Part 56: 9/8/11-9/10/11
9/8/11We started our trip to Port Island today. Our first day was at this school there, Gekkoukan High School.
VIDEO0- "Gekko High"

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Gekkoukan Principal: Well, uh, next I will explain about our fine educational institution and the reasons for its establishment!
Uh, I'd like to start with a proverb… "If a job's worth doing, it's worth doing well."

Gekkoukan Principal: Ah-hem… Our school is closed today, but, ahh, because of this rare opportunity for cultural exchange…
Some of our students will walk you through these halls. First, though, a student body representative will say a few words…
They do certainly have some cute girls in Port Island, I'll grant that.

My name is Chihiro Fushimi. I'm a third-year student, and the Student Council President here at Gekkoukan.
It's an honor to meet you all today.

To learn about others is to learn about oneself, and is the first step on the road to self-betterment… This I believe.
To ensure a worthwhile experience for each and every one of you, we will do our best to help you accomplish that.
So let us enjoy our time together! Thank you very much.

Everyone ran off, it seems a bit ahead of schedule.

This is today's schedule for everyone. Could you hand it out later, please?
I forgot to do it myself…
Sorry to be so disorganized. And you all came so far…

In fact, I didn't write the speech on my own. One of the former Student Council Presidents helped me.
She was the president, my first year here, and she was amazing… I always looked up to her.
I should call her later and tell her the speech was a success!
Oh, I'm sorry! Listen to me, going on and on about myself… I have to stop babbling when I got nervous.
Um, your group is scheduled for a special lecture soon. The classroom is on the second floor.
I have some arrangements to make with your student council, so please excuse me.

We came all this way to be lectured!?

It's being taught by someone named Mr. Edogawa. The lecture's about Qabbalah…

Oh Kanji. At least Chie admitted she didn't know what it was.

We have classes all through today. Tonight and tomorrow, we'll be staying at a hotel…
We'll have free time tomorrow and the day after, until we leave at noon.

The lecture, as it turned out, wasn't about Qabbalah, but something else.
VIDEO- "Class"

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You are all from Yasogami High, eh…? Aaah, a high school of many gods.
I had considered a lecture on Qabbalah philosophy… but I have a better idea. Eeeheehee…
Since I was able to meet you all today, I shall tell you a story of partings.
One could say that this is Japan's oldest tale of curses.
You all know about the gods who created this country, I assume?
The two gods who gave birth to this country are the god Izanagi and the goddess Izanami.
They got along very well…
But one day, Izanami died when giving birth to Kagutsuchi, the fire god.
Extremely saddened by this, Izanagi left for the land of the dead to bring back Izanami.
Yomi… The dark, dark underworld…
There, Izanagi asked Izanami, who had become a dweller in that land of shadows, to come back with him to the land above.
The goddess replied by saying she would negotiate with the god of the underworld, and asked Izanagi to wait for her.
Izanagi became curious to know what was going on, so he broke his promise and set his comb alight to look around.
What he saw… was the goddess Izanami, whose body was completely covered in filth and maggots!
Terrified, Izanagi ran away, but the enraged Izanami chased after him!
After dodging the many demons sent after him, Izanagi reached the entrance of the underworld, Yomotsu Hirasaka…
He set in place a large boulder as a barrier between the two worlds, and got away unharmed.
It's sort of an odd coincidence that he'd tell the story of Izanagi given that was my first Persona.

