Part 46: 8/2/11-8/5/11
8/2/11Nothing much happening right now, still no news on what's going on down at the PD. It was a nice day and Yukiko wasn't busy at the inn so we went for a walk by the river.
Got an unexpected call today.

> You decided to go out with Ai.
We headed down to Okina.

I chose you to come here with me, so you better enjoy it!
Rise had also come down to Okina I guess.

I didn't think you'd have time to be making small talk with other girls…

I believe Souji was talking to me. It's rude to interrupt.

> You've had an exciting day…
Much more excitement than I needed in a day. Facing down Shadows was less scary than that.
Um. I might have said or done something dumb today. I went back to the shrine with Yukiko, she wanted to leave a wish.

> Yukiko brought you here, saying she wanted to pay her respects.

> Yukiko looks happy.

For Chie, for you, for the others… And everyone at the inn, too.
I'm wishing to become a woman worthy of you… Souji-kun.
Finally, I wish for everyone to be able to smile together…
…Let's begin our prayer.
As I had thought, Yukiko didn't really want to leave.

I just didn't like the fact that it wasn't up to me… I felt that my life was on rails.
And I thought running away was the only choice for me…
But no longer. I want to protect the family inn.
After all, it's near to my heart…
…Thank you, Souji-kun. I think it's because of you that I realized this.
Because you were always by my side…
> Yukiko is smiling gently…
> Yukiko's determination makes her look more mature…
I mean what are friends for if not to help each other out?

Why are you always with me…?
I-Is it okay… for me to ask…?
So yeah I think I'm really bad at reading signals or something because after I said this she got really flustered and ran off.

Y-Yes, precisely!
Oh, I just remembered… I have an errand to run! I'll be going now…
> Yukiko ran off…
> You decided to go home.
This just goes to show that you can ace your exams and still make incredibly dumb choices you may never live down.
I tried to find Yukiko to apologize for yesterday, but I think she must've been busy. I ran into Rise while I was looking, and headed down to Okina with her.

> Rise took you here.

It'll take time to get back, so let's walk around quick!

Since I've got a mule with me today, I think it's time for a shopping spree!
> Rise looks like she's having fun…

You can't find pointy stuff like those at Junes, can you?
Does he buy them online…?
Maybe he makes them…?
Suspicious Guy: U-Umm…
A-Aren't you Risette?
I, I-I-I-I…

Let's go, Senpai.
> Rise dragged you away…
> Many people approached Rise over the course of the day…
I would really hate to have people recognizing me everywhere I go.

I told them today, Senpai!
"No, I'm not." "You're mistaken." "I'm not Risette!"
And it's true… I'm no longer "Risette"…
I'm just an ordinary girl…
*giggle * Which is fine with me!
I never thought I'd be out in public like this.
I love Inaba, Senpai…
You see the same faces every day, rumors spread fast, and there are times when it gets on my last nerve…
And sometimes I feel I might be better off if I was in a big city full of strangers…
But even then, I love that town.
You're there, Grandma's there…
And above all, there's something I can do there.
Let's keep at it, Senpai!
> You can sense Rise's passion…
> You feel that you understand Rise even better…
Still, I'm glad she's happy now.

Oh, and Rise said something about her Persona feeling more powerful.

> She is now able to use the skill Treasure Radar!
> You can now see the location of all the treasures on the dungeon map!

Let's go, Senpai.
> You walked Rise to her house and went home.
Why is all this supernatural stuff still going on, though? I mean we caught the killer… right?