Part 55: 9/6/11-9/7/11
9/6/11Something I'd known was coming for quite some time happened this afternoon.

> The door was open, so you cautiously went in.
Doctor: Now, try speaking to him…
Yumi's Mother: …Can you hear me?
Look… It's Yumi. She's come to see you today.
It's your daughter…

Yumi's Father: Yu…mi…
Yumi… Thank you…
You are… a kind girl… Like your mother…

Yumi's Mother: You are a kind girl…
You're your parents' pride and joy.
You may be a bit angry and have a harsh tongue, but I know that's because you're trying to protect yourself…
Yumi's Father: It's my fault…
I'm sorry… I was so selfish… I caused you nothing but trouble…
But seeing you at last… Seeing you care for me…
I'm such a lucky man…
He really sounded awful.

Yumi's Father: Yumi…

Yumi's Father: Yumi, it took your mother and me many days to come up with your name.
Your name means "bear fruit," because we wanted you life to be full of good things…

Yumi's Mother: Only you know that…
Because you see, Yumi, the good fruit of our own lives… is you.

*sob *
Yumi's Mother: No…
You must keep breathing…!

…You never gave me a chance to say it…
Dad… Thank you for bringing me… into this world…
I decided to go back outside and wait for her there.

Dad… died.
I… I just don't know what's going on…
What the hell can I do but try and tell her it's all going to be alright?

> Yumi is trying to come to terms with what happened.

Stay… by my side.
> You can feel that Yumi is relying on you to help her.
> You feel that your relationship with Yumi has deepened…
Nothing I can do at all sometimes…

I'm sorry. Goodbye…
…I'll see you at drama practice.
> You said goodbye to Yumi and went home.
I got to talking about things with Dojima when I got back home.

I got it, I got it. Just a few pages.

Dojima here.
Yes… Yes… then that means…
Well, if it's okay with you, I can be there in just a few…
…I understand. Goodbye…

I don't know where the hell Dojima's priorities are sometimes.

Of course not…
> Dojima sighed quietly…

Y-You can go, Dad.

What book do you want?

C'mon, let's go, Nanako.

> Nanako went to her room with Dojima…
It was a while before Dojima came out.

Let's talk.
The phone call was from Ichihara-san, my former senpai.
I'm having him run tests for Chisato's hit-and-run investigation.
He was calling to tell me that the test results are in…
…Judging by his tone, he didn't fine anything the police haven't already come up with.
I know going over there won't change the test results, but…
> Dojima looks severely disheartened…

No records of one being repaired or scrapped, either… Worst case scenario, the car's out of the country by now.
It scares me…
That I couldn't catch the perp…
That I'll never have an outlet for this sick feeling… That I'll just have to swallow it…!
Every time I look at Nanako… Every time I notice ways she looks like her mother…
I feel like… my face is being pushed down into reality…
And it scares me…
I never thought I'd be talking to you about this…
> Dojima confided in you…
> You feel that you understand Dojima more…
Dojima hides this all so well, if he'd just talk about things more maybe it wouldn't all be so bad.

While you're still here… I need to face myself.
> You sat with Dojima for some time in silence before going to your room.
The trip starts tomorrow.
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So are you ready for the trip yet? This guy won't shut up about it.

We're only gonna be there for two nights, dude! Besides, I'm pretty sure they have convenience stores on Port Island.

Huh… I wonder if the murders here got as much play over there, too.
Like that Mitsuo Kubo dude. They're still showing him on TV here.
Every time I switch on the tube, the news is showing like, what he wrote in his yearbook. Pisses me off, man.
The frickin' media's slapping together anything they can find to make the dude look like a born criminal.
People think they can say anythin' they want about a guy who's been branded a criminal… 's just not right.
It has been pretty ridiculous.

But… I dunno, after getting involved with all this, I started to realize how off-base most rumors are…
It's so messed up…

Hey, it's Naoto.
Yo, how's it going?

Heheheh! W-Well, see ya later!

Ai asked if I wanted to go somewhere, so we made some plans.

> Ai told you she would be right back…

Our class had a guest speaker in the auditorium today, so…
Other Student: Oh yeah, you guys are both on the soccer team, huh?
Conceited Student: Hey… Isn't Ai Ebihara your manager!?
Other Student: Seriously!? Damn, now I'm jealous!

Conceited Student: Heh, probably because she's always on the prowl for guys.
Smirking Student: Yeah, I heard she's pretty loose. And doesn't she look like she's got a sugar daddy or two?
Other Student: Yeah, she's stacking the paper.
Conceited Student: I wonder how much she gets paid…?
Other Student: Damn, dude, don't hold back or anything!
Smirking Student: You think it's a cheaper market out here in the boonies?
Other Student: I don't know man, this is premium grade high school tail we're talking about… And with a body like that?
Conceited Student: Seriously, just look at her hips…
> The conversation is getting more and more vulgar…
I wasn't going to let those assholes keep talking about her like that. Nobody deserves that kind of shit.

> The conversation stopped abruptly.
> It seems Daisuke was also offended…

Other Student: Alright, alright… Aw shit, I'm gonna be late for the meeting!

They were talking like that at practice too… But don't worry, I'll yell at them later, man.
> You sense Daisuke's consideration…

What is there to say at that point?

It's not like… that kinda stuff really bothers me.
I expect it.
They don't even know me. Why should I care what they think…?
I'm fine…
But… thanks.
> Ai blushes happily…
> You feel like you understand Ai even better now…
I get the feeling beneath the surface there's an Ai that's nothing like the way she acts.

And you're gonna walk with me.
> You walked Ai to her house and went home…
Hmm. We're going to Port Island tomorrow. I wonder what it's like?
Next Time On Persona 4: Burn My Dread