Part 44: 7/29/11 Part 2
7/29/11Continued from last time…
We returned to the TV world, information in hand.

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It's settled, then. He is the killer… and he's in here now!

Was he… spying on me…?
Oh my God… I really was being targeted…

Oh, now I remember!
Yukiko, it's that one guy!

Man, Chie, how'd you remember something like that!?

Uhh… Really?
That guy really did get served pretty hard there.

Just going on and on about how biker gangs can't do anything unless they're in a pack and stuff…
He seemed to be the type who just keeps talking, whether you like it or not… if that make sense…
I usually treat those people politely so they don't get offended, but I was so tired that I kinda ignored him.
Was that why I was kidnapped…?

Ugh… That damn special report… So that's why I got dragged into this.

Lots of muttering about how women who cheat on their husbands should be executed.

Well, it's time for a showdown!
Can you tell where this Mitsuo guy's at?

…Yeah, I found him!
He's that way.

We're so close to the killer… We can't lose him now!
When we reached our destination, we found the strangest place yet.

Let's go!

Anyway we entered the creepy video game castle. It's quite hard to describe.
VIDEO- "Void Quest 1"

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Game Menu: > End your quest
> Begin a new quest
Please enter your name:

Game Menu: Please enter your name:
Please enter your name: Mi-
Please enter your name: Mits-
Please enter your name: Mitsuo

Urgh, this kinda pisses me off!
Let's go, Senpai!
We pushed through the Shadows, which were stronger than ever before.

*: How dare you stand against me for being a rotten orange!
I'll make a worthless human like you taste endless pain!
Take this!
System Message: Critical hit!
Punishing hit!
Mitsuo has been knocked down…

No way… What's this all about?
We need to hurry on!
I'm not sure what all this was supposed to mean.

*: You seemed to have slept well last night.
You slept so well that not even the noisy siren from the police cars woke you.
I think something really bad happened…
Can you go buy some coffee from the café at the arcade? Thanks.
Did you hear a girl was killed?
It's becoming a dangerous world out there… I don't even feel safe walking around town…
Don't let your guard down, and make sure you're not out late, okay?
At first it didn't seem like we could make any progress on the third floor, but we realized that certain areas of the floor would transport us forward and soon managed to advance.

Game Menu: Command?
> Fight
Mitsuo attacks!
Thou hast done well in defeating the female announcer.
Mitsuo hath been promoted to the next level.
Thy Excitement increases by 4. They Emptiness increases by 1.

Does he mean murdering people was just a game for him?
He's so on my enemies list!
And it just kept getting worse. I'm actually glad Yosuke wasn't around to hear the one on the fifth floor, he'd have lost it.

Game Menu: Command?
> Fight
Mitsuo attack!
Thou hast done well in defeating the corpse discoverer.
Mitsuo hath been promoted to the next level.
Thy Sadness increases by 5. Thy Emptiness increases by 8.

No way! Does that mean he's getting stronger!?
Senpai, be careful! This guy may be more dangerous than we thought!
We finally heard what sounded like his voice on the sixth floor.

Hollow Voice: No… No…
N… No… N… o… Noooo… Nnnooo… Nooo… Noo… Noooo… N…oooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Did he… lose it?
Things got even worse soon enough though.

*: Did you sleep well I heard that a girl was killed last night.
The noise of the arcade was bad, but can you buy some coffee from the café in the police cars?
Thanks, I can't even safely walk around… I can safely withdraw cash now.
Have you heard? Good morning. Don't be out dangerously late, okay?
Relax and don't let your guard down.

He might be insane…
Umm… I'm getting kinda scared…
The floor was just as disjointed. In certain areas, the floor would turn around if we tried to advance. If we were careful in how we moved, though, we could push ahead to the direction we wanted to travel. Deep in the back was an ornate door, and Rise sensed something important behind it.
VIDEO- "Killing Hand"

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Boss Battle: Killing Hand
This mini-boss is a total joke. He starts out by summoning an Almighty Hand. He'll also use multi-target physicals like Deathbound, but probably not much because he's got such a small amount of health that you should be able to drag him down in record time. What I'd suggest is to use multi-target attacks whenever an Almighty Hand is up to ensure that it goes down quickly as well, because it's actually probably more dangerous than the Killing Hand. When the Killing Hand dies any remaining hands will likely run away, as they do in the video.
The Shadow was guarding a weird black orb.

> Obtained 1 Orb of Darkness.
With that in hand, we pushed forward to the next level.

*: How dare you stand against me for being a rotten orange!
System Message: Morooka draws near!
> Kill
> Run
> Kill
Mitsuo attacks!
Thou hast done well in killing Morooka.
Mitsuo hath been promoted to the next level.
They Attention increases by 16. Thy Fame increases by 17. Thy Coolness increases by 3.

I can't believe this! What makes him think this is cool!?
Let's hurry, Senpai! We gotta catch this sick bastard!
I was concerned that we weren't quite ready to push ahead, and remembered Rise said something about sensing a Shadow back at Marukyu. I decided to see how we'd fare against it.
VIDEO- "Marukyu Bonus Boss"

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Boss Battle: Momentary Child
Momentary Child is a pretty simple bonus boss compared to the ones in the castle or sauna. He's weak against ice, so if you bring Chie, Teddie, and an ice persona of your own he'll go down in a heartbeat. He mostly uses physical attacks, and he'll sometimes lose a turn being 'indignant' with no effect.
We got some valuable confidence and Teddie found a really nasty looking claw that he started swinging around in a worrying fashion. With our task complete we returned to Void Quest.

*: You're…
Hollow Voice: ……
I… don't have anything…

Be careful!
And on the next floor, we found the end. It was a good thing we'd found that black orb, because it turned out to be a key.
VIDEO- "A Killer Shadow"

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> The door is sealed with a mysterious power…
> ……!?
> Pitch-black darkness flows from the Orb of Darkness!

Mitsuo was talking to his Shadow in the middle of a strange arena.

What do you think of that!? Say something, dammit!

I killed them!

The Shadow might have actually been less creepy than the normal one.

Dammit, who the hell are you!? What're you doing here!?

Of course I am! I'm the one behind everything!
I don't give a damn what this imposter's saying! Hahaha, you hear that!? You have nothing to do with me!
Get outta my sight!

I'll kill you! I'll kill all of you!
I can do it, you know… I can do anything!

I'm still not sure how it made sense that he had a Shadow, though.

Once we beat him, this case is as good as closed!
And so we were thrown into our most brutal battle yet.
VIDEO- "Shadow Mitsuo"

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The Shadow surrounded itself in a shell of giant blocks that looked like a lame eight-bit rpg character.

Boss Battle: Shadow Mitsuo
Okay, this guy can be a real asshole if you're not prepared. We start out by fighting Mitsuo the Hero, a giant 8-bit warrior. He takes two actions every time his turn comes up, either an Attack on someone or a Bomb that does damage and causes the Exhaust status. This form is largely unthreatening as long as we use items or Teddie's Energy Shower to keep Exhaust off of our party and keep people healed. When we kill Mitsuo the Hero, Shadow Mitsuo is exposed and is Downed, giving us an All-Out Attack. Now the fight gets interesting and we face the first boss with a really random and arbitrary way of fighting that can hose us if we have the wrong party. Shadow Mitsuo also gets two actions each time its turn comes up, and he'll spend one of the first two casting a Wall spell. He'll then use an action on each of the next three turns he gets casting a group attack spell of that same element. If he knocks someone down with that he'll use Megidola and wreck the party. Then, he'll have a vocal taunt and things will get much worse.

In this phase, Shadow Mitsuo will start by using Stagnant Air to greatly increase the chances of you being hit by status effects. He will then start using Evil Touch on people to fear them, and if anyone is feared at the start of his turn he'll use Ghastly Wail to instantly kill them. After a bit he'll use the skill Whisper to start regenerating Mitsuo the Hero.

Destroy it before that happens!

If we can do enough damage to him before he regenerates the shell fully, it'll break and he'll be Downed, giving us another All-Out Attack. At that point he'll focus entirely on regenerating his shell, which is pretty much impossible to stop. He'll use Chant and then Prayer, at which point Mitsuo the Hero is back.

That ominous message tells us that Mitsuo the Hero is stronger now, which he is indeed. He does more damage with his Attack and Bomb, and now he can use his Spell, Gigadyne. Gigadyne does large amounts of Almighty damage to the party, and he'll use it for sure as his first action. Once again you want to burn Mitsuo the Hero down as fast as possible while keeping Exhaust off of people. Once it dies, Shadow Mitsuo returns. It works exactly the same way, with another random element chosen at the start. You want to go at Shadow Mitsuo as hard as possible now to ensure he dies before he can regenerate his shell again, because Mitsuo the Hero is very powerful if he gets to return again.
The party I used for this is Chie, Yukiko, and Teddie. Teddie gives us the ability to cure Exhaust and both he and Yukiko are brutally powerful on this boss. The last slot is actually sort of a toss-up because Yosuke, Chie, and Kanji are all pretty similar on this boss. I'd suggest not using Yosuke because he has the same weakness as Teddie personally. I'd also suggest you get to about level 43 so that Yukiko gets Mediarama and Teddie Matarukaja. Black Frost is incredible on this fight but really any decent Persona will do, just watch for his magical attacks in the Shadow phase because if he gets a Megidola off you're likely to lose.
Somehow we triumphed over the freakish thing.
VIDEO- "The Killer, Captured"

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You guys…
Wh-Who the hell are you guys!?

They think you're the one who killed King Moron and the other two.
So…? Are you the killer?

All on me…
Aha… hahaha! That's right, I did it!

I killed all of them! It was all me!
Mitsuo's Shadow vanished into motes of darkness. I'm not sure what that's supposed to mean…

Take that, son of a bitch…

We dragged his ass out of the TV.

S-Stop it… Why did the TV… Nngh…

First off, why did you do all this!? Answer in ten words or less!

Haha, what a loser… Get outta my face, you freak…

I don't know, I was and still am skeptical about all of this for some reason.

Everyone's talking about it, right?
It's a huge deal… and I did it! All of it! All by myself…!

Whoa… Look who it is… Haha, hey Yuki…
After all this time… now you wanna talk to me? Haha… What bullshit.

But why the others!?

I didn't care who I attacked… Everyone pisses me off…

…gotta be… kidding me…!
You killed Senpai over nothing!? …You son of a bitch!!
Kanji had heard enough meanwhile.

No, you're gonna own up to your crimes and pay for what you did.
You ain't gonna be allowed to kick the bucket until you understand exactly what it is you've done!

Luckily Adachi was slacking off nearby. He didn't ask too many questions as to where exactly we'd gotten the suspect he was supposed to be finding, dude was pretty happy.
VIDEO- "Party Planning"

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I mean, not that it would've been okay if he had a better reason…

We really went through a lot…

I'm sure you'd like us to forget the sauna incident too… right, Kanji-kun?

It wasn't really special, kind of boring compared to some of the others really.

Speaking of which, nothing really happened in your case, huh?

We always have a wrap party after we're done shooting. It's fun, and it'll help give us some closure.

Gorgeous dinner, hot springs, table tennis, yukata! Geisha, Fujiyama, full wootness!

A-A hot spring that… Yukiko-senpai bathes in too…?

It's a shame this couldn't have happened during school, though, with the summer in full gear the Amagi Inn was booked solid.

Oh, but will your uncle get suspicious? Like, "Why are you all celebrating?"
Of course this is Dojima we're talking about, so while yes he would get suspicious, he'd have to be there to do it.

Nanako-chan might be getting hungry.

Did you already forget the tragedy of the school campout!?

I'll make something for you, Senpai.

Let's have a cooking battle! The winner will be crowned Iron Cook Inaba!

Yosuke wisely tagged me in for this.

At the end, you're supposed to say, "That was delicious!" right?

Alright! Let us advance forth into the grocery section downstairs! Chaaaarge!
First we had to call Nanako and see what she wanted.