Curses beget curses… and Izanami said to the god:
"If you're going to treat me this way, I will kill 1,000 humans in your world each day!"
Izanagi regretfully accepted that the bonds between them were severed, saying:
"Then I shall give life to 1,500 each day."
Thousands die, and ten thousands are born.
That is the curse upon this country.
…Many of you may have already known this famous story.
Now, the etymology… The names Izanagi and Izanami come from the word "izanau," which means "to invite."
I'd be delighted if you have accepted this story today as an "invitation" to acquiring knowledge.
That reminds me… In the olden days, people took this story seriously…
Things such as lighting only one fire at night and throwing combs were taboo.
By the way, at Hana no Iwaya, the grave where Izanami is said to have descended to the underworld…
To this day, people decorate it with flowers when they hold festivals nearby.
It may be merely ceremonial, but everyone wants to look beautiful.
It's how they show their consideration to the goddess who may feel that way. Eeeheehee…
Ahhh, is our time up already?
I may have gone on too long… Eeeheehee…
Well, at least that creepy dude doesn't teach at our school. That's something we've got on Gekkoukan High. At least, I thought that until we saw the goddamn hotel Kashiwagi had booked.
VIDEO- "Shirakawa Blvd"

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Female Student: Is this… really a regular hotel…?
> A wave of agitation seems to be spreading through the group.

It just opened not too long ago. It's got that modern look-and the price was right!
Personally, I think it was an excellent choice.
Doubtful Student: We're staying here…?
Female Student: I mean the sign says "hotel," but…
Dumbfounded Student: It opened recently…? Dude, this totally looks like a lov-

Rise confirmed this place was pretty shady.

Mysterious Voice: Hmhmhm… Faster than I expected..
This is quite the hotel.
If they were to meet me… I wonder, what would the look on Yosuke's face be…?

Teddie had followed us!

Hmhmhm… Shoo bee doo bee…

I swore off Topsicles and saved up the money I got working at Junes.
I knew where you were going, thanks to Yosuke's "Trip Guide."
You guys have free time tomorrow, right? No use hiding it! I already know!

I mean, why wear the bear suit here!?

But I kept hanging onto the promise Chie-chan made to go on a date with me!
That's what gave me strength to carry on!

D-Did I promise that…? Oh yeah… I do remember saying that I'd go out with you someday…
Teddie has a very good memory for things like that.

I guess we can go shopping first. And I know a great place we can hit later on.

*sigh * We gotta deal with this guy.

I took the slow train all this way! Do you hear!? The slow train!
Eventually Kashiwagi realized none of us were in the hotel, which gave us a scare.

Go oh, hurry on inside with it.
By the way, these rooms are amazing. Every room has a waterbed!
But don't flip the wrong switch when you're turning on the lights, or your bed will start spinning.

> In any event, you have to do something about Teddie…

> Teddie is doing his best to act like a stuffed animal…
> Coming this far may be Teddie's way of showing how much he genuinely likes you all…
> You sense Teddie's strong trust…
By the way when staying in scenic Port Island I cannot recommend the Seaside Clamshell Inn because it's creepy as hell.

There are a lot of stores on Port Island and I think by some grim magic we entered each and every one of them. At night, we went to some club in the local mall.
VIDEO- "Club Escapade"

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We had a bit of a surprise there too.

That's right… I guess if the first-years came on the trip, you'd be here too…

I was really eager to talk to you. I'm curious how someone my age is working as a detective.

…Wait, what!? Reserve!?

Rise still knows some people fortunately.

Two years ago when I had a secret show here, the power went out in the middle of it, and the gig was cancelled.
They still owe me from then, so they're willing to put this one on the house.

Hm… Kanji?
Kanji, Kanji… I Kanj-ecture that shomething's up! Heeheehee, that's a great one!

Kanj-ecture… Snrk… Bwahahaha!

Teddie, Yukiko, and Rise were seriously out of it.

…I told them. Really, I did! Really!

Times like this, adults play the King's Game. It's the law… *hic *
What's their problem…? They make me act like a ditz, call me Risette and stuff, and then say I'm a kid… *hic *
It's so obvious… Those wrap parties get a lot funner after I go home!
Morooons! I'm gonna play the King's Game now and ain't no one gonna stop me!

Get the chopsticks ready!

I wasn't totally sure myself.

But who has which number is a secret until the King gives the orders!

> Which stick should you draw…?
I picked the closest one, just on intuition.

> …It says Number 6.


Okay, but it's my first time! Be gentle…!

Aaaagh! Noooo! Heeeelp!

