Part 47: 8/6/11-8/10/11
8/6/11Not much to say about today, it was raining so I headed down to Aiya to challenge the beef bowl again. Sadly I still lack the strength to defeat it. Not much else to say.
I managed to accomplish that request Margaret gave me earlier today.

Do you know why I asked you to bring me such a beast?
…Because I wanted you to be aware that even an innocent boy like you can harbor such a dreadful creature inside.
And… I wanted to ride on it for a bit.
But this Persona seems too hot for me…
Can I extinguish its flame?
*chuckle * I'm kidding. I wouldn't harm your Persona, nor yourself.
…I think.
> Margaret is smiling gently…
> You became more intimate with Margaret…
That was sort of an odd thing for her to say.

I would like a Neko Shogun capable of using Bufula. If anyone can do this for me, it's you.
I eagerly await your return.
I actually already had everything I needed for this in the Compendium as it turned out. I'm still not sure why it's a cat though.

*chuckle * This is a rare Persona… I think I could even beat my master with this.
Hm… wait a moment.
The Persona's nose isn't long at all…
No… There's no way I can win with this Persona.
It's not easy to surpass the master…
Regardless, I appreciate your showing me this beautiful Persona.
One after another, you make my every wish come true… What a gentleman.
> Margaret is smiling gently…
> You became a little more intimate with Margaret…
So wait Igor's power comes from his nose? Is that what she's saying?

Bring me a Black Frost that knows Auto-Sukukaja… If anyone can do this for me, it's you.
I eagerly await your return.
That was a little bit harder to achieve, I need to think through how to make that happen. After I left the Velvet Room, I ran into Yosuke. His shift had just ended and he wanted to talk to me.

> Yosuke seems tormented…

> Yosuke looks happy.
We headed to the riverbed.

No, it's more like… I was jealous of you.
I thought you were like me.
Coming from the city to the countryside, I thought you'd be bored out of your mind here.
But as soon as you got here, you called your Persona… Became our leader, gathered people… You're a hero.
I like you for that, and I'm proud of you… But I guess I was jealous at the same time.

Haha, I can't picture it…
…When I called you "special," I thought some more about it.
I think out of everyone, I wanted to be acknowledged by you the most…
So… Souji.
I have to say Yosuke surprised me here.

I want to be equal with you. I want us to stand shoulder-to-shoulder.
So c'mon…
> Will hitting Yosuke make you and him equal…?
I won't hit a man that's not trying to hit me back.

I got it now. If we're "equal," then… I guess you're right.
Okay, here I come! Take your best shot!
> You brawled it out with Yosuke…
You know that thing in like games or whatever where two people KO each other at the same time?

Your punches are brutal… I was seeing stars there for a second…
But thanks, man… I don't know how to say it, but…
…That sure beat words.
> Yosuke's face is peaceful…

> You obtained Buddy's Bandage.

Phew… The sky's so high up.
Is Saki-senpai watching us…? Is she smiling at us?
Senpai… I'm going to live. Without lying to myself, without deceiving myself…
Days like today, days like before when I did nothing… They're all important days…
They're all days you didn't live to see…
I'm going to live them here.
> Yosuke is smiling gently…
That was when things got crazy.

His Persona transformed into Susano-o, who even I know is a god of storms.

> Jiraiya has transfigured into Susano-o!

The power to protect what's dear to me, huh… Heheh, just what I wanted.
Let's keep at it, so we can live every day with a smile… Leader.
> You can feel Yosuke's warm trust…
> You feel a tight bond between you and Yosuke…
And I myself felt a great power too.

It seemed I'd once again reached the resolution of a social link. I went and looked up Mada, he's some kind of demon from India.

> You spent a long while with Yosuke…
Not much else to report for today.
Ai called me up again earlier today.

Don't be late.
> You decided to go out with Ai.
Sure beat going back to Okina again.

I'm impressed… You scored a hot girl…
Let me in on the secret!

You don't look like a bear.

Huh? Souji and Ai-san?

You know your store offers nothing but carbs? I need some salad.

But I love it! I want to see even more!
> It promises to be an entertaining day.
Every day each and every one of us regrets that Teddie was introduced to the concept of 'scoring' by Yukiko's shadow by the way. Just gonna throw that out there.
Well, I managed to find Yukiko. She doesn't really seem upset about anything, maybe I was just being dumb earlier. Oh, and Nanako had a bit of a problem she needed help with.

> Nanako looks like she's about to cry…
I told her I wouldn't, of course.

> Nanako nods and begins talking…

They said to give it to our parents…
> The paper Nanako gave you has the following written on it:
> "Parent Survey Regarding Scheduling Of Parent-Teacher Interviews"

But Dad's always working, so…
He can't come, huh?
I'm sure he will.

Thanks, big bro!
> Nanako looks relieved…

I'll ask him to come…
I'm glad I asked you!
> You can feel Nanako's trust for you.
> You feel that your relationship with Nanako has grown deeper…
She just needs to trust that Dojima will be there.

…Since he's my "real" Dad.
Big bro, did you have "Parent-Teacher Interviews" too?
Were you nervous?
> You talked about different things with Nanako…
> It's getting late, so you put Nanako to bed and went to your own room.
Kou and Daisuke came over for a while today.

> You feel a little uneasy about having three guys in your room…

Not too spacious, and yet not too cramped… Not too dark, either…

…Anyway, looks like you're a little short on stuff to read. Why don't you take this?
Tadaaa! "The O-Cha Way"… Want it?
Always a sucker for free stuff.

…It was too complex for Daisuke, but that's not saying much. Haha.
> Obtained The O-Cha Way.

Now I can finally stop lugging that stupid thing around.

We should all play something.
Don't you get lonely when your big brother doesn't play with you?

> You've had an exciting day…
> You spend some precious moments with your friends.
> ……
> Daisuke and Kou left your house before it got dark.
Still a lot of summer left, and no news. The festival is coming up, though. That's going to be fun.