Part 48: 8/11/11-8/14/11
8/11/11It was raining today, and I was so bored I actually went fishing. I didn't catch much, but I think I'm getting better. God damn I wish there were still a killer to catch sometimes.
The rain continued through the morning, which meant today was fog day again. I headed to Aiya for one last celebratory Aiya bowl.

Weather Announcer: The week ended on a wet note as rain clouds moved into the area.
As a result, a thick fog is expected to form in the Inaba region later tonight…
And as before, the fog rolled in at night.

> The fog has set in…
> No one is appearing on the Midnight Channel.
> You wonder what happened to Mitsuo Kubo after the police took him away…
Even though everything is done, I still felt like doing some training with Chie.

> You finished today's training and came here with Chie…

…It might not even be cow meat.
Just kidding… Whoa, thinking about it, that's kinda gross, haha…
The police are here…
Th-Then is this place really serving fake meat…?
Police Officer: Excuse me.

Police Officer: Lately, there's been several incidents with a group of teenagers bullying people around here.

Police Officer: Extortion, if you will.
Have you seen anyone suspicious?

Police Officer: Hmmm, I see… Well, you two be careful then.

…But still, bullying!?
What cowards, ganging up on the weak like that!
Amen to that.

> Chie is outraged…

> Chie looks happy.

To protect the town's peace, she throws herself into the battlefield, unbeknownst to all…!
Ooh, yeah! That sounds cool!
Souji-kun, leave it to me!
Though I'd feel better about it if you helped…
And it'd make me… kinda happy…
> Chie seems somewhat embarrassed…
> You feel your relationship with Chie has grown yet deeper…
Even if we don't have Shadows to fight anymore we can still make this town a better place.

"Don't think. Feel…" right? Actually in this case, would it be, "Don't think. Eat?"
> You walked back home with Chie, eating steak skewers.
Dojima came home with a big spread of sushi and Adachi.
VIDEO- "Dojima's News"

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Announcer: "I didn't care who it was." "I was pissed off." "I wanted to be famous." The suspect was often heard saying these things…
The young suspect has confessed to being the culprit behind the recent cases, but he's shown no remorse so far.
Because of several inconsistencies in the boy's deposition, some have called for a mental examination to be carried out.
Until then, the police will be continuing their investigation to shed light on all the prior incidents.

All we had was the suspect's confession and some circumstantial evidence.
But the lab found the perp's prints on the victim's clothes, so we made it stick after all.
Man, isn't crime scene investigation something? Who would've thought you could get viable prints from cloth?

Adachi couldn't stop talking about the case, though.

Good thing we caught him! Now I can stop seeing suspects in every shadow!
If the killer was still on the loose…

Huh? You don't like sushi, Nanako-chan?

Here, I'll take it off for you. Which one do you want? Hmm?

As for me, I'll go for sea urchin…

> It's been a while since dinner has been this lively…
I'm kind of bothered by something he said, though. It's almost like he wasn't really sure they had the killer. Maybe it's just my imagination…
Lord, this week might get exciting really quickly.

He said he was really in a bind because he didn't have enough employees working at Junes.
He's probably going to come to you and beg for you to rescue him.
He'll be all, "You've gotta save me from this chaos, Souji!"
I feel kinda sorry for him, so I'm gonna help him out this week.
You're welcome too, Souji-kun!
> Chie hung up…
> Maybe you should help out at Junes too…
Still, that wouldn't be until tomorrow anyway. I headed down to the shopping district, felt like getting some Aiya and Rise was free so we ate lunch together.

> There is a suspicious man in front of Rise's house…

Or… a stalker?
> Rise is worried…
I suggested we just run, I don't know, maybe I was still spooked from all that crap Adachi was babbling about them not being sure about the murders.

Let's just wait and see, okay?
But… thanks for that.
> Rise no longer seems worried.

Inoue-san, is that you!?
It seemed Rise knew the guy after all.

I already settled everything with the agency…!
Inoue: I'm here because… Personally, I can't accept that.
I've watched over you this entire time as your manager…

My private time doesn't belong to a manager anymore!
Go home. If you don't, I'll call the police.
Inoue: W-Wait!
Could you just think it over? I strongly believe that no other actress can play that role better than Rise Kujikawa.
Your fans were looking forward to the movie, too…

Inoue: Huh…?

Rise really is a good actress and I kind of think she should reconsider quitting.

Souji sees the real me…
He's so gentle…!
> Rise is desperate…
I played along, I'm a decent actor myself.

> You went along with her story…

> Rise looks relieved…
Inoue: ……
I understand. I'll go home… for today.
B-But I…

Oh… U-Ummm…
…That was Inoue-san. He was… my manager.
I'm his daughter's age, so he treated me like one of the family…
But… he's a stranger now.
S-Senpai, umm…
I'm sorry… Lying about marrying you and all…
I've got no problem helping out a friend in need, though.

You're so mature…
> Rise smiled a smile of relief.

Th-This isn't good… I feel like I'm going to depend on you even more…
…J-Just kidding!
> Perhaps due to her relief, Rise is smiling sheepishly…
> You feel your relationship with Rise has grown deeper…
It's hard to tell when Rise's acting and when she's not sometimes.

See you later, Senpai.
> You watched Rise walk in and went home.
Dojima had something for me now that he was finally home.

Keeping up your studies while taking care of Nanako, too…? You're one hard working, aren't you?
I need to act like an uncle every so often and give you some spending money.
Here you go… A big tip.
But don't spend it all in… Nah, you can use it however you like.
> You obtained 40000 yen from Dojima.
He seemed like he was busy with something, I decided to see what was up.

Those damn kids… Don't they teach 'em how to file data anymore?
Oh… Sorry, I wasn't talking about you.

> Dojima is smiling wryly.

The copy seems to have gone missing.
There's a certain case where we don't have a suspect yet…
And since the trail's going cold, it's about to be buried under newer cases.
But I can't give up on this one.
> Dojima has a cornered look on his face…
> This doesn't seem to be the time or the place to ask him more about it.
Just then Nanako came in. She wasn't feeling well.

N-No, wait. This happened before. Is it the same feeling!?

Dammit! Who's calling at this time of night…?
Dojima here!
Adachi…? I'm hanging up.
…A sealed letter? For me?
Is it from Ichihara-san!? When did it come!?
You forgot!? Adachi…!
I'm on my way!
Gotta go. The medicine should be in the first aid kit… She's in your hands.
> Dojima left…
> You gave Nanako the medicine and put her to bed…
> ……
> A few hours later…
I had to find out what the hell was so important.

> Dojima has come home.
> He seems to be in a bad mood…

It's late. Go to sleep.

> Dojima looks apologetic…

She's sleeping… Good.
You've been a great help here.
> Dojima seems to bear a heavy burden… What is he keeping locked up in his heart…?
> You feel your bond with Dojima has deepened even further…
Still have no idea. Still sort of pissed.

…'Night, Souji.
> You said goodnight to Dojima and went to your room.
Yosuke's probably going to call me up tomorrow. Getting something done does have some appeal, I have to say.