not as energetic as we were used to seeing on TV.

Wait, we haven't done what we came here for yet!
H-Have you noticed anything weird lately?

Are you guys fans of mine?

I didn't say that! I never said any of that!
Maybe you know already, but it's been dangerous in Inaba lately. That's why we've been investigating some stuff.

I mean, it's not like regularly scheduled programming… How do I explain this…?
It seemed Rise had seen the Midnight Channel as well!

Wait… What!? You mean you saw it last night!?

But that girl last night wasn't me. I've never been filmed wearing that swimsuit before.
And the bustline…

I-I mean… What am I saying!? U-Um, I'm sorry…!

You're funny.

But you know there's been stuff happening here, right?
Well, we've warned her at least.

I was tired yesterday, but I couldn't sleep.
And it was raining, so I decided to try that rumor I'd heard about…
Alright, thanks… I'll be careful.
Here you go, three ganmo. That'll be 600 yen.
There's extra tofu in there for everyone… A little thank-you for worrying about me.

> Rise gave you a block of tofu.
> Maybe you can eat it for dinner…
Later that day…
VIDEO- "The Plot Thickens"

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If it gets rowdy again, just give us a call at the station.

You do know that there have been multiple violent cases around here lately, yeah?
Have you seen anyone suspicious around?

What made you take a break from showbiz?

…I just needed a rest.

I've been told that before. Don't worry, I'll be careful.

Something smells here.
The recent disappearances… Between those and the two homicides, there's too many questions with no answers.
To tell the truth, I followed my detective's intuition and came here to warn her.
How could high school kids who know less than we do beat us to the punch…?
Were they just making up an excuse to talk to a famous celebrity…?

Aren't we gonna be in trouble if this keeps up? The prefectural police will be coming soon to-

Dojima was sort of on edge, I was concerned he'd caught on to why we were at Marukyu.

You visited Rise Kujikawa today. What did you talk about?
I decided to just admit what we were there for, he might be pissed but at least he wouldn't think I was hiding something.

Listen, this is a job for the police.
*sigh * Forget it… I shouldn't have brought it up.

> The tense atmosphere continues into the night…
The Midnight Channel was back on, and it was definitely Rise this time.

> It's the same girl as before, still wearing a swimsuit. Her chest area and waist are emphasized…
> This girl…
> It's Rise Kujikawa! The image is fairly clear tonight.
> Should you try calling Yosuke…?
I figured Yosuke would call me if I didn't call him.

Let's all get together as soon as possible tomorrow!
> You hung up.
> You decide to go to bed for tonight.
At least it was still fuzzy, she's not been kidnapped yet.
We got together at Junes after school.
VIDEO- "The Plan"

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As for Rise, I took a peek this morning, and she was still at the shop.
So I'm guessing that "TV show" thing doesn't appear on the Midnight Channel until after the person enters the TV.

I didn't understand at all at first, but now I feel it may be true.
The one that appears on TV is your other self… Maybe the victim's true feelings are shown unconsciously.

You know, when it's still really fuzzy and you can't tell who it is. How do you explain that part?

Yukiko had a really interesting theory.

The killer can throw people into the TV, after all, which means they must have the same power that we do.

Like, it's some kinda mix of the minds of the victims and the killer… Or maybe it's everyone's minds?
And I think Yosuke's really onto something.

Hey Kanji-kun, you still with us? You haven't said a word yet.

Teddie's explanations have so many "maybe"s in them that I don't understand the first thing about it.

So the TV's a good way to do that, because the police can never prove anything about the crime.

Well, there's a shitload of people who've got my number.
How 'bout you, Yukiko-senpai? Anyone hate you so bad they'd get rid of you forever?

Chie's been getting better at this actually.

Once we catch 'em, we'll make 'em talk.
The only thing we can be sure of now is that Rise is in danger.

So we started another stakeout. We stopped by Shiroku first.
VIDEO- "Stakeout"

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Oh, and throw in some disposable diapers.

That detective came in, I kinda think he was following us.

Ugh, what did I do to deserve babysitting detail…?
I-I mean, it's nothing major. It's not like Dojima-san ordered me here.
So what are you kids up to? Buying snacks?

H-Heyyy! I'm on my way there too!

C'mon, he's a detective on active duty. Not a bad guy to have around!
And so the stakeout began.

Some freak was up on a pole outside Rise's place.

Stop running, dammit!
We cornered him at the gas station.

Suspicious Man: I-I'll do it, you know! What're you gonna do if I get run over!?

If the suspect gets injured, the police will be held responsible… They'll get really angry, and…
Suspicious Man: I'll do it, I swear! S-So get outta here and stop chasing me!

Okay so I wasn't so great under pressure here.

Look over there! A Martian!
Suspicious Man: Ack!
We managed to take the bastard down.

Suspicious Man: Wha--!? Time out! What do you mean, "murderer"!?

Suspicious Man: W-Wait a second!
I just really like Risette, so I wanted to take a peek in her room…
Look, see! All I've got on me is a bunch of cameras!

All right, I'll take it from here.
We'll hear your story down at the station… Ohh, how I've waited to use that line!
Suspicious Man: P-Please! Let me go! I didn't do anything wrong!
I-I know for a fact it's not a crime in this country to take secret pictures!
He sure seemed convinced this was the killer.

Wow, that went better than I thought! What a coup!
I gotta thank you guys for all your help! Well done!

C'mon, let's go!

Wait… Does this mean the case is closed? Seriously!?
We decided to drop in on Rise and give her the good news.

Rise's Grandmother: Oh, hello. Would you like some tofu?

Rise's Grandmother: Oh, did you come to see Rise? She seems to have gone out, unfortunately…

Rise's Grandmother: She does that sometimes. She'll just wander out without a word…
You must forgive her. She's quite worn out, in many ways.

I mean, we caught the guy.
Suspicious Man: Wh-What are you talking about…?

If you'll excuse me, I've gotta take this guy in for questioning.
Man, I can't wait to see the look on Dojima-san's face!

But Rise was nowhere to be found.

The weatherman says it's gonna rain tonight, so let's just keep our fingers crossed and tune in.
> You should make certain to watch the Midnight Channel tonight…
And that night our worst fears were realized once more.

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> It's an extremely vivid image!

This spring, one young girl levels up to become a high school idol… Yayyy!
So today, I'm gonna celebrate by pushing the limits of Standards & Practices!
Does everybody know what time it is? Showtime!
Show what, huh? Hmhmhm… E-very-thing!
Eee, how embarrassing! Is this too hot for TV!?
Well, if a thing is worth doing, it's worth doing all the way! I'm gonna bare it all for you!
Heehee! Stay tuned!
> It was definitely Rise you saw…

Is it me, or all these shows getting crazier and crazier!?
> Yosuke sounds excited.

'Cause I bet her Shadow self is gonna do whatever it wants again.
But man… We couldn't prevent the kidnapping this time either… even when we knew who the target would be.
That detective from this afternoon was no help at all. I guess we'll have to do everything ourselves…
A-Anyways, see you tomorrow!
> …You decide to go to bed early.
Nobody but us can save Rise now. It's all up to us.
Next Time on Persona 4: The Unbearable Truth