Part 40: 7/15/11-7/17/11
7/15/11Another day, another step closer to finals.

Mr. Yamada: But the aerial current changes based on the shape of any nearby mountains. One has to consider a land's geography.
People who grow a region's signature produce have to take these factors into consideration to maintain their profits.
…Hm, am I putting you to sleep with this lecture? Did I really?
Haha, are you still focused? WELL, are you!? Hmmm, I know! Why don't we close the textbook for a second!?
I have an interesting story for you. Talking about mountains reminded me…
Let's see… Souji-kun, you've blended into this class a little too well.
Whaddaya think? Is it possible to grow melons in the Andes Mountain Range?
It's like they figured out that non-trick questions aren't throwing me so now they're just tossing out random bullshit.

Mr. Yamada: Oh, so you've been studying hard, have you? I thought I'd get you with the word "Andes."
Melons need long, hot days with little to no rainfall to grow. They're better suited for Europe than the cold Andes.
That was pretty interesting, right?
Make sure you tell your parents that I'm a funny teacher, alright? If I have a good reputation, I should get a raise.
Ahaha, I'm just joking. See, I'm so funny! It's a joke! Let's continue the class!
Rise wasn't able to get much done while she was recovering, so I agreed to help her study this afternoon.

Yay! Let's go!
I'm feeling pretty well prepared myself, but I suppose you can never to too ready.

Oh, and Dojima was making some coffee later, so I decided to get in on it.

> Dojima is smiling…

Oh, coffee! Can I have some?

Dojima was pretty insistent on that in fact.

> Dojima is smiling gently…

She said this is all I have to do around the house. But nobody else can do it.
So… Well, you know. It's habit now.
> Dojima looks a bit embarrassed.
> You saw an unexpected side of Dojima and grew closer to him…
It certainly explained a lot. As did what came a bit later.

Well… anyway. Sit over there.
> You watched TV together.
Announcer: …And now, our next story.
On the outskirts of Okina today, a woman bicyclist was hit by a car and died on the scene.

It was because they showed a story about a traffic accident…
Mom died in an accident.
I don't remember it. And Dad won't talk about it…
> Nanako looks lonely…
> You watched some more TV with Nanako before going to your room.
So now I know at least some of what happened. I wish I knew what Dojima's deal was, though, it's killing Nanako.
So Chie's still screwed.

How's the investigation going? I can't stop worrying about it.
Speaking of worrying about things… We have tests coming up next week…
*sigh * But I can't study when I'm thinking about our investigation!

How am I supposed to argue with that…?
The teachers are really getting serious here for finals.

Ms. Sofue: Many of these make-ups contained poisonous substances like lead or arsenic that harmed their bodies.
So it's fairly obvious how available poison was at the time, and why make-up and poison are so closely linked.
These poisonous make-ups were used practically all over the entire world back then…
But…! Some make-up had a very different purpose. Will Mr. Seta please stand up?
I'd like you to take a close look at the make-up I'm wearing. Do you see the mystical, blue eyeliner?
Tell me what was the purpose of this eyeliner, widely used by the ancient Egyptians?
It's a shame we can't get some kind of stuff that repels Shadows.

Ms. Sofue: Hohoho… I knew you'd get it right, Souji. You're exactly right.
Many epidemics were spread by flies and mosquitoes at the time… The eyeliner was used as protection.
And for your information, powdered lapis lazuli for eyeliner was only allowed to be used by those of nobility.
I'm going to put this question on the test next week. Make sure you study.
Speaking of studying I helped Rise out again. When I got home, I made one of the worst choices I think I've ever made.

> You decided to read Witch Detective with your full attention…
> A ploddingly-written romantic comedy about a girl on her first day of school in a new town. Vampires are involved.
> …The content of this book was almost physically painful for you to read.
> There are still some pages of Witch Detective left.
> You decide to save them to read next time.
God I want to die.
I ran into Yukiko out in town, we headed to the Shrine.

> Yukiko brought you here, saying she wanted to pay her respects.

I visit here with the waitresses, too. Like before a big guest arrives.
We make our annual hatsumode visits here. The exam charm was here, too…
Once I leave this town… I won't be able to come here again, will I…?
I think she may be having second thoughts about leaving.

> Yukiko looks sad…
Kimono-Clad Woman: Oh, Yuki-chan!

Kimono-Clad Woman: Taking a little break after ordering from the liquor store.
*sigh * So now you know.

Kimono-Clad Woman: Hahaha, just kidding.
Oh! Is that the rumored boyfriend?
I see… That hard work in the kitchen paid off, huh?

Kimono-Clad Woman: Wow, your face is burning red. Well, I'll let you two be alone!

They all have the wrong idea… I'm really sorry…
It's no biggie or anything.

> Yukiko seems to have broken out in a cold sweat…

I said I'd learn on my own, but I kept messing up… I burnt myself a couple of times…
"Please let us teach you," they said. *giggle * It's usually the other way around, you know?
They use up their break time for my lessons… They're so nice to me…
When I was halfway successful one time, everyone gathered around and taste-tested it, saying how good it was…
I didn't know what to say… I was just happy…
Plus, I have my friends at school… All things considered, I'm pretty lucky…
I want to do my best… For everyone's sake…
> You sensed the quiet passion in Yukiko's smile…
> You feel that you understand Yukiko even more…
Oh, and Yukiko realized a lot of the weird stuff that happens to us in battle really isn't much different from how some of their customers get, so she's going to try the same techniques they use to calm people down in battle. Whatever the hell that menas.

I… can't help that, I suppose…
> You hung out with Yukiko and walked partway home together.
Tomorrow's a holiday, but then exams start. At least when they're done we'll have time to seriously try and find this damn killer.