> You must be very careful here… Which stick should you draw…?
I had a really good feeling about the closest one to me this time.

> …There's a red mark on it! You're the next King!

Chiiieee, don't be such a party pooper… Ahahahaha!

> Everyone is staring at you…
> What will your orders be…?
In retrospect choosing based on intuition was absolutely idiotic.

God damn was that lame.

…You've had enough, right? Please? Show some mercy…
> You suffered along with Yosuke…
Kanji had finally dealt with Teddie, and they rejoined the group.

Hrmmm, let's see… Ah! Naoto-kun! I choose you!

One stipulation, though: If I do this, the rest of you must reveal "something" as well.

It's the rare situation like this that gives me call to speak of such things.

Thus, my grandfather still has a strong connection with the police and looks after me, despite my youth and inexperience.
But investigators nowadays are well versed in science and medicine, so I must further my studies.

…That's it? No punch line?
I'm not sure I totally believed what Naoto was telling us anyway, nobody's got absolutely nothing embarrassing to tell. So I don't feel bad about not answering the follow-up question.

A straight answer, please. What is your true involvement with the murder case?

And theeen, we do stuff like, "Persona!" with our Personas and beat the crap outta Shadows…


I'm going to be honest I'd been wondering this too since about the start of the King's Game because it was fruit juice for god's sake.

Whee, I feel so good… Goood niiiiight…

Lesh keep drinking 'til mornin'!

The crack investigation team ladies and gentlemen!

Thank god Kashiwagi was totally out of it or we'd never have gotten them back in.
We stopped for ramen at a place that Rise said was good near the station. Naoto came along as well, I think he's still trying to get an answer to that question from last night.
VIDEO- "Hagakure Ramen"

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When we were filming, a lot of times I came here instead of eating boxed lunches.
Huh…? You're not hungry?

I couldn't come here too often because it's high in carbohydrates, so being able to eat as much as I want is like a dream!

Young Man: Um, I'll have the Hagakure Bowl.

Oh well. This is just as good.

I think Rise's been enjoying being out of the public eye while here.

I guess if he wore that over here, he'll have to go home wearing it…

You didn't eat it… did you?

One, two… T-Ten bowls!?

I thought the trip was gonna be a bore… But now that it's over, I actually had a good time.
Hey, let's buy a souvenir at the station. I bet Nanako-chan will be expecting one.
I decided to get her a shirt, I'm not great at creative gifts.

Yo… Hey, Ted!

D-Dude… Hey, he ain't moving!
I-Is he hibernating!?

D-Don't tell me… I-It's not because he's been in our world too long, is it!?

It turned out that maybe Teddie shouldn't eat eleven damn bowls of ramen.

We shall leave you here, along with our memories of youth…
I felt bad for him so I left him enough to take the train home. The slow train.
VIDEO- "Jiggety Jig"

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Did you have fun?

Um, I wanna go to Destiny Sea too! There's this roller coaster that goes WHOOOSH into the water, and…
> Nanako is talking about it happily.
> You remember that you bought a souvenir for Nanako.

*nod * Th-Thanks!
> Nanako thanked you out of modesty…

You went to Tatsumi Port Island, yeah? Haha, I guess the city was no big deal for a guy like you.
Dojima seemed sort of worried about Naoto, which is interesting given how pissed he was earlier in the year.

Try to make friends with him, will you? He's a cocky brat… but he's honest.
The higher-ups are losing their patience with him… It doesn't matter if his argument holds water or not.
At this rate, he won't accomplish anything but getting himself booted off the team…
Adults can be a selfish bunch.
> Dojima has a kind look in his eyes…

Why don't you take a bath? Oh, but don't forget to take your stuff upstairs.
Nanako! Can you get the bath ready!?
Naoto asking what our involvement with the cases was, Dojima hinting that there's conflict in the investigation… This isn't over, is it? I have no proof yet, but now all the nagging loose ends are coming back to me. I guess there's nothing we can do but wait and see. If the Midnight Channel appears again, we'll know for sure…