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The Let's Play Archive

Persona 4

by Feinne

Part 46: 8/2/11-8/5/11


Nothing much happening right now, still no news on what's going on down at the PD. It was a nice day and Yukiko wasn't busy at the inn so we went for a walk by the river.


Got an unexpected call today.

I wanna go somewhere. You'll come, right?
Cool. Don't be late.
> You decided to go out with Ai.

We headed down to Okina.

I'm getting kinda tired of this place… There's nothing left to do here.
I agree.
Hey, you're not allowed to get bored!
I chose you to come here with me, so you better enjoy it!

Rise had also come down to Okina I guess.

I didn't think you'd have time to be making small talk with other girls…
Shut up.
I believe Souji was talking to me. It's rude to interrupt.
…What's wrong with you?
…Don't you dare talk to other girls when you're with me!
> You've had an exciting day…

Much more excitement than I needed in a day. Facing down Shadows was less scary than that.


Um. I might have said or done something dumb today. I went back to the shrine with Yukiko, she wanted to leave a wish.

> Yukiko brought you here, saying she wanted to pay her respects.
Are you going to wish for something, Souji-kun?
For everyone…
…I see. That's so like you.
> Yukiko looks happy.
I'm wishing for everyone's health.
For Chie, for you, for the others… And everyone at the inn, too.
I'm wishing to become a woman worthy of you… Souji-kun.
Finally, I wish for everyone to be able to smile together…
…Let's begin our prayer.

As I had thought, Yukiko didn't really want to leave.

I never really objected to being the inn's manager per se…
I just didn't like the fact that it wasn't up to me… I felt that my life was on rails.
And I thought running away was the only choice for me…
But no longer. I want to protect the family inn.
After all, it's near to my heart…
…Thank you, Souji-kun. I think it's because of you that I realized this.
Because you were always by my side…
> Yukiko is smiling gently…
> Yukiko's determination makes her look more mature…

I mean what are friends for if not to help each other out?

U-Umm, I wanted to ask you this before…
Why are you always with me…?
I-Is it okay… for me to ask…?

So yeah I think I'm really bad at reading signals or something because after I said this she got really flustered and ran off.

I see…
Y-Yes, precisely!
Oh, I just remembered… I have an errand to run! I'll be going now…
> Yukiko ran off…
> You decided to go home.

This just goes to show that you can ace your exams and still make incredibly dumb choices you may never live down.


I tried to find Yukiko to apologize for yesterday, but I think she must've been busy. I ran into Rise while I was looking, and headed down to Okina with her.

> Rise took you here.
Whew, that was a long trip…
It'll take time to get back, so let's walk around quick!
You come here often?
Yeah. You know there's not much of a selection where we live, right?
Since I've got a mule with me today, I think it's time for a shopping spree!
> Rise looks like she's having fun…
Oh, come to think of it, where does Kanji buy his clothes?
You can't find pointy stuff like those at Junes, can you?
Does he buy them online…?
Maybe he makes them…?
Suspicious Guy: U-Umm…
A-Aren't you Risette?
I, I-I-I-I…
No… I'm not.
Let's go, Senpai.
> Rise dragged you away…
> Many people approached Rise over the course of the day…

I would really hate to have people recognizing me everywhere I go.

*sigh * But I told them!
I told them today, Senpai!
"No, I'm not." "You're mistaken." "I'm not Risette!"
And it's true… I'm no longer "Risette"…
I'm just an ordinary girl…
*giggle * Which is fine with me!
I never thought I'd be out in public like this.
I love Inaba, Senpai…
You see the same faces every day, rumors spread fast, and there are times when it gets on my last nerve…
And sometimes I feel I might be better off if I was in a big city full of strangers…
But even then, I love that town.
You're there, Grandma's there…
And above all, there's something I can do there.
Let's keep at it, Senpai!
> You can sense Rise's passion…
> You feel that you understand Rise even better…

Still, I'm glad she's happy now.

Oh, and Rise said something about her Persona feeling more powerful.

> She is now able to use the skill Treasure Radar!
> You can now see the location of all the treasures on the dungeon map!
I didn't see any one-pieces that clicked with me, so I guess we should go home.
Let's go, Senpai.
> You walked Rise to her house and went home.

Why is all this supernatural stuff still going on, though? I mean we caught the killer… right?