Huh…? Dinner? You're all going to cook?

Um… Anything's fine.

An omelette.
I wanna eat omelette with fried rice.
Okay, I'll be waiting!
> You ended the phone call.
> Nanako seems to be looking forward to it.

With a dish that simple, I doubt we'll get a second helping of Mystery Food X.
…Huh? What's wrong?

Looks like you'll need all the help I can give you…
Hey, what kind of omelette are you making? I'll go get the ingredients for ya.
> What kind of omelette should you make…?
I decided not to go too terribly far afield, I mean it's for Nanako and all.

> You gave Yosuke a list of the ingredients you'll need…
> Everyone brought their basic ingredients to the cart.

It's a must-have for my special omelette!
Don't worry, I'll let you have a taste. Ooh, or maybe I could spoon feed you. *chuckle *
I heard last time you choked down something so awful that words couldn't describe it…

By the way, that question is never one you want to hear, because the answer will always horrify you.

Sample Tray Lady: Of course you can, dear. Eat as much as you like!

Sample Tray Lady: *giggle * This one's ready too.
Oh my, are you hungry for more? Here… I'll open this one too.

Sample Tray Lady: Oh my, no! No, I mustn't! I've got a husband and a son!

Sample Tray Lady: Ohhh, I couldn't possibly. The manager would get so upset.

We dragged Teddie out and all headed back to my place, where the cooking began in earnest.
VIDEO- "Celebration"

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What if you made a promise with me? Could you stay then?

So I should go back over there…
I couldn't send Teddie back to that crazy world all alone.

My promise with Nana-chan… I made a promise to play with her…
Can I really stay here…?
It wasn't just my promise. Nana-chan made it with me…
I'm really… really happy…
Thank you…!
> Teddie's eyes are watering…
Yosuke had something to say about it too.

S-So, I wanna stay here a little longer! Is that okay with you, Sir!?

You can't just quit your job like that. In any case, if you left-

We sat down for the judging of our ultimate competition.

Asking Nanako-chan to jump in and try these for us is kinda… unethical.

Then try mine first, Yosuke-senpai. It's guaranteed delicious!

I mean, Risette cookted it herself. Can you imagine how many guys would kill me if they found out?
Well then, chow time!
I-I… can't give this to Nanako-chan…

Have you ever been to a circus and seen guys eat torches? Yeah.

> …It's spicy!
> The spiciness and heat are like lava in your mouth…!
> You can't taste or feel the foie gras at all…
> It's starting to taste like iron… For some reason, you sense a dull pain in your mouth as well…
> You can't give this to Nanako…

I tastes really, um… boneless…?

Does it taste good or not!? Tell me!
I will say this: It was a huge improvement on Mystery Food X.

> But you don't sense any flavors in particular…
> In fact… you don't taste anything at all! You can't even taste the ingredients…
> How could this be…?

It's pretty impressive that you put so many ingredients into a dish and it came out tasting like nothing.

Urgh… I dunno about this… But I think it'll taste good! This time for sure!

You have to try this, Yosuke.

Ahhh… I see…
And seriously Chie is terrible.

They're totally right! It tastes awful! Ahahahaha!

You guys are just kids… I, I…
*sniff * Waaaaaaah…

It's spicy, but it's still good.

I knew it! Nanako-chan's the most mature person in this room!

Of course, there was at least one edible omelette.

This is really good!
I've never had an omelette with fried rice this good! It's amazing!
> The omelette seems to be a big success. She's eating it extremely cheerfully!
> Nanako finished your omelette…

You guys know about the festival they're holding in the shopping district, right? Why don't we all go?

Wouldn't dream of going to a festival without bringing her along of course.

Whew… We'll finally be able to get some edible food for once.
> You promised the others you'd go to the festival at the shopping district.
> The culprit has finally been caught. The rest is up to the police inquiry…
> The festival is on August 20th. You made sure not to forget this date.
I don't know, even though we caught the guy it doesn't feel like we've got any real closure. What the hell's even been going on? Why did the Midnight Channel appear? What the hell is this power of Persona? Will we ever